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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^ lol who doubted Bossaso is their city as well as the city of any Somali. "deportation of more than 500 people to their homes in southern Somalia" From Bossaso...The city is for all Somalis?
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: Somalia will return and Puntland is the key. Originally posted by Burn Notice: By: Cali Caraale an optimistic lot. They have been waiting for almost twenty years without success When will Somalia return? Its been over twenty years now.
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: It will never come, that's a sime truth that no one can ignore. The restoration of your Somaliwayne Vs SL Recognition. a Vegas casino bet.
  4. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Garowe Online .......... Enough said..anything coming from the ssdf side is dismissed quick fast.
  5. Originally posted by Xudeedi: In addition to losing a golden chance that would have built a bridge of trust, PL has resorted to adopting ruthless policies of suppression and clandestine operations imposed from outside by Ethiopia. Farole and his clannish supporters have called the people of SSC and Maakhir "terrorists". They humiliated their elders while bankrolling political agents from the region to fight and discourage the genuine political aspirations of our people. [/b] Meanwhile, Thankful is paying a lot of attention to Awdal, while his ssdf boys are up to no good.
  6. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Jaceylbaro, you know nothing of me to accuse of me hypocrisy. Yes my advice also applies to the massacres that were committed against innocents Somali Muslims throughout 1988. I have friends and extended family members who related their stories and the horrors of being hunted with planes even in the refugee camps inside western Somalia where these killings are going on today. My own immediate family members have also lost dear ones. As Malika has rightly pointed to you, I was not in any position to know what was even going on, late alone to condemn anything. There is a village called Salaxley outside of Hargeysa where my uncle (my mum’s oldest brother is buried) because he had the courage and honour of saving the lives of three young boys who were rounded up to be shot. Instead he was shot by one his subordinate who was relative of General Gani because he dared to free and let escape the innocent youths. His brother who was captain in Mogadishu was also arrested and put prison without trial for simple being related to man that was considered traitor for doing an honourable act. Despite this I do not hold any ill intentions towards anyone from that clan. I wonder if you can say the same thing? Next time before you open you big mouth – I appreciate if you ask your questions nicely without presumption or presuppositions. habbeen wanaagsan - i am out. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: ha waa runta - lakiin ma kan hoos ku xusan baa ka waday? We do not believe you man .
  7. Originally posted by Thankful: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by General Duke: We are upset that you are shaming the Somali name with your incompetence and cowardice. The irony there...What happen in Sool back in October 2007? Why did Cade cry about Al Qeida? Why couldn't he just fight? Why did he promise to take back LA within a month, and still the story remains the same till today? You can't be serious.. ssdf boys are just too lame. Ethiopians whether it is the SSC a few months ago or the men who crossed through yesterday! As long as the aim is to crush Somaliland foes, I say anything goes.
  8. Originally posted by Thankful: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by General Duke: We are upset that you are shaming the Somali name with your incompetence and cowardice. The irony there...What happen in Sool back in October 2007? Why did Cade cry about Al Qeida? Why couldn't he just fight? Why did he promise to take back LA within a month, and still the story remains the same till today? You can't be serious.. ssdf boys are just too lame. You are not making things up, Cade nor has any Puntland government officer ever said that what happened in LA back in 2007 was the work of terrorists. Somebody provide this dude with the audio link from the bbc.
  9. Dallo is a great East African Airline. Don't listen to him folks.
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: We are upset that you are shaming the Somali name with your incompetence and cowardice. The irony there...What happen in Sool back in October 2007? Why did Cade cry about Al Qeida? Why couldn't he just fight? Why did he promise to take back LA within a month, and still the story remains the same till today? You can't be serious.. ssdf boys are just too lame.
  11. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Sayid Somali...You are trying to reason with dabadh!lif with no sense of shame or honor. Folks, this is your anarchist, the Al-Shabab supporter saying this stuff...
  12. The ssdf boys are upset because we took side with the people of Gagala.
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: Anyhow whats the latest news, or was this fake story to appease the Ethiopians? Maybe You should know this tactic very well dukey. What's going in Gagala currently?
  14. Originally posted by Suldaanka: quote:The weakness in the new government is that they couldn't get that information before it is happening ,,, they came to know this after they landed in the coast and they almost reached their destiny. They should reform the intelligence and do it better next time. One thing the Udub government did a really superb job about was the security of the country. UDUB was no-nonsense about the security of the country. Instead of fixing the wrongs and correcting mishaps, President Ahmed Siilaanyo recently disbanded the informal regional security council - the apparatus which acted as the ears and arms of the government in the country side and beyond. Now, that Somaliland is shaken and is in danger of becoming a 'monsters' path' (wado halaq mareen)... hence Kulmiye Party need to beef up their security credentials. Good post.. Kulimey supporters read this.
  15. He loves his sub-clan and his sub-clan loves him in return. Its a beautiful thing folks. I could care less about the dude. Fair enough?
  16. Originally posted by The Zack: ^The point is clanism should be the last thing Yey supporters want to talk about, let alone accuse it on others. They own it yacni. It is like a marijuana smoker making fun of Cigarette smoker . Nobody is argueing that the old man is a pure clanist.
  17. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Ain't this thread initiator the same dude who said Hoteel Muna was targeted because certain clan (his fellow clan members) xildhibaano slept there and that it was an inside job? And when it became apparent that was more than ludicrous idea, an outlandish claim it was. And those murdered xildhibaano who unfortunately were killed in that hoteel did not hail from where he wanted them to hail from, he changed his tune. These guys have no shame.
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by NinaNC: GD, you can twist it any way you like. I ask; Sool iyo Sanaag cagan maad ku heysaan?......aaaaaaah NOOOOOOO Even Koora . and unlike you he was honest and did not differentiate between different segments of the clan as a wholeI don't know about that. I had the wrong impression. He basically emphasised a certain sub-clan. This is probably the most interesting audio from Sharif.
  19. ^^Who believes in the Somaliwayne stuff anyways? Clan is everything, and I suggest that you play your position, get on the lane you're supposed to be on..
  20. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: To the excitable folks here: there is nothing to be rattled here. Any advice for the disgruntled folks (dukey and co..)? Ps. The speech did not focus on Somaliland. Pay attention sir
  21. Originally posted by NASSIR: His achievements nevertheless outweighs his erstwhile flaws. Subjective logic there...Barre was good to you? Cool, to each own.
  22. Puntland is the future why should you care? Serious question. I am perfectly fine with him turning Villa Somalia to 'Villa Mogadishu&USC'. Let the man carry his people and stop hating fams