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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Qandalawi;751540 wrote: Lool @ literate people and discussion, you make it sound so scientific but rather 15 pages of senseless argument. Basically
  2. Jacaylbaro;751177 wrote: There is more into this visit .............. Explain?
  3. Naxar Nugaaleed;750810 wrote: Also, in a city of 100k+, its not hard find 30 supporters as those pics clearly show. A while ago, you said Riyaayle forced out 55k+ from LA. The numbers just don't add up.
  4. This dude is always salty. The UK Landers must be abusing this dude. Come to the US man, specifically to Minnesota. You will get a lot of love here.
  5. Having Isreal, the US and the EU as well as Indonesia, Malaysia , China as an ally is a better option. All the Arab nation's can go to hell.
  6. N.O.R.F;747963 wrote: Help? Is that what you want? Dee help yourself. Maxaad ka rabtaan? Actually you brought up this Arabs help us, so we should like them BS. No one wants their help. Arabs view you as inferior, a scum bag just by being an African. That's the reason why I and others say we despise them.
  7. N.O.R.F;747954 wrote: ^90% of all food and fuel is sent by Somalis living and working in Arab countries (mostly in UAE) where they are able to own businesses and make money. But you don't really know that. Usheeg odayga They have been living those countries for years and yet still without a citizenship...what a shame. Its not our people's fault. I'm sure they do all they can do to help.
  8. Somalis have some self-respect. Truth be told; Arabs see all blacks as scum bags. Show no love to those that show you no love.
  9. Norf, Are you not aware of how Somalis/Blacks are treated in the Arab world? Look at what's going at Libya today, in Saudi Arabia. Don't be so naive because you're making your little money over there. Understand that the Arabs got NO love for you. That being said the opportunity to make money with them is open for me. As they say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer.
  10. ^^ Lies, Propaganda and Money makes the world goes around. Its 2011, get with the program. No one hearing all the stuff you say.
  11. xiinfaniin;746267 wrote: Gheelle this is a big setback no doubt, no matter how folks like Carafaat sugarcoat it. Twenty years has passed, and the only thing secessionists can show for all the noises they've been making is a tilted relationship with Ethiopia, which puts them in a strategic disadvantage. . Nicely said under the guise of a fellow Somali "brother". You want SL to be invited again to your misery? What has Somalia accomplished during that 20 years? These pathetic selling points need to cease asap.
  12. ^ We also know that Somalia has lost momentum and is no where near the union you wish for.
  13. Doing it correctly? 30 days isn't enough for you, what is the correct way of handling this situation?
  14. NGONGE;744435 wrote: Why should a poor xamaal that worked his backside off for ten years in (and for) SL have to suffer deportation just because of the whim of some shortsighted and xenophobic Somalilander (or even for the patterns & policies you speak about). Sure, let 10 poor "xamaal"s in, no, make that 1 million poor xamaa's in from wherever. At what point do you say, enough is enough?
  15. NGONGE;744418 wrote: ^^ Did I not tell you to stay out of my way, little kid? If I pick on you you'll only cry off about my age again. And, no, I don't agree with the news. I think it's foolish and needless. SL does not have the ability to stop immigrants from sneaking into its territory and therefore all this gesture politics talk of deporting people is nothing but a waste of time and resources. Now are you man enough to counter my points without employing your usual girly habits of saying "OMG this dude is soo fake, etc, etc"? Bal car wax la kaalay, ciyaalkaad tahay cun. Bring it, child, bring it I say. Worked up? You're something like a Seethrough lingerie. We can see through the lines you write. Seriously old man, sit down somewhere lol. This is not about SL inability to stop immigrants from sneaking in. This is about establishing a pattern/ policies that should be followed. The US still have problems with immigrants from Mexico from sneaking in.
  16. ^^Another fake post huh? You can always count on this dude to go against the grain.He probably agrees with the news, but just types a bunch of bs constantly. SMH
  17. ^^ Exactly, having 3 parties qualify to become national political party will be a major issue. I really hope for the best, but we can all expect drama to come out of this. Gaboose now is relying on his sub-clan to make him president, another will do the same, and another.....
  18. This will be a disaster. They should have kept 3 party max. This president will be remembered for signing this when things go wrong.
  19. Of course we all suspected this. This is what you get by the formation of more political parties. Our President was in favor of this then and I wonder if he feels the same way today? ********************************************************************************************************** HARGEISA(SomalilandPress)– Somaliland’s interior Minister Dr.Mohamed Abdi Gaboose has resigned this evening to concentrate on running his own party. The Minister held a press conference this evening in the capital city where he declared his resignation and his intention on forming his own party. Dr. Gaboose’s resignation comes just as the president Ahmed Siilanyo was returning back from China where he signed a trilateral agreement between Somaliland, China and Ethiopia. The government has not spoken about the resignation of the interior minister as of yet, however source close to SomalilandPress have confirmed that the president will accept the minister’s resignation. Source:SomalilandPress
  20. Is the stock momentum priced? Are any of you dudes investing? If you predict something to come out of this, put your money on it, always think of getting paid.