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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. bilan;715664 wrote: SSC way duushay and nothing can stop the movement, so it does not matter what he says about them puntland has consistently labeled them as a terror group, but yet they want to flex their muscles to SL?
  2. bilan;715577 wrote: GD, why do you think about his speech?? Especially blaming Gaalkacyo’s insecurity on TFG, which I think is really absurd and childish. He also added SSC - stay consistent. I'm just saying.
  3. Suldaanka;715463 wrote: Ya salaam. Odeygii walee wuu duulay. Literally
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;715327 wrote: Who said Siilaanyo is not running for a 2nd Term i think Siilaanyo will run for a second term. Siilaanyo wants to be remembered as one of the greatest Somaliland leaders ever he wants to pass by the legendary cigaal. His Govt will mainly focus on development in creating jobs and infrastructure improvement. Keep in mind Africa own this is his 4th Trip, he only went to Djibouti Ethiopia England UAE and Kuwait. Its my own opinion when I say I don't think his running for a 2nd term. I believe that his not the chair person for the Kulimey party anymore, factor his age..another 5 years ? I doubt it, but we will all see. Ps. Sillaanyo adopted a lot benefits from Riyaale. Also, remember Siilanyoo was in favour for multiple parties to emerge. He sided with the Qaraan Party leaders when the previous admin arrested them. We recently saw a video of the elders from Awdal expressing how horrible idea that is. (in reference to awdal state)
  5. 1. I don't see the old man running for 2nd term after his 5 years is up. He'll probably endorse someone from his party around election time to take all his shine. 2. No political BS at the moment, the country is on a survival mode. Save that shit for later. No one from UCID or UDUB has been criticizing Siillanyo yet. Riyaale used to get a lot of shit from them when he used to travel with his wife and his personal advisor.
  6. A_Khadar;714694 wrote: I lately noticed that the ones here cry for somaliland are those said they are from Cerigabo. I guess, the project just started with them while other places like Burco and Hargaysa already hit the wall, aint going no where... Waryaara relax, ask yourselves what happened to NG, Oodweyne, Qudhac and Co.... As if Oodweyne has no ties to Erigavo?
  7. I know couple of dudes that will see that red carpet and they will lose it. put them on a suicide watch.
  8. ^^ I say you stay out of this. SL shouldn't come between them.
  9. Let's here it from the Maakhir boys, they were apparently included in the London conference. How did one sub-clan from LA ( of course excluding the Minister of Communications of SL sub-clan) hijacked the whole conference? Who are they really speaking for?
  10. Che -Guevara;714654 wrote: ^If you are from Sanaag, shouldn't you know the answers or are you that ill-informed? lol Let's talk about the ill-informed lol, read the title of the thread and comprehend. Yes I am from Sanaag, but am I reer Maakhir? As for the thread: Were reer Makhir folks invited at the London Meeting or the ssc folks decided to lead?
  11. ^^ I'm from Sanaag, so I have some questions that need answers. You as a Garowe girl obviously can not provide me an answer.
  12. Naxar Nugaaleed;714642 wrote: africa you Erigavo admin is sl. is this not circular logic. SL appoints people for their neighborhood hardly should be unexpected that what they appoint is also sl. Are you saying that Erigavo has multiple admins? Are you familiar with the area? If so, can you name an area inside Erigavo the SL admin has no control on. Let's put things in perspective here.
  13. Are they one group or two? If they're two different groups, then do the ssc folks speak for Sanaag- Maakhir folks?
  14. Thankful;714559 wrote: With this being said, I do believe that Dr Saleebaan Ciise Axmed and the SSC will more than likely come back to Puntland like Maakhir did when Puntland election times rolls around.. Why do you think they'll crawl back?
  15. Naxar Nugaaleed;714551 wrote: Xaji said why did the SSC side not present case in a SNM meeting in Ceerigaabo, really, scc should have voiced their side of the issue in a "SNM" meeting. in these statements you both display a great lack of knowledge about that region. Saalax goes one to make the most absurd with his ssc makes up 3 percent of ceerigaabo. look, I too can say SNM makes up .2 percent of the population of ceerigaabo but that wouldn't make it true would it? SCC+Somaliland= about about seven villages and a neighborhood of ceerigaabo. Maakhir= several towns and countless villages and that is the truth. go back up the mountains from which you came from landers and stop harassing people... A little contradiction there huh . I too can make the claims that Maakhir people don't really hold much weight in Erigavo. Today Erigavo admin = SL. Stop lying to yourself sir.
  16. Thankful;714485 wrote: Xaaji why does the video just cut out at the end? Is it because they were going to start to talk about the war crimes the SNM committed, like using people has human shields and executing civilians from other area's? That argument that you're making no one in SL will acknowledge it. This about Us vs them approach. You're not going to convince xaaji or anyone from his corner - understand that very well.
  17. A_Khadar;714405 wrote: The conference ended with success regarless of successionist wishes. The outcomes will be implements soon so stay tune like or dislike make no difference. Poeple decided their destiny and nothing you can do about with ur nac nac here and there...Bacaaaaaaaaaaaaaacc A bloodless revolution? Never in history.
  18. A_Khadar;714404 wrote: Bunch of confused.. The city still is divided and ur militia rules its side. Back then and now is the same nothing has change! Does your bredren Som@li have something to say about this? We need your report Som@li, any truth to what this dude is saying?
