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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. women rights? lol, wtf. I wasn't talking about that. No need to bring that up. Prove a link between human released Co2 and the temperature variations and my man, I will sit down after that.
  2. ^^ But wait..can you counter his argument? There are a lot of academics/scientists that back the claim that says man-made global warming is a myth. Who are you to be laughing at him? What do you know about the natural changes with the earth? Science is too high level for most laymen to ponder with competence.
  3. ^^^ He doesn't vote, but goes on the to complain later? He may have some validity to what his complaining about, but you lose all credibility by calling the US president a "terrorist" I think.
  4. Xaaji, What feud this? What is the article you posted talking about exactly?
  5. I guess you are all familiar with Lupe's controversial comment. (the video shows a clip of it) Here is a Cenk Uygur on Lupe Fiasco's Obama comments.
  6. Jacaylbaro;728125 wrote: Abaarso Tech is for everyone .... it is a boarding school and can accommodate anyone interested in eduction. Great website by the way. JS is supposed to bring some of the kids to Boston area to visit Worcester Academy. The Students were pen-pals to each other.
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;728024 wrote: Looks very nice but i do not like Dr Ahmed Hussein Ciise. Lets not discuss the man here. He maybe related to SOL folks. Who knows
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;728027 wrote: No not really there are about 22 Ministry's right now rayaale had over 40 not to forget the deputy and the so called state Ministers That's a huge size difference I say. Where did the cut backs come from? any idea.
  9. ^^I know you're not questioning my intellect after you admitted that you did not know what a postgraduate is? Hhaha. Are you serious? What school did you graduate from again? lol. How old are you son?
  10. Looks really professional. What do you guys think?
  11. An interesting read about the way you process your thoughts. Its a long read but worth it.
  12. So JB, you ever go out east? How is the drive to Erigavo like?
  13. Alpha Blondy;718341 wrote: You see it exactly this voyeuristic mindset, that really upsets me. I mean, what did you expect IBZ? I would prefer it very much if you stop labelling people and interacted a little more with your surrounding. find purpose in everything you do. don't you dare think that you can come here and categories people with you lack of knowledge of local customs and ways of living. I've decided unless you change your negativity, I will not meet you. God, imagine the public outrage you'd cause. I'm glad someone had to call her out for that.
  14. The Zack;727883 wrote: What post graduate? I know "Graduate", I also know "Under Graduate". I have no idea what post graduate is. Epic fail Ps. Just completing a Commerce degree. Oday Somali, are you in North America? What schools are you interested in to complete MBA/Masters?
  15. A_Khadar;727167 wrote: Keep questioning like you matter. I'm trying to understand the cries of your people. Keep crying about the situation then.
  16. A_Khadar;727125 wrote: Any post you submit must say Sanaag. Why is it difficult to understand that Sanaag is shared region and no one claims the part of your pie.. Or you only know one type of claiming which is the norm with your lot and it's if you claim you owned it all... Easy mate no one is claiming your tuulos in Sanag. If parts of Togdheer can be split to create "cayne" then why can the ssc group do that for Sanaag to avoid me questioning this? You guys have no answer at ALL.
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;727102 wrote: Africa own these people will never give peace a chance their aim and purpose is drag Somaliland back to Mogadisho even if Somaliland allowed Border demarcation they will not accept that because these people will not rest till they achieve the destruction of Somaliland. Thus the Somaliland people will not allow the dismemberment of Somaliland At the end of the day if SL fails to convince parts of Sool that wants go with Somalia then respect that (majority) then they have to respect that. You can't force these people I think. Their claim to Sanaag is comical though.
  18. Xaaji Xunjuf;727090 wrote: sounds reasonable to me of course is reasonable. They'll come back with the typical response " no, stick to your 3 cities" lol. Its a basic argument, but they often overlook that. SSC group are claiming other folks land let's talk about that then.
  19. Can we break Sanaag up? From pro SL side to Pro Union side? Can this be done for peace to have a chance?
  20. The system of government they will adopt after this is what I am more interested in, Egypt as well. There is no way the system of democracy is going to work in the middle east.
  21. ^^The whole cabinet needs to be gone if they're serious about change. Getting Saleh alone is really not going to do anything. Imagine the arabs embracing democracy? Yemen future = looks shaky as power struggle intensifies. Yemen is totally gone I think.
  22. Power vacuum in Yemen. eventually mean another dictator in power, its a vicious cycle.
  23. The Zack;726233 wrote: You were saying ssc are to blame for this issue, I am saying no SL is part of the problem. I think we are on the same page now. The thread is called "Puntland Administration's Betrayal of the SSC People" and that's the stuff you're focusing on?