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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. This President public support falling faster Than ice shelves. Even the supreme courts decisions should be blamed on the President like they did it to Riyaale.
  2. Where are the Kulmiye supporters? This is the same stuff they used to cry over when Riyaale was in power.. Even Faisal party is upset by this. 8
  3. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^All the energy you spend badmouthing one group/region or another can be put to better use by perhaps investing in what village/town you came from. ^^This is coming from the anarchist, the Al-Shabab supporter folks. Enough said...
  4. Originally posted by NASSIR: Prior to joining the Kulmiye party, he desperately tried to form his own Islamist-leaning party (Qaran), which means Nation, on a pan-Somali and Islamist platform. He and his friend Cirro were put behind bars by the former governor for a quite sometime. Starting up an Islamist-leaning party? The constitution doesn't allow the formation of a 4th party, and that's why the courts found him guilty.
  5. ^^Why am I calling you a lier in this holy month of Ramadan? You're lying...proof your claims or go home. Again and again..
  6. Originally posted by Kuun-Kuun-Laminaa: ^Most of the suicide bomber Trainers in Mogadishu come from SL. That's the point. Where did these suicide-bomber trainers take their training and become qualified trainers if not from Burco and Hargeisa, and thus the link to SL. All we know is that the trainees are from the Koonfurian and Trainers are from SL. So are you telling nothing to link the trainers to their home regions? Proof your claims..Your people just love to throw around that terrorism card. Even using that against your own folks at Galgala. Proof that most of thes suicide bombers are from SL. I don't believe you. And remember my claims against the pirates that run your region? Originally posted by AfricaOwn: I have an UN security Council report to proof this upon request ( I deal with reality, no rumors) Real Talk.
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: You're contradicting yourself adeer ...... that is the reality. I think you are scared of the truth Adeer. The fact of thr matter is there is a clear perception that Hargaysa has ilstarted a new policy of appeaement towards the ruthless Al Shabaab group led by natives of Hargaysa. You're speculating false rumor... Its true that your leaders are all crooks, pirates and I have an UN security Council report to proof this upon request ( I deal with reality, no rumors) Real Talk. A complete and utter failure these pirates can be
  8. Typical SSDF junk. Same stuff they accused the people of Gagala. No shame smh.
  9. ^^Everything you stand for is a failure. You're just not a winner my friend.
  10. AfricaOwn


    ^^ Relax and go pray.
  11. Originally posted by Thankful: Look it up, there is a thread with pic's. I admit it was a threat by them, which to be honest is very clever....either give us what we want, or we will not be part of your enclave! Why would they need to ask for anything? Think about it.. Riyaale who is from Borama mugged them and pushed the elections back multiple times right? If Riyaale can do that, another can..I say.
  12. Originally posted by Thankful: No no no, I said the most dominant in the Triangle of Burco, Hargeysa, Bebera! I never referred to clan, only when both opposition leaders were from the same triangle! Riyaale was ask to take a back up role to Egal, he was pick as pres because the blue Somalia flag would be held up if he wasn't! Since we have a President who is from Burco currently, the blue flag is flying over in Borama right?
  13. Originally posted by Thankful: Riyaale became leader because the SNM guy he was under passed away (AUN)! He then finish of his term and stole the elections and tried to postpone the following ones. I thought the SNM clans were the most dominate in the area you frequently call "NW Somalia"? How did someone like Riyale who does belong to the SNM-clans stole the elections? Sh!t isn't adding up..
  14. Is it this Originally posted by Thankful: Egal ex....Silanyo ex....Riyaale was vice president under an SNM guy and then took over the job and was replaced by an SNM guy. Or Originally posted by Thankful: On the other hand the leaders of NW Somalia are all ex-SNM Smarten up....
  15. Originally posted by Thankful: Faroole was never a member of the SSDF, he was an academic! On the other hand the leaders of NW Somalia are all it is a fair tag! Faysal Waraabe, Riyaale an ex-SNM men? You cry over our friend x of lying, and you do this? I should have let X call you out on this. Typical SSDF dude to twist stuff to their own benefit...smh
  16. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: ^^Cool my SSDF bredren. Would this be an appropriate time to label X folks "mugged ones"? Unfortunately when he was using that term against the "snm" it was a false claim. He would say anything to try to box, but his arms were too short to box. That term really does stick well against his own folks don't it? The irony here...
  17. ^^Cool my SSDF bredren. Would this be an appropriate time to label X folks "mugged ones"?
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: Likes always tend to gravitate to each other, thus hating what you term as the “SSDF” is now a common ground for both of you. That's a term for your clan? We all speak in codes don't we? You love saying "SNM" this and that. Its only right.
  19. Originally posted by Garyaqaan*: ^^^ when did it became okey for name calling oo caayda waa lafasaxay miyaa. where are the admis!!! That Mr Somalia character is probably the most aggressive when it comes to name calling. I'm sure he can handle insults thrown back at him.
  20. And to the ones that go to major US schools to major in Sociology & Psch and other worthless degrees are just wasting their time. At least come out with a real degree lol
  21. This is really scary. Forever indebted..The American Dream :confused:
  22. Originally posted by A_Khadar: quote:Originally posted by Ducaysane: Siilaayo was minister in Siyaad Barre's government too. So as Riyale farmer CID officer of Siyad (AU) and all many others running Somaliland who brainwashed civilians about the dismemberment from rest of Somalia. Lets talk about the reality of TODAY. what Somalia do you have? Its a rubbish state and they're better of on their own. Try to convince the ones that you say are brainwashed back to the union..I dare you.
  23. Have they? What are they waiting for? Who will they side?