  19. Ducaysane;714383 wrote: No need for Calaacal adeer. aarsada hadaad rag tihiin. This remind you of ssc cries?
  20. *ANWAR*;714370 wrote: Sool and Sanaga.. Since you come from the other side, you forget to include "cayne"
  21. Jiiroow Bakaal;714355 wrote: Xaaji Xunjuf;714363 wrote: ^^you took the time to click on this topic and you posted a little black dwarf after searching on google and you want us to believe you don't care adeer naga daa dee:D This
  22. A_Khadar;714360 wrote: Who acknowledged finally? Me or You.. You claimed entire British colonized Somali terrotory as your rightful land since you are the queen's orphans and said "Dadkaa guuree dhulku ma gooro".. We still don't claim ur land, but our portion to control.. City of Eregavo will be sliced and u keep ur side and ssc will have it side.. If that isn't fair, tough lucky saaxiib. lol @sliced... Comical. Let us claim the entire former British Somaliland protectorate. As long as we back our claims by actions then its all good. You're doing the same with the "ssc" right? Much success to ssc , no really.
  23. Somaliland Genocide Raids 1988 by Guardian: Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, dispersed or bombed out of their homes in northern Somalia (parts of today´s Somaliland) after government military operations, which Western aid workers say, are little short of genocide. The action has been concentrated on the three northern towns of Hargeisa, Berbera and Burao where some 60,000 people are believed to have died in recent bombing raids by the government against the strongholds of the rebel Somali National Movement. Many thousands of others are being systematically denied food because Somali forces are deliberately holding up essential supplies. Aid officials said that up to 800,000 people – almost all of them Issaq nomads- have been displaced as a result of the civil war. A quarter of these, and possibly as many as 300,0000, were now struggling to survive in wretched conditions in refugee camps in Ethiopia while a similar number had been forced to leave Africa. The fate of those who can no longer be traced remains largely unknown. Several European Aid agencies including Oxfam, Save the Children and ActionAid from Britain, have been working in the horn of Africa for several years. Representatives spoke yesterday to The Guardian because of concern but asked not to be identified so that their work would not be prejudiced. Officials are talking of the partial destruction of the Issaq and of what amounts to "a great cover-up" to prevent an international outcry against the government. The Americans, they said, had not confronted the government in the way they should have done over "the horrific things", which have been happening. The US maintains a military base at Berbera on the Gulf of Aden. A US state department spokesman said last night that the "worst excesses" of the civil war had occurred last summer. US policy, he added, was not to cover up the war but to encourage national reconciliation by urging the government to talk with the rebels in the north. Until about eight months ago the urbanised population of Issaqs were concentrated in Hargeisa, Berbera and Burao. Although few journalists have been authorised to visit the area, tens of thousands of people are understood to have died during a series of bombing raids on the towns last August, conducted mainly by mercenaries recruited in Zimbabwe. "They just bombed and bombed and bombed," an agency man, recently returned from Somalia, said. Hargeisa, which originally had a population of 350,000, was 70% destroyed. Burao was "devastated" in the same raids. Issaqs who survived from the bombings are said to have been rounded up in the streets by Somali troops and summarily shot. Mass graves have since been found as well as corpses, which were left to rot in the streets where they fell. The people now living in the three towns are believed to be totally non-Issaq or military personnel who have been deputed to guard what has been retaken from the SNM. These claims, widely accepted by agencies who have been working in the country for some years, are to be investigated by Amnesty International team, which hopes to visit Somalia next month. The situation has strained Somalia relations with Britain although the overseas development administration has been heavily involved in several aid programs there. Several agencies have also had to consider their position carefully. Some have cited "impossible" working conditions, including the deliberate obstruction of food deliveries to areas in urgent need. An Australian agency, Community Aid Abroad, preparing a dossier of complaints against the Somali government, is expected allege that there have been threats against staff members and local recruits. The situation of 200,000 Somali (the citizens of Somaliland) refugees living in desert camps in southern Ethiopia is also causing acute concern. Aid officials talk of "political nightmare" and "potential total disaster area". Now, in the middle of the dry season, the camps are said to be without access to fresh natural water supplies, having to depend for minimal supplies on erratic electric pumps. In addition, more nutrition in the camps has been steadily increasing while food distribution is said to be "appalling". Food is distributed from barbed wire enclosures where would-be recipients may be forced to wait up to two days only to be told supplies have run out. Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi writes: The international community, particularly the US Military base in Berbera city during 1988, failed to avoid the killing of civilians in Buroa, Berbera and Hargiesa cities like today´s NATO operations in Libya. The military leader of "Somalia" during the genocide late General Mohamed Siyad Barre and current dictator of Libya Moammar Al-Gaddafi are identical in killing their own people. However, the NATO forces are confronting Al-Gaddafi forces to save the lives of the civilians, but, unfortunately, that did not happen in Somalia during 1988 genocide. I spoke to some of the refuges who witnessed such devastating and inhuman conditions in the refugee camps in Ethiopia, and others who lost their beloved ones in the genocide by "Somalia´s" military forces. The military operation aimed displacement where large number of Somali-Ethiopians was imported to replace Issaq population. Also, I spoke to one of the Somalilanders whom the government of Djibouti handed over to "Somalia´s" forces during the bombing of the major Somaliland cities, in order to be slaughtered. Somalilanders usually refer the criminals who participated in the killing of the civilians in Somaliland as ´******´ like General Ali Samatar. Until today, the authorities of Somaliland are discovering graveyards of the genocide victims. Picture: corpse of the victims