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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. The Zack;714246 wrote: AfricaOwn is mostly worried about Ceerigaabo, I bet he would've supported an agenda to let go the land of SSC if his beloved Cerigaabo wasn't to be touched. My beloved Erigavo wont be touched , by who exactly? ssc? They can't even hold LA down. but that's beside the point.
  2. A_Khadar;714247 wrote: Your clan claims Buhodle, Entire Sool and majority of Sanaag which they have no control. So if ssc includes parts of Togdheer and Entire Sanaaga to it's map, it's very much same game and it's ignorance for u to be surprised if others do exactly what u were doing last 20yrs.. I'm not surprised, but why is that it seems the complaints are coming from your side? Liibaan is going crazy about the secessionists claiming to his land, when the ssc folks are doing the same thing. Its all fair then? I'm glad that you're acknowledging it.
  3. A_Khadar;714234 wrote: Milika, hint me which pic is ur of course Reer London, Job well done.. SSC and Somali Unity Guul.. Any Somali loving peace and development comes the outcomes of this conference.. AND who cares successionist haters, keep having ssc nightmares.. Your project is over at last.. It was few weeks ago when they were reporting Ali Khalif Galaydh met with s/l in Nairobia.. Allow alle. Ummm, the bottom-line as of April 24th, 2011, the "secessionists" are running the show in LA. While Sado sings a sad song in London. You're not up in this battle yet, wait to have bragging rights a little later at least, save the embarrassment.
  4. I really wanted a map of this "SSC" land they claim to come out of this conference....ahhh well.
  5. Thankful;714201 wrote: Masha'Allah The flag was first seen in the streets of Borama! Aside from the pic you have saved in hard-drive? Ps. Anticipating the May 18th events?
  6. Ps. Libaan.: I have the right to claim Sanaag before you ever will. Trust that. That's where our Sheik is buried as well
  7. All Libaan always talks about are the "Somalidiids" . He wants to let everyone know that his people are the most patriotic Somalis and the rest are not on their level. Libaan wave that blue flag like K'naan did
  8. Just play along with him. All the articles written by the pirates about the LA takeover back in October 2007 are lying. Sillanyo can't go there, so how does SL have the control in LA?
  9. Thanks for posting that, now is your feedback? I think you should start the discussion since you started this thread. Regards, AO
  10. The funny thing is, the President was in favor of multiple parties (more than the 3 we currently have), so go figure.
  11. Che -Guevara;713404 wrote: Piracy has become good business but the secessionists are kind late in the game. What did the pioneers of this game got from it?
  12. Saalax;713086 wrote: Whoever said Burco is divided is delusional it has 1 adminstration (Sland) , 1 police chief, 1 mayor etc. You can't compare it to Galckayo where there is daily clashes between opposing clan & religious groups and the whole city is divided into two adminstrations. Misery loves company they say. Just pray that God keeps you away from them, and keep a 20 lil missiles in the clip of the 5-7 just in case,
  13. Watch NG post "terribly written" just to go against the grain like he usually does.
  14. Thankful - this is really sad man lol. Really strong jealousy. LOL@ dude recycling the same pics over and over and over again. You're not proving anything.
  15. Som@li: how should the government protect them? I would like to hear this, aside from preventing buy-outs anything else just doesn't make sense for an emerging market. SL gov should focus on how they can attract more and more foreign investors to SL.
  16. Som@li;712011 wrote: You don't get it mate, There is nothing called free market, everything has a catch! It was a way invented to help the BIG FISH in rich west countries eat the small fishes in third world countries. As I said, local companies need protection. This is seriously bad news! How should the government protect the local companies? If WU can come to SL and do business and do well, don't you think other organizations might follow? And besides, Dahabshil has nothing to worry about. It will take a lot for WU to battle with them. Dahabshil brand is just too strong in SL, but you know with business.
  17. Gabbal;711698 wrote: Magaalo joog xumaan maqli jiray. Supporting Somaliland secessionism doesn't mean every event is worthy of support. There is no true free market and if you believe that, may God have mercy on you. Free market is a term to take advantage of helpless and developing countries by rich countries who developed at their own pace. If free market markets was really the case, the US wouldn't have farm subsidies while they force Liberia to open up its land to multinationals or nationalize the car manufacturing industry during the 2008 crash. It took one crash to put to test the system US advocated for decades and decades, and here you in a poor, underdeveloped society below that of even developing countries are regurgitating Western hypocritical mantra. Kula yaabi maayo, Soomaali baad u tahay. Its not that deep. Lets look at the needs of consumer (YOU) perspective: If Western Union is paying taxes - Benefits SL If Western Union is employing locals - Benefits SL If Western Union and Dahabshil are competing for your business- Benefits the people of SL. Simple as that
  18. Thankful;711602 wrote: It was impossible for someone from Sool or Sanaag to be president because they didnt even run.. But its possible for someone from Awdal to be President..correct?
  19. nuune;711676 wrote: Bad news indeed, a multinational greedy company in that undeveloped market which already is full of Money Transfer companies, I don't think this can be applied in the name of competition. sending $100 dollar to Hrageisa will have a fee of $15 dollars, where as using Dahabshiil you ONLY pay $6 dollar, be the judge If that math is correct then they'll stick to Dahabshil since their fee is cheaper . Consumers are not dumb, having options is always good for them.
  20. General Duke;711581 wrote: ^^^Yup well said, 70% for the SNM clan. Using violence to force people villages under occupation. "Now can you explain how can SSDF be more than Makhiir, Sool and Goldogob put together?" ^^^Explain this
  21. All you need is big bank account and you shouldn't have too much to worry about.
  22. Dahabshill got a competition, but this is good for consumers. SL markets is opening up.
  23. Xaaji Xunjuf;711561 wrote: Duke Somaliland regions get their Fair share in the cabinet Awdal region 3 Ministers Maroodijeex 5 Ministers Togdheer 4 Ministers Saaxil 2 Ministers Sool 2 Ministers Sanaag 2 Ministers Hawd region 1 Minister Gabiley region 1 Minister Increase Awdal and Sanaag numbers I say with the expense of Maroodijeex - IMO
  24. Thankful;711528 wrote: The SNM dominants NW Somalia. How is that even possible? Yesturday you and Dukey were claiming that they're getting "mugged" WTF? You dudes need to stay consistent with this sh!t.