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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Sh!t is not settled yet. Enjoy the read from the New York Times.
  2. NGONGE;722458 wrote: Still, since the Somalis insist on arguing over foregone issues, we may as well oblige them and send in a low level representative to argue the case; Xagaa iyo AfricaOwn please. You and Ibti and Norf really hold each other down very well . Relax...Old man. Cut..... tendencies, and hiding behind the sarcasms and the fake smiles.
  3. Taleexi;722455 wrote: AfricaOwn: That is not your business or is it? Be accountable my dude. Get your people stuff together first. You're not even in a good term with the pirate state when you guys are both supposed to be flying the blue flag and belong to the same clan. Cease all the barking backward debates.
  4. A_Khadar;722444 wrote: Ibti, habo, with no specific one post from all yours, you tired sp hard to be a persuasive and approach to matter in a respective ways, but failed in many parts by having in one sentense that ssc can't survive without s/l (clan) same as somaliland either yet promoting that saperation from the rest of somalia.. All ssc supporters here are saying to you we (somalis) all need each other from Lawyade to Dhoobley.. So keep the family together. If one is down now, in the case, the south, let us help to get it up. Lets see a united ssc group first. Isn't that simple enough? Don't worry about uniting with others yet.
  5. 'Liibaan';722308 wrote: We have videos, pics, elders speaking out from Awdal, ! I would like you to show me this.
  6. 'Liibaan';722302 wrote: Awdal, Maakhir and SSC people have nothing to do with the clan session and so-called Somaliland. Because Awdal, Maakhir, and SSC people don't want to be part of snm/Somaliland. Hi warped logic: Only the "I" clan are the secessionists and others are totally against it. No matter what you show him (the videos, pics, elders speaking out) his locked to that position . He wont accept divisions within the Sool clan, Eastern Sanaag which includes its capital fall under the control of SL, and there is no doubt about Awdal. Let the facts on the ground speak and let Liibaan be emotional on SOL. You have a right to your opinion, but you do not have a right to create own facts.
  7. 'Liibaan';722273 wrote: SNM/Somaliland, Puntland, Awdal, SSC, Maakhir, Galmudug, Udub, Kulmiye, and most somali political groups are basically Clan based entities. Only Shabaab is not based on clan. ^^^ This is who we are arguing with folks. Ibti wants the "trolls" to dedicate essay to this stuff.
  8. 'Liibaan';722266 wrote: Awdal people don't want to be part of SNM/Somaliland and they don't support the clan secession. If Northwest/Togdheer want to have their own Clan-State called "Somaliland" and leave United Somalia, that is fine, we wish them Good luck and Bye. How do you figure that awdal wants out? Are you serious with yourself when saying that? Have you not seen the Awdal elders speak about this or the events that took place in Borama last week the 18th of May? Stop being emotional, come to your senses dude.
  9. *Ibtisam;722110 wrote: JB: People of Somaliland, Somalia, or Somali Speaking nations (nationals)! think wholly being part of a region. the question is what will benefit all?, after all Somaliland does not exist in an empty space and impacts others. Is Somaliland’s independence detrimental to the people as a whole? inside and outside of Somaliland. What is the reason for objection to Somaliland’s self determination? Is self determination a natural right? If yes what about people who object to Somaliland, IF no, then explain Somaliland! Pursuing these line of discussion is healthy and needed IF somaliland was to move in either direction. The fact you think it is useless is worrying. It is also more productive than my clan is better yours. I think you just like playing the devil's advocate. I notice that you like to argue for another side in the debate just to test people positions. You don't say what you say in good faith. Stop the gimmicks Ibs.
  10. *Ibtisam;722082 wrote: I just read the list again and it looks like I've excluded everyone I would've liked to see a debate with the following components and opponents. Pro-SL: North, Ngonge Interesting you picked the new-born Somalilanders. Norf was on "my uncle or no I wont be supporting SL " stuff for a long time. Dude even used to support Al-Shabab (I can bring those threads back Norf) and NG was just a sarcastic dude with a lot of cheap subliminal shots who would sit on the fence for a long time. The only time they showed up is when Burco was involved in talks.
