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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. *^^ Pack your stuff to garowe,
  2. Dervish;778085 wrote: Smh still focused on khaatumo huh. We will NEVER join Somaliland get that through your thick skulls. Somaliland attracts the weakest and most money hungry individuals from our people and showcases them to the world like they have an ounce of clout. Once u join somaliland you are a dead man walking We? who are YOU? There are locals in LA that are with Somaliland. Get that through your thick head. You can join your brothers in Garowe if you want, you wont have place in anywhere in Somaliland.
  3. Xinn, Stop the nonsense.. Speak on the division between the locals are that are causing the problem. [quote=Fiqikhayre;778129 Sool especially abused Laascaanood, mind you abused by its own people (of which we're a part of it if we speak in larger term). But the core issue lies with the residents of Laascaanood themselves, Galayr alone will not solve this issue.
  4. ^^ Lol@ 3 towns, get a reality check and see where they are controlling as of today. Please cease the silly gimmicks.
  5. Those puntland boys are not going to do anything. They're in dilemma right now, they're looking to strike it rich for oil when there is instability in the region. Its not in their interest to do anything right now. They can sit and watch as situation unfolds.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;774982 wrote: Isaga is ilawaay:D His worrying about Awdal, and his quick to forget about Maakhir? Doesn't add up
  7. NASSIR;774974 wrote: . Awdal State is coming so is the State of SSC. You didn't include Maakhir state?
  8. A_Khadar;774968 wrote: ^^ There is no such soldiers from Buhodle fought for your clan militia.. However if that is the propoganda you told, continue to intertain yourself. Proof me wrong then, show me, validate it.
  9. This means on the next press release from (NSUM, they wont be crying right?
  10. A_Khadar;774943 wrote: AfricanOwn, go back to read the news posted by JB, XX and Oodweyne if the otherside you said has the story. Your militia invited to Buhodle inside SSC and tried to capture Buhodle.. Your mates were celeberating here all night but no reality hit them and all disappeared. The left ones left and Salaax who is clueless but keyboard beater.. This was a mere aggression and bases of underminning what this community is trying to do which is Taleex outcomes.. Now Buhodle stands free after your militia attacked.. Hope only that this war won't spead to every where. Are the soldiers from Buhodle that fought for SL an oustsiders? I don't think so..
  11. NASSIR;774932 wrote: Mr. Siilaanyo is now the Frankenstein of northern Somalia. The whole world now witnesses the naked aggression of the secessionists and the raw exercise of destructive "power". You see it as "naked aggression of the secessionists" . Everybody has their story to tell, the other side are saying the terror group began this work. Who is able to prove their case the best to the whole world?
  12. Dervish;774918 wrote: 30 SNM rats DEAD 0 SSC locals DEAD Dervish;774925 wrote: Lol According to who? Say it
  13. Abokor Omar;774903 wrote: Silanyo jumped the gun. He should have waited for the outcome of the meeting or showed his disapproval from the start. To act now in my view shows indecisiveness. I thought his handling of the Kalshaale incident was below average also. If Siilanyo is a one term president as his claiming, decisions need to be clear and firm. I totally agree.. Some in his government admitted that they supported the meeting. Wrong move, but I think the people of SL should support him regardless.
  14. N.O.R.F;774827 wrote: Recently discovered one in the local mall, Not sure what the fuss is all about though. Costa Coffee, the small Ethiopian joint near my old office or a cup of Turkish coffee at the local cafe ayaa la qaatay. Canadians are just familiar with it since Tim Hortons is in every block in Canada, but the coffee itself isn't that great.
  15. bilan;