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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. ^^Is the President coming to North America as well? A DC trip?
  2. Theses guys will be confused later. Just go ahead and breakaway.
  3. Let me not remind you of what yey did in the Somalia capital and how your whole sub_clan was rejoicing for that
  4. ^^ A main UN report also said the whole pirate admin are all crooks. Son, who are you to talk?
  5. Originally posted by Thankful: quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka: The small SSC militia is no match to the well armed and equipped Somaliland military just like Puntland's melitia was no match in 2007. I am pretty sure if the SSC were no match for NW Somalia's militia, your regional government would not have labelled them terrorists and asked Ethiopians attack them earlier this year. Getting down like the pirates when they called they called the people Galgala terrorists? That's something your people will do.
  6. I will send the memo to my grandfather in Erigavo. Thanks for the news
  7. No reason why this has to happen now. No force is needed.
  8. Originally posted by Emperor: Wishful thinking, as it has been a habit, every administration and so called leader must lie to the gullible people of north west. So Somalia is coming back? You're more gullible. Please have some sense.
  9. ^ its all relative, In comparison to SL or Somalia their gdp is healthy.
  10. ^^^Typical power hungry Somali. How will having the "top job" benefit the Maakhiris as whole anyways? Weren't you saying in another thread, the only reason why the Vice Preisident was selected was to tour in Awdal and that the President couldn't come there? You will be saying the same thing if next elections the people elect a leader from East Sanaag. Who are you trying to kid homie? And by the way, SL had an election. The people came out to vote for their leader. Something your people do not know nothing about yet. Your arguments are the most basic of them all..
  11. Originally posted by Thankful: quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Everything is possible in our country because of democracy Actually not everything is possible. It is was absolutely impossible from someone from Sool or Sanaag (you know who I am referring to) to win the presidency in your last (s)election in June. The only two opposition leaders came from the triangle, not a single person from Sool or Sanaag. You claim that your border stretches to their area's yet they had no one running for president. Originally posted by Thankful: the vice president who hails from Borama was sent back to his community. This is exactly why someone from Awdal was made vice-president is so he can travel to the region and reassure the people. Contradictions, after contradictions.
  12. Originally posted by Thankful: This is exactly why someone from Awdal was made vice-president is so he can travel to the region and reassure the people. Will you be saying that when we have a VP from LA? I thought you were an advocate for getting these people in high offices just to turn around and say this? WTF
  13. Originally posted by The Zack: ^did you guys get any minister? This has to be the worst question directed to SL Epic fail.
  14. Originally posted by Thankful: Originally posted by AfricaOwn: [qb] (I know what you secessionists would say, "this is a democracy") No one comes up with that bullsh!t but you. Just stop your hypocrisy. Don't ever talk about the way SL handles its business with this shit going on at your "backyard" or I will Let the public peek in to your dirty laundry. Best Regards, Governor of Sanaag
  15. Originally posted by Freedom: You and i already know Somalia is dismembered Somalis know that very well and the rest of the world knows it. Bringing Somalia & Somaliland together creates more problem than good. They can not work together, so divide them is the best solution.
  16. Thankful, Do your job, Right-click and saved these pictures. They will be used against you at a later time when you get reckless with your talks.
  17. Originally posted by Timur: I thought Ethiopia had a monopoly on Berbera. Why don't they consider the port Bosaso?
  18. ^^The people of SL recgonize SL, enough said. Others will come to that realization in time, i'm putting my all on it, and I'll watch you cry a river while I rejoice.
  19. ^^ LOL. Twist that news. Go ahead if that makes you sleep better at nights. ps. Stop attaching yourself to SL. Stop sounding like a battered wife. SL is gone, and Somalia can move forward without it. Stop disrespecting yourself and learn to walk on your own.
  20. ^^Thankful collected another epic L. His track record is embarrassing.