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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Cawil's house is just two blocks away from my office and i was there when this happened yesterday. The guy killed the guard coz he had a beef with him on some money ... they also from the same family (close relatives). Cawil simply wants to politicize it and make himself important that he has been targeted. Thanks for letting us know that they are from the same family.
  2. Originally posted by Thankful: Unlike other enclaves who foolishly wish for recognition, Puntland has stayed loyal to Somalia's Unity. Forget about other enclaves and just focus on the development of puntland only. No one would care if putnland decides tomorrow they will breakaway. Help your own people and keep your nose out from other people affairs.
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: While secessionist hide behind bushes and Abi Iley, Puntland cleans up Al Shabaab cells, executes their handy men and is addressing piracy. In the NW they are still waiting for the Queen of Englands intervention. 1. Clean your own mess. No one is going to help you. 2. You been waiting over twenty years for your country back smh. Enough said.
  4. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: LoooooooooL@SL navy LMAO@ The anarchist coming out of the woodwork just to say this.
  5. Originally posted by Taleexi: Secessionists have no cloths, is there anything to be amused with such a tragedy? Its a jab for jab thing . We'll continue to exploit it in the future. Don't let me catch you slipping. I have no love for you, you on the other hand claim that SL is part of your country.
  6. Originally posted by Thierry Henry: I doubt these men were given a fair trial. They were guilty before the case even started Thankful is pretty big on the due process. Lets see how he responds to this
  7. ^^Nevermind, coming from where you from, I will be quick to dimiss anything that you say. Have a good day sir,
  8. ^^The onus is on you to back your claims. What historic facts are you talking about? Provide your proof.
  9. ^^When all else fails resort to BS stuff . Like I said, nothing you say is credible. You been trying hard to save the pathetic old man rep, but no one is buying.
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: Xaji: Now you sound desperate, oh I forgot you are part of the mighty SNM who called for Ethiopian support to enter Cayn and were chased out. Oh I forget your "Navy" was AWOL when the ONLF made monkeys out of you and you had to call Abdi Iley to help out. Oh I am sorry you are still part of Somalia after 20 years of dancing for the colonial masters and begging everyone. "the Child born in Addis is closer to us than the one born in Mogadishu" we know who said that and it was one of your greatest leaders. Go act brave somewhere elese. You truly sound like a broken record. Give it up old man. NOTHING you say is credible
  11. Originally posted by Daandurreey: quote:Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Dalabey history la'ogyahay (calanka meeshuu ka yimid, siduu ku yimid, qofkii sameeyay, iwm) buu rabaa inuu inaga indho tiro, whereas, Garaadka uu fikradiisa uun dhiibtay! Hade ilaah baan idinku dhaarshee 'been sheegid' iyo 'fikrad dhiibasho' ma laba wax isku dhowbaa ama la'is barbar dhigo? Ka gudub taa... AfricaAwr, stop crying over Riyaale. Work with Siilaanyo, he is your new master. Respect aan ku dhaheey intaa Riyaale sheekadiisa iska dhaato. Oohin ma loo baahno. ka kac. Stop catching feelings, so what if the old ******* in Yemen is looking like a Zombie the Flesh Eater. How is this effecting you? c'mon man. Man up. Ps. Siilanyo when is all said and done will leave as a legend.
  12. Originally posted by Daandurreey: ^^ adi niino iska dhaaf sheekadeeda, let us talk. adeer Riyaale sidii loo ceeriyeybo adi ash ma tihid aa la dhaheey maxaa ka jiro sheekadaa? weli Siilaanyo maa ceeynoosaa adi sidii in adeer riyaale soo noqonooyo? oohin lee ka bixi laadehey maalin walbo eeey dhaheen kuwo waalan. lool. istaqfuralah. aan runta kuu sheego. RIYAALE IS GOINE. He is now renting a cheap apartment in Sharjah. Not even Dubai. No way he is coming back. loool. leave siilaanyo alone. ok? good boy. Dude, you can't be serious. You expect me to catch feelings over that? I'm a lot closer to Siilanyo than I am to Riyaale .
