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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Regardless, I think dude is fun to listen to. During Obama 08' campaign he was on rampage defending him. Sorta reminded me of dukey with yey.
  2. The benefits of being in the banking sector. I can't really knock their hustle . Enjoy the read. Credit Suisse Group AG (CS), Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) and Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc (RBS) each borrowed at least $30 billion in 2008 from a Federal Reserve emergency lending program whose details weren’t revealed to shareholders, members of Congress or the public. The $80 billion initiative, called single-tranche open- market operations, or ST OMO, made 28-day loans from March through December 2008, a period in which confidence in global credit markets collapsed after the Sept. 15 bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Units of 20 banks were required to bid at auctions for the cash. They paid interest rates as low as 0.01 percent that December, when the Fed’s main lending facility charged 0.5 percent.
  3. Pay attention to the "Right of Return" Ps. Mr Cain works for MSNBC now (big surprise? hardly)
  4. What do you expect dukey? Its a report on piracy. You know SL has nothing to do with it.
  5. Money over Bullsh*%$ . That was always true. Stretch your money out.
  6. Very interesting. A lot of those companies I see can be easily swallowed by corporate raiders. They're surviving because of the unique markets they operate from.
  7. Som@li;723765 wrote: Instead of complaining , Puntland should be defending its regions, If it considers these are Puntland regions, else Shut UP! That's that Erigavo side of you. Stop the singing and do something
  8. Somalina;723743 wrote: Awoowe, you are definitely a good neighbor then. that's the only picture available? I wont examine the validity of the picture just yet. I need to see more, and sources other then pl? Can that be done?
  9. The world knows the predicament Somalia is in. Others see this as one clan crying about another clan, and that's it. Nothing out of the ordinary since 91" folks.
  10. What do you guys think?
  11. ^^ what 3 cities? My folks are from Sanaag . Should I pack to move to Hargaisa? Ps. I honestly look for my own interest ( money, and my close family is what matters to me). SL is better than your option.
  12. How am I "qabilist"? I just go with what works and SL works better than your proposal. I'm in it for my own interest Aaliyah. What about you? What has your clan done for you?
  13. Lol@ apologize. You're such a champion for the cause Aaliyah. What has your clan done for you? Oh and are you going to apologize in behalf of mr barre? His from your D clan you know lol
  14. ^^ what has your clan done for you lately? Those that support SL are all for self interest, a system that works far better than the other option. I bet you have neighbors in TO that are reer sool and they don't give a....about you. Get off that clan BS.
  15. Malika;722914 wrote: ^Water or Acid to go with that bitterness? btw you sound like that dude Africanow, you both sound like parrots stuck in an ecoed cave ... You just don't want to hear that side of the argument. Why don't you to try answer it? It will prove how foolish the ssc position is I bet. It will keep coming up again and again.
  16. OdaySomali;722551 wrote: In your moment of attempted defence mode, you have inadvertedly confirmed that you're a tribalist, which was clear for everyone to see anyway. LOL hence my question to him. I'll be interesting to see how he responds to it.
  17. 'Liibaan';722549 wrote: snm/Somaliland, Hiraanland, Puntland, SSC, Maakhir, Awdal, and Glamudug are all part of the problem, The solution is United Somalia, . Why is SSC part of the problem? I thought they were already for the united Somalia?
  18. If worst comes to worst, SL will claim to those lands for bargaining chip purposes. Independence for parts of Sool and Sanaag, and we can call it a day.
  19. Malika;722518 wrote: Ha Ha Ha @ Taleexi, Libaan and Khadar idhika igu daraan baa - what a waste of time - arguing with the blind and deaf. That's some ironic stuff Malika. Have you seen some of their posts? Awdal is 90% for unity? the emotional outbursts is comical.
  20. Abokor Omar;722512 wrote: If bribing is not working today and they are choosing unity to a country on it's knees, it's a waste of money and time. Simply when Somalia is able they will bolt for the door and laugh all the way to Mogdisho.. It's a short sighted policy. Economic persuasion is supposed to always work in my opinions. The money is not right if this isn't working. SL is very poor to begin with. They have to find a way to win the people over.
  21. Using individual, social and economic persuasion techniques is the best. I believe everyone has a price. Clans politics is meaningless and they will soon will find out.
  22. Take it to the so called disputed regions. Far too many folks here past their opinions and create their own facts on the ground. This is a effective way to sell your side of the debate to others. It will be a hot sell l. If you're seeking a distribution - PM me.