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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. General Duke;696629 wrote: Ina Adeer, No one cares for insulting SSC, its a movement as confused as its name. What matters is getting rid of the secessionist from SOOL and CAYN and developing the regions... What about Sanaag (Erigavo)? They'll need to kick all those people there somewhere as Sanaag is theirs to claim.
  2. General Duke;694568 wrote: Again, Puntland, Somaliland and others are not the enemy. Nor should time be wasted on them. Why are you switching up on us?
  3. Taleexi;694594 wrote: Ngonge is without clothes! An appeaser, never clear on his position. Speaks in codes, a lot of subliminal messages - dude just bores me.
  4. RedSea;687768 wrote: Wallahi this is big time ceeb! Somaliland is instigating fitna in the region. Anytime a state authorizes outsiders to hunt down members of the Religious groups in our country then trouble looms in the form of natural disasters. Ceebay Tacaal. All you ever do is complain Bro. You can't complain about Riyaale anymore . No place for extremists in SL.
  5. The Zack;685851 wrote: Mr. Somalia, no need to mention those who molest you in California's Orange County every day. You are the one who told us that. ! Like a stop at the gas station, everybody gets a handle.... ***Passes her on the Djibouti boys****
  6. General Duke;685638 wrote: ^^^lol@the Twin Cities comment, I did not expect anything else from you. Anywho the fact remains, you are at a disadvantage in every location. lol@the dirt poor Somalis in the twin cities having any sort of weight..please. All sort of bad stuff comes from the areas your people are known to be populated the most..your kids running off to Somalia joining al-shabab to small-time gangs killing each other. Step your game up....You're not competing.
  7. General Duke;685636 wrote: There are more Somali's in South Minneapolis than all those places you mentioned combined. Go jump of a cliff, and you know that this is a fact, no matter how much you spin it. Somalis in the twin cities are poor. The twin city is probably the most pathetic city in the US...Real talk. Nothing but recent refugees that came to the US are shipped there. Don't get bright with me old man.
  8. Somalina;685624 wrote: Do you have data to back up your claim that the largest Somali diaspora in America hail from PL, yaa Dukey? .. In the US? Maybe the Twin cities, Seattle, Boston (maybe San Diego) Forget about Virginia, DC, Atlanta, and Houston.
  9. Saalax;685620 wrote: Blah Blah. You should be more worried about the al shabab terror cells in North Galckayo murdering the traditional elders daily. If there is any terror cells it's non other then puntland soil. Basically... The crooks are trying to spin the news. We know what the United Nations Security Council report said about their leaders . The albshab nonesense is coming from their bitter media outlets. They are by far the single thing holding Somalia back today.
  10. General Duke;685235 wrote: ^^^Yeah concentrate on the Duke, since you have little else to offer. You're a featherweight, go push some weight first.
  11. I'm loving the clash...ever since Riyaale sat down, we have another group going at dukey
  12. General Duke;684115 wrote: For Puntland this is a non issue, for you it’s all about 1988 and that says a great deal. Confusing Cause and Effect at display..Smarten up
  13. Qodax Qorax;684088 wrote: Dukey, you dont even try to hide your clanist mentality. You never said Yeey has failed the nation or all the iniatives back then were not genuine, while it was raining mortars in Muqdishu. But now that your uncle is a refugee in Yemen and another men sits on the high chairt, he all of a sudden has "failed" the nation and the TFG is not 'genuine'. Well good reason for Somali's to trust your judgement and your "sincere" wish to 'lead' them. My point has been proven. good day. We know what this guy is all about, and his not fooling anyone. You just sarcastically wish him well, and let him hear that his pirate region is the future indeed, and keep on moving. This back and forth stuff with dukey is becoming tiring.
  14. We know that a link exists : Always use the links where you got the information from as your source. Do you get a pleasure of people asking you to provide them a link?
  15. This is another embarrassing episode for the pirates. They really shouldn't get rid of Cadde. He was the man compare to the imbecile who is charge of their region now.
  16. General Duke;682397 wrote: First of all May Allah forgive the dead and bestow his mercy on them. May he also forgive us of our sins and bestow his mercy. Zack said it correctly, he and the Somali people as a whole did not kill anyone. The remnants of the hated regime are today top leaders in Hargaysa . Including Siilanyu who was a top Minister of Siyaad Barre for 9 years, that’s nearly half the dictators rule. Riyaale who was an NSS commander and tasked with capturing and dealing with SNM supporters. Faisal Cali Waarabe was also a well known spy. Thus its absurd to attack the flag, Mogadishu and all the Somali people while rewarding the same members who directly took part in the massacre on behalf of the regime.. However no one can excuse no wish away the tragedy that took place against our people in NW Somalia. The regime was brutal and the poor innocent civilians in Hargaysa, Burco suffered as did their brethren in Galkacyu before them and Mogadishu, Baidoa and the south after.. Lets never forget the tragedy, but lets not blame those who did not partake in it while protecting and rewarding those who did.. Using Allah name in vain? You're trying to pin the people of SL together? I'm ashamed for you duke. If anything, I been told the most horrific killers of them all were not from Mogadisho, but from your backyard. No one takes you seriously old man.
  17. Aaliyyah;681113 wrote: Fool? if anyone is a fool is the person who is from somaliland yet wants to pretend here hes from sanaag simply cuz he thinks he can deceive ppl behind his pc...good luck dude! salaam you sound pathetic. Do a little homework on Sanaag.
  18. lol@viva ssc. This girl has no idea. Who lives in Sanaag? just stick to your little LA. Don't make yourself look like a fool here.
  19. ^^ Go ahead speak for the people of Erigavo, why don't you. This "SSC" stuff you're on is a joke. At least try to speak for LA only.
  20. At the end of the day - they will continue to deny Somaliland's Independence. They should use that forum to let each other know where their borders are.
  21. A hopeless cause is fighting for the idea of Somaliwayne. Somaliland at least has been been better of.
  22. The old man looks so fresh . Come to North America.