  13. ^^Its about time you called it off. Nina by far won that debate.
  14. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: . About his illness and his fake liver i can understand some people don't really care about his health situation i mean how many old people did he kill with his Ethiopian friends. Meanwhile, zack is preaching Let bygones be bygones. Tell that to his victims Zack.
  15. Originally posted by Thankful: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by The Zack: AfricaOwn, We can agree or disagree that his poor policies caused the deaths of thousands of Somalis but that discussion is not on the table today. The man is elderly and ill, it is very disgraceful that some of us would come out and try to celebrate for that. Halla isku xishoodo adeer. His evil actions didn't effected you clearly. The Jews still curse hitler to this day, and rightfully so. Begin to wonder why his being disrespected first. but you dont want to say anything about a single person from your enclave that worked for a regime you claimed committed crimes?? Why should I say anything about a single person from my "enclave"? I would leave it for you to say that, how about that? Just as long as you allow me to disrespect the old *******
  16. Originally posted by The Zack: AfricaOwn, We can agree or disagree that his poor policies caused the deaths of thousands of Somalis but that discussion is not on the table today. The man is elderly and ill, it is very disgraceful that some of us would come out and try to celebrate for that. Halla isku xishoodo adeer. His evil actions didn't effected you clearly. The Jews still curse hitler to this day, and rightfully so. Begin to wonder why his being disrespected first.
  17. ^some may argue that his "policies" was the cause that killed thousands in xamar. Could it be that's the reason of their celebration?
  18. Originally posted by Thankful: . You don't call Riyaale former NSS station chief torturer, so no need to call AY Warlord. I choose to not call Riyaale out for that because I do not acknowledge it. You are more than welcome to call him that. I will however call A/Y a warlord. Its pretty simple
  19. Thankful: those that you see as leaders are warlords to some and that's what you need to accept. All you do is bring up Riyaale and links to nss blah blah blah.
  20. The article is written by an individual who doesn't even acknowledge SL. "That part of Somalia"? Don't make this seem like it written by a Somalilander. wrote a lot of outrageous articles about the UDub party in the past. Siilanyo will be sh!tted on, so expect that as well.
  21. Originally posted by Thankful: The whole article is contrary to what the United States has repeatedly stated both in official government press releases and through every other government official who has been asked the question. That the U.S will not discuss the issue of breaking up Somalia and that is an issue that must be taken up with the AU. I have no clue why people are so focused on the U.S who have continuously shut out this discussion. Why haven't the secessionists focused on convincing the AU to grant them independence? Asking the U.S is a waste of time! Because the US government can influence the AU puppets. SL will continue knocking that door every chance. Do you now get the clue?
  22. Originally posted by N.O.R.F: 1 Nonsense. He is attacking Dahabshil with no basis whatsoever. 2 Neither here nor there 3 Agreed (as I have stated before) 4 Something you previously accepted. Maxaa is badalay? ] 1. I think you should re-read the article a lot closer. its an attack to SL as a whole as well as that company. 4. That's not the point. I'm not complaining over the closure of that media channel, I'm trying to figure out why YOU'RE not complaining about that since you were doing this when Udub was in charge?
  23. Originally posted by N.O.R.F: Not quite I'm yet to see a proper argument against the individuals that make up the new admin. Its all been disjointed, hastily written articles without much substance. 1. The thread starter posted an article that's attacking the whole SL establishment and not your party. 2. Kulimye so far has ruined SL important relationship with Ethio (I will let brother Sul to elaborate on that) 3.Security issues 4. The closing of media outlets by the information minister. Stuff you used cry over about. Shall I continue?
  24. The old said dictator Riyaale is gone, so it was only right they resort to this stuff.
  25. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Trying to silence legitimate critical voice is one of the early signs of a bad governance. Let's allow the Kulmiye supporters explain this.