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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Peace Action;702954 wrote: Bugland (JB) oo waxad naleedahay Professor Ali Glaydh baa soo socda? Keep dreaming, as long as your secession depends on Sool, Sanag & Cayn you will not achieve your goal. But if you are reasonable and want to take your SNMLand out of Somalia, then all Somalis will agree to it reluctantly and with a heavy heart. your logic: Sool, Sanag & Cayn is inclusive What about the areas the "SNM clans" live in Sanaag? Do you expect them to re-locate?
  2. Somalina;703403 wrote: Where is admin when you need them? You're not reading what dukey is typing away? Its all fair out here
  3. ^^^ Its a damn shame. Try to get him some help, put him on suicide watch.
  4. General Duke;703254 wrote: Adeer the hypocrisy . These are your people dukey:
  5. What a silly, silly, silly idea. This one term old man shouldn't be allowed to do this. This will definitely create more problems for Somaliland because there are a lot of clan-minded folks in Somaliland.
  6. Apparently team pirates never make warlords according to dukey. Cadde, faroole, Yusuf none of them are warlords.
  7. General Duke;702884 wrote: ^^^So you are admitting to the killings of SSC civilians? thanks I love this secessionist for his honesty. He hates. where are you? All you garowe folks ever do is talk, why aren't you helping the ssc in this fight? They're like those lame kids from high school, who were never around for the after-school fights, but always to talk about what they would've did.
  8. Jacpher;702881 wrote: ^ And no Garoowe is not committing crimes against humanity. Why are they just watching while the ssc group are being killed? Why aren't they helping? You expect your brother to help you right? The disloyal folks, the instigators oughta be called out for that.
  9. The disloyal group over in garowe would want to take a credit for that. They were never backing ssc, in fact they did everything they can do to distant themselves from ssc. The opportunistic folks in garowe should be called out for that.
  10. What were the Garowe clan doing while this supposed genocide was taking place? They are the most disloyal bunches ever. The clans from "ssc" should remember that.
  11. General Duke;702724 wrote: ^^^Yeah and Riyaale was a Siyad Barre spy, that Siilanyu has sent his clan militia to kill civilians in Cayn and Godane & Afghani are an asset for the secessionists. Godane is is safe in Hargaysa under the protection of his supporters.. You're responding with emotions, wipe your eyes boy. Fact is Faroole and his crooks will be in international court facing the charge of killing the american couple..he ordered the pirates to kill after he learned that the Americans were not paying no ransom. And here you are crying about Somaliland because you're too weak to help your people over at "ssc". Pathetic I tell ya
  12. General Duke;702721 wrote: ^^^Air it out lad, that old lady is safe at home and no one raped her. Godane & Afghani are still leaders of Al Shabaab causing havoc in the South of Somalia with the support of Hargaysa's junta. Thats whats being reported as we speak.. Everyone in Somalia know that faroole and his crooks took pirate money share. Also they were behind the killing of the American couple. I'm surprised the US gov didn't gunned up down yet.
  13. General Duke;702703 wrote: ^^^lol@ that poor British woman who was held in Cadaado, you do know where that is right? However Godane & Afghani are the top leaders of Al Shabaab and they have great contacts and support amongst the secessionists... Report says she was taking to Garowe after she was separated from her husband and was ganged raped by one of Faroole sons. Let the truth be told. Wait until we air this news out
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;702645 wrote: ^^ Stuff and nonsense its all in your head dukey it's not the reality on the ground You think if you keep repeating the same nonsense it might become reality come on man don't be so naive loool I think its comical That you're responding in such a serious way. There were reports one of Faroole taking part of a gang rape of a poor british woman that the pirates captured..question him about that.
  15. General Duke;702604 wrote: ^^^I ask you to stop him touring Sanaag, ya secessionists.. Tell him to come to Erigavo. why is he scared? He was BORN in the city.
  16. Thankful;701843 wrote: LOOOOOOOOOOL First it was the enclave inspiring Egypt and now this!!! Real nations did it weeks ago at the beginning of the unrest! So then Somalia did it as well.
  17. *ANWAR*;701776 wrote: You do not understand that 3 villages will never, never recognised as a sovereign state .... if you say, you do not care about the probleme in somalia, why attack Puntland or the other clans that do not support your dream?:confused: So can the show go on without those lousy three villages? Why do you need them? You're giving these 3 villages you speak of waaay too much credit. Don't speak of them, don't pay them no mind. Somalia can walk without them I say.
  18. General Duke;701304 wrote: ^^^Better Imaam Faroole, than Warlord "I will invade Cayn" Siilanyu.. Stop crying about it. Man up, brings your gun out and face the Man. Ps. And this other stuff about working together you're on- take a hike, ain't no one is willing to work with you garowe.
  19. The guy that made the video is a fool, anti-Semitic and ignorant tool...Flag that video.
  20. Thankful;700174 wrote: Oh, is there armed conflictin Sanaag? In Cayn and Sool it has come to the point where people have taken up arms. Libaan was telling me that Erigavo doesn't belong to me and that my folks should moved to Burco or Hargeisa. The "SSC" group are claiming their land to be Sool Sanaag and "cayn". Have you seen their map?
  21. Thankful;700171 wrote: Here we go again, have you ever though Xaaji that people in Sool and Cayn realize that your indepedence goal has had zero progress since 1991? You left Sanaag out..a typo? The group is called "SSC" just for the record.
  22. Thankful;700102 wrote: A_Khadar you're right, they are not rebels, thanks for informing us!! Xaaji, please, your government has specifically blamed Puntland for what the SSC freedom fighters have done. Your regional government has blamed Puntland for assisting them! You dont' want to be associated with the "ssc-freedom fighters"? That's actually good PR stuff for puntland if you ask me..I don't know what the big fuss is about.
  23. General Duke;699927 wrote: I think they should claim all of it. It serve the secessionist right. Lol By all means I think they should claim it, why not? They shouldn't cry about what Somaliland is doing when they are doing the same thing.