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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. ^^You're from the bitter clan of garowe, I can tell you're mad...calm down. Goodnight Sir.
  2. burahadeer;767505 wrote: Somalinimo And "Unity"
  3. Dr_Osman;767495 wrote: The somaliland shilling is the problem, my aunt was telling me they place the shilling at the same level as the dollar which makes the commodities way out reach for the avg person. I suggest hargeisa change its fiscal policies immediately and in the mean-time we need to help these people Advise your aunt to move to Bosaso then....
  4. General Duke;767446 wrote: M you are posting from the Diaspora as usual full of anger and envy. P. Lets remember that saying when speaking about all cases, all cases, all cases,
  5. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;767429 wrote: At least 'Happy Holidays' ama 'Season's Greetings' iska dheh. That's the more correct greetings here in North America..Jac is from another part of the earth, so he might not know better.
  6. Akash;766914 wrote: lol. those people are not from Awdal State, You and Aaliyah are from Awdal right? lol That bitter ones were crying, "LA, LA, stop the massacre" of my people, wahh, wahh, wahh, not too long ago Fakes
  7. ^^ Show her the pics from last May 18th celebrations around Awdal. These west pics are filled with people like Aaliyah who attend these meetings. What matters the most is what the ground situation is like...Bottom-line.
  8. Thankful;765702 wrote: It appears that the roles are changing, it's now the secessionists that must rely on the diaspora's support rather then people on the ground. Also, these women with their gold jewlery do not resemble the same economic status as the disenfranchised young adults who protested in Borama. None of them are probably from Awdal! Boy stop being bitter.
  9. Where is the "Somali Unity" people? lol...Aren't these people waving the blue flag together?
  10. ^^General Tani is very respected, I'm sure the President and him worked out a deal behind close doors to defuse the situation. I don't really see any bad blood here (I hope). They need to give that vacant position to a General from Awdal I think. Be smart about this sh!t.
  11. ^ What a joke! If you really had a unity, Somalia wouldn't be in a the same sh!thole for the past 20 years. Your beef is about X clan is doing better than Y clan, so you hate. Your clan doesn't even get along with the main clan in Mogadisho.
  12. Dabrow;764392 wrote: Well its true, every thing is divisible, but somali unity is the ultimate wish of all somali people. Even if Ocaden is divided from Somali unity today its not the case tomorow, somali unity secures somali people survival in the future of horn of africa. They are more voices for somali unity then against it.Therefor shall remain one. Deal with it. "somali unity is the ultimate wish of all somali people" What a BS, stop Lying, you're a grown azz dude. Why were Somalis killing each other for the past 20 years? What's going in your capital? What's with the clan rivalry and will it ever end? I'll give you an advise, come close son: Stop hoping and wishing...The only reason why the salty ones are against Somaliland is because they're in a better condition than your own people, this has nothing to do with "Somali Unity" because YOU don't even believe that Somali Unity crap. There is no Such thing as Somali Unity...You don't even need to go to Somalia to see this, look at the community in your own western city. Smarten up... Peace
  13. Siciid1986;764381 wrote: The first guy was basically crying? Burco - What a cry babies lol.
  14. Jacaylbaro;763272 wrote: Sanaag 0 - 0 Togdheer At least we never lost to them.
  15. Dabrow;764386 wrote: lol I Can't elieve it, either but he is making more sense then the landers.. The somaliland project is in deep waters, we can only hope for peaceful solutions, "Remember, "EVERY THING IS DIVISIBLE" and you agreed that it makes sense, so what's with the Somali unity crap?
  16. Thankful;764217 wrote: Where is our secessionists friends? It's strange that they have avoided this thread. I've seen them posting on other threads today. Also, I am certain all have visited this thread and watched the iconic video's. I I'll be back next time Bossaso or Garowe is burning...I'll anticipate that soon.
  17. Oh, noooooooo. We're the first team to lose Congrats to Hawd.
  18. Fellas, Can we please get the break-down in English? Thanks
  19. Would Israel shake hands with anyone that denies their nation hood? Somaliland probably will never come to terms with anyone that denies their right to self-determination, nationhood. Once you accept Somaliland has gone, then Somaliland automatically becomes your friend, until then you're enemy to the state.