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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. ^ you're allowing someone that's probably half your age to school you? I am ashamed for you old man. You are now dismissed.
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: AfricaOwn, if NW Somalia or Somaliland is not part of the republic, why is it seeking recognition? Give us a break, and I hope that there is peace between Siilanyu and Saado. Its an independent state that's not yet recognized. SL is not part of Somalia. Somalia is helpless to do anything about it. Respond well old childish sh!t.
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: Also the President of Somalia today can not visit Afgoyee, that does not mean that village is not part of Somalia, does it now? You always have a very weak rebuttals. I always assumed that you're a grown azz man. What about the other reasons I listed? Is that also true for Afgoyee? Don't pick and choose..that's a sign of failing.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Forget SOOL adeer. Hargaysa itself is still part of Somalia. Untill you get recognition there is no issue. Tell us how are they still part of Somalia? The President of Somalia or any members from the Somalia government can't not enter their soil, the blue flag is not up, their currency is not used, their laws is void. Provide an answer in way to explain to a non-Somali.
  5. Originally posted by Thankful: No doubt he has every right to do what he wants! But from a business standpoint it would be wise to not get involved with politics. Or risk losing business! where is the competition? Face it, Dahabshill got the game on choke hold. You're forced to use the service.
  6. The President is cracking a big smile. The old man looks good.
  7. Originally posted by Thankful: quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: It is democracy adeer and people have the right to demonstrate and demand their rights ..... That is because I Know THIS Too No it is not a democracy! When this oppressed group has ZERO representation in your government or only the dominant groups makes the opposition leaders! More so when they say this Do you visit the country regularly? “The situation is so tense at the moment, that people like me trying to raise awareness of this issue would not be safe. No, and I wouldn’t plan on going.” The protest among this oppressed group is taking place in London, so you can't take credit for it and claim it is a democracy....the quote shows they could never protest in your enclave. If all sides had equal representation then you can say it is a democracy! lol@oppressed group...What makes them an oppressed group? Why is a single clan so dominant? You're insulting the folks in Sool. Stop insulting the good name of the Somalis. Like they can't build infrastructure for themselves. SMH
  8. Originally posted by Thankful: . Awdal is not the same since Riyaale left. Couple of questions on this.. 1. What was Riyaale doing so right when he was the President for the ppl of awdal to support him? He must have did a lot for that state for them to have a sudden change of heart.. 2. How awdal is not the same? How I am inviting you to come to Awdal on May 18th, 2011 for a fact finding mission.
  9. Originally posted by Thankful: Of course you "hope" because you will be half way across the world right. Don't deny the allegation punti is making against Somaliland later. Just like you did when Cade cried about Al-Qaeda helping SL to takeover SL. I actually welcome this report by them. SL should see punti for what they are.
  10. ^ ask Riyaale or our current vice president if awdal is on the bus with us. Secondly, my family is originally from Erigavo-Sanaag. Who are you to speak for the people of Sanaag? Have you ever been there? You're losing in every debate.
  11. Originally posted by Thankful: quote: allowed to eat with these people, completely isolated from society with no representation in government at all . This is precisely why the secessionists cannot get a single country in the world to recognize them. They base their whole claim on the alleged persecution they suffered and then they make a supposed government dominated by one group. Where all the opposition parties are lead by one side. Or another reason could be: Somaliland was once an independent country and agreed to join the union, and this union came to an end after the people of Somaliland suffered. That's exactly why the Somaliland case is so unique in Africa. And that's why you wont be able to defeat that argument..EVER. Smarten up....
  12. Originally posted by Suldaanka: ahem ahem. Who is going to take the pirate land seriously anyway? this is just adding to their frustrations. You mean to tell me the "Puntland Intelligence Agency" can not be taken seriously? lol
  13. Originally posted by Fiqikhayre: Best Article so far, which shockingly reveals the truth about the seccessionists covert operations in Puntland and beyond to aid the terrorists and the lies of Somaliland behind their seccession and the ignorant masses that it lies to. Good read enjoy it. Copyrighted Garowe Online Editorial. Read here I hope they're not cowards. Puntland needs to respond and I hope they try something :cool:
  14. ^In that case what's the purpose of recognizing the state of Somalia? Tell me one good thing about it? Somalia troubles include: - clan a vs b vs c - a break-away state within - continuous war (over 2o years) Face your logic, Somalia should be wiped off the map.
  15. ^why don't you advise the group from sool to focus on themselves rather. Why are you giving all the credit to the triangle clan, as if they're the only ones that can deliver? Stop putting yourself and shaming the people of Sool.
  16. Originally posted by Fiqikhayre: This is an epic failure of high proportions but the truth is that it was a major miscalculation that will backfire. Somaliland supported in the past destabilising forces in Puntland and they cooperated with Al-Itixaad in the early 90's together with the USC and even as late as 2002. Puntland goverment even has documents in 2006 whereby Somaliland's meddling and destabilising actions have been held on record. This entity is up to no good and when it comes to destabilising peaceful Puntland the secessionists throw caution and judgement out of the window. They cannot stand Puntland. What is puntland to do next? Why are they allowing these actions from Somaliland? Back in Oct of 2007 cade cried foul (the LA takeover). I suggest you stop the yapping and get to clapping your guns. Stop the chit chatting.
  17. I don't know why Libaahe and Xaji always spoil threads by entering it. I wanted hear the pirates of garowe discuss this among each other.
  18. No one is going listen to Somalia. They are the bottom of the bottom currently. Somalis are not united, so which group or clan is making that claim is the question?
  19. Layzie know what it takes to win, so go for it in 4years. Let's see how you do
  20. ^ aside ford, who was the other option you wanted to win as the mayor?
  21. Originally posted by Burn Notice: "Atom is living in Burao and Somaliland authorities have not taken any active steps against him," said a reliable source in Hargeisa, "The ONLF is an ethnic Somali rebel group active in Ethiopia with reportedly close ties to Eritrea, Ethiopia's arch-foe" "wounded fighters" arriving from "the Galgala front" are receiving medical treatment in towns under Somaliland control, including Burao and Erigavo. "Ahmed Abdi Godane, the elusive leader of Al Shabaab who hails from Somaliland, was quoted as saying that Al Shabaab insurgents "should not interfere in Somaliland until Puntland is destabilized first." Classic aricle .
  22. Abaarso Tech has been getting nothing but positive news :cool:
  23. Originally posted by Timur: I guess every moron sees his local town hero as a shaheed. Are you any different?
  24. Originally posted by Qandali: Loools the secessionists have talked and talked about Faroole to a point where they now analyse his statement word by word, the man is indeed the ruler of a powerful state, you must pay attention to what he says and your obsession is proof to that Would you compare this to Duke's Riyaale obsession? Laabshe, enough about this faroole guy. You're giving these guys too much credit. Just secretly laugh at them