  11. Che -Guevara;721760 wrote: loooool....who knew you were little f@ggot Isn't this the same dude that cries about respecting the site rules? hahahaha. You finally had the balls to say something huh? You never said what you do for living Che. What exactly do you do in Boston? I'm curious
  12. G.O.E.T.I.A;721831 wrote: good pics and celebration but it's time to walk the walk, Personaly I wouldn't mind funding a mujahidin group. We need our own Myrmidons. God bless Awdal State of Somalia. I dare you to do something about it
  13. Freedom;721873 wrote: I have two questions for the so called Awdal State supporters, some please help to answer them. 1. Adwal is in the far end of west of somaliland, it next Djubuti and in the west and on its easter side is Somaliland area where the" I" clan are the majority. So how can Adwal connect with the rest of somalia if a huge area of land between them is Pro-Somaliland. In the case of SSC the are closer to somalia distance wise and Puntland but not for Adwal. So will the Adwal group that support a state on their own build a big bridge over somaliland to Somalia proper or will they have to pay few or charges for crossing. . I hope they choose to answer this.
  14. Obama Endorses 1967 Borders for Israel From the New York Times:
  15. Thanks for entertaining me while I was getting a fresh cut at the barbers. The SL events is going on this weekend for us. Its Friday night, no date fellas? Leave the politics section for a bit. Goodnight.
  16. Jacaylbaro;721737 wrote: Loser .......... . Why is he a loser?
  17. ^^ its fun to clown them. They're emotional bunch. Lol@ssc. Che: you will never amount to anything. All you do is hop on my jock from thread to thread. What do you do for living?
  18. Valenteenah.;721708 wrote: ^ That question will definitely come up. It does in every thread. Idinka waad qosleysaan but I genuinely worry about the boy when I read some of his posts. You should be embarrassed for your clan- men. Never mind about me. I bet you shiver whenever you read khadar and libaan posts. That rigavo stuff is a bait to them, you should know better.
  19. ^ I just find their position to this whole ssc debate kinda pathetic. Grown men that are unable to reason well, that sh!t is something to be concern about. Some these men have families and lead family.
  20. Taleexi;721640 wrote: If you omit the s.h.i.t elements, your remark may resonate and have a positive impact. Of course you never resort to that right?
  21. The Zack;721632 wrote: If they unite it would be a disaster for you and you will kiss the secession goodbye. I am just keeping it real. Wh yare they barking at SL then? Think about that. Shouldn't they try to get their sh!t together first? Are you guys missing the common sense sh!t?
  22. Are they one? There is no way others can exploit a united SSC group I would think, hence no reason to cry about SL.
  23. OdaySomali;721435 wrote: ^ I agree with much of what you say." Only through mutual respect and, with modest discussions from both sides can emancipate ourselves from this self-inflicted wound". Amen to that. As for my comment. Firstly, I never said that the exchange of insults was one dimentional, so don't put words into my mouth. I have witnessed and observed the exchanges between the two camps but you have to understand my view of the current situation to properly interpret my comment. My comment then, was based on what each party is trying to achieve and where they are currently positioned. The situation, if we are looking at the facts, is that Somaliland wants recognition and Somalia wants Somaliland re remain part of Somalia. Both are in difficult situations but one more so than the other. IMO, in this case the burden of convincing Somaliland is on Somalia. Let alone doing this but Somalia itself is divided, in turmoil and fragmented. If one adds, on top of that, insults, threats and other such behaviour then the aim to convince Somaliland will fail. My point is that Somaliland is not trying to convince Somalia. Secondly, if you go to the person you're trying to convince/negotiate with, with assertions and preconditions that that reek of arrogance when your shoulder-deep in shit yourself, fundamentally challenge the person and everything he stands for and lastly add to this insults and humiliation, it simply is not going to work. Excellent post. What you wrote is a simple concept yet they just do not get it.