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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. ^^ Trust me, Somaliland is better off with no recognition then to be part of that poisonous union.
  2. Som@li;721199 wrote: ^You seem to be obsessed with my home town, Erigavo, but Yes, including them. I am aware part of the population in Erigavo are from ****. ^^You seem to think that I don't hold shares in Erigavo. I would say things, but I'll keep my cool.
  3. Som@li;721168 wrote: I agree, majority of I clan will opt for secession, and they are the ones steering this project, and they believe they will profit from separate home land. This includes the**** folks in Erigavo of course.
  4. A_Khadar;721025 wrote: Exacly.. If you can read somali, there is a saying goes like this, "Gudinyahay hadii aan badhkay kugu jirin, imaad goyseen".. Yep, Being LA in the hands of s/l is because of an internal conflict within LA clans, no more no less. Your milita couldn't come an inch closer to that city until and slowly clans in LA difragmented politically. So if it comes to the real succession, they know where their final destiny is. Until then, I consider them, employees working for their daily lives nothing more nothing less. LOL. You're all over the place. What's the internal conflict between the LA clans all about? Can you elaborate please.
  5. A_Khadar;721002 wrote: I think you need help with understanding.. Where did I show any support to s/l. If you consider hired militia is the mere support to base on facts of support, then somaliland is an existed because of Bubaa, Omaar, Kaluun, even late Tuur AUN who was once your president and many more are not supportive to the s/l and. What I said is about LA is, the local support you'are counting is the hired militia. So the hired few got you and your whole clan-line running out of town? Billan will say otherwise, she's calling your people confused, and it wasn't for indecisiveness (for SL and other for union) LA wouldn't be the focus of a debate. My n!ccs own your responsibility and stop the blame game.
  6. A_Khadar;720990 wrote: I never deny the facts. Of course to some degree, there are few men like Ina cambaashe, Xaabsade and few others with their militia who got hand from your militia to occupy the city of LA but majority of the population don't support s/lander. I am certain if this internal conflict with the clans of LA is resolved, the city will be back to its people and free from s/land. in this same thread you went from 100% show no support to SL to now majority show no support to SL. Are xaabsade sub-clan the militias?
  7. Zach admits Sanaag is shared, so what's the meaning of the "ssc" abbreviation? Sh!t makes no sense to me, so explain.
  8. A_Khadar;720974 wrote: Zack, you may argue some of Awdal community may vote Yes/No, but SSCers, 100% is NO even the employees from SSC in Hargayse when it comes to reality, they will bail out. There was only one man from ssc that believed this succession sincerely, and he was Fagadhe AUN. The rest are, likes of Xaabsade, there for their own gains.. Having the alternative, none will remain in s/l lot. You seriously think LA is occupied by force with no local support? Why are you giving SL this much credit?
  9. You guys are only lying to yourself. Come down from the La-La where you see things going down like the way you vision. Know what your weaknesses are. Go home and read the 48 powers of Law Zach
  10. Apparently Burco is up for grabs . How do you figure Zach? You guys are unbelievable. And dude above me goes to say..Awdal will vote "No" . Far-removed from reality. You're not even british-somali, so I'm puzzled why you're like that.
  11. The Zack;720910 wrote: Ibti, thanks for your input from back home. Is it fair to say that you are basing your thought on what you have seen in the cities you have visited? Could the situation be far different in the other states, I.e. sool and sanaag? e. That's the premise of his question. I think he knows that the other regions are a landslide. Zack, can you answer your own question? What would the outcome be in Sanaag and Sool?
  12. Honest to God you guys haven't proven me NOTHING. What is Somaliland missing out? The people of Somaliland has been getting mugged by elitists with a certain secession agenda since 91', show me what they have been losing. Better education in Somalia? Better Economy in Somalia? Better health Care? Peace and Order?
  13. The Zack;720808 wrote: No, other Canadian provinces didn't take part the Quebec referendum but I am not sure If did comprehend where you are going with that. What towns/gobols of what used to be "British Somaliland" are you trying to exclude here? I thought you were implying the rest of the Somalis were included in the referendum. If only Somaliland does this, then is a landslide.
  14. ^^^ Sure let the referendum only take place in Somaliland. Somalia's opinion really holds no weight. You're from Canada right? Lets speak on the Quebec referendum, did the rest of the Canadian provinces take part?
  15. Ok, we heard about SL failing to achieve recognition for the past 20 years. However, we all know that they're independent and certainly no one is denying that. Lets put the focus on Somalia accomplishments since 91'. WTF have you guys been doing? Lets hear it.
  16. Saalax;720739 wrote: Xaaji Xunjuf here is Sanaag. Magaalada Ceerigaabo ee Sanaag Oo Si Weyn Looga Xusay 18-ka May. That so called "shared" city.
  17. General Duke;720749 wrote: The truth hurts. 20 years of secessionist nonsense and no recognition, no development and nothing to celebrate other than clan delusions. During that same 20 years, how was somalia like? Have you guys accomplished anything? lol Give it up, you have ZERO leverage.
  18. Akash;720701 wrote: the majority of awdal people inside the country and the abroad support the cause of Awdal State and Somali weyn adeer,,, dadku ma rabaan gooni goosad, dhowr kani qof ee calanka Iraq loo soo dhiibay saaka waa waxooga faro ku tiris ah blah, blah, blah...go ahead and cry. We don't believe you. Lol@ Somaliwayne, what a joke.
  19. Hahahaha a lot bitter, jealous folks. SL may you live strong, and may the enemies die slowly.
  20. Go to hargaisa with your blue flag if SL is still part of Somlia you say.
  21. Alla-Maxaan-Kulayaabay;720372 wrote: ^This kid seems to worry more about bodyguards in Hargiesa than the genocide happening right now right this time in his own territory of Maakhir. Your people are being killed, displaced and you still worry about Somaliland politics. Wallee kaftankii la sheegi jiraa runa. He comes up with some strange arguments lol. Always makes you chuckle. Too much attention to Somaliland. His trying to invite SL to a poisonous union. Tell him he has better chance to defeating Somaliand if the other Somalis were actually united.
  22. Thankful;719819 wrote: I am starting to think Siilaanyo understand the importance of a unified Somalia, but he does not want to upset the deep pockets of the diaspora. Excellent news! We're assigning the boy Norf to explain this... Norf: take it away.
  23. The Zack;719200 wrote: ^LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL... Adeer you can't divide my people.. we are one nation, strong and united! A word
  24. The Zack;719194 wrote: Love that logic! Now let me find some orders to give you . As Ethiopians, we will make sure the name of the queen is not mentioned in your houses LOL. Plus, make sure that you consult us when you are naming new ministers LOL like we told u last time. 1. I`m glad that I finally got you to admit that you`re Ethiopian 2. Now I know that you`re not trying to flex your muscles now that you acknowledged that fact that you`re Ethiopian? Your people are not running things in Ethio, you`re not holding no weights. Truth hurts.
  25. By your logic, you want me to call you a Somali, so that you can be a slave as well? You can't reason well - lol. Face it homie, ONLF is in Ethiopia, and that's a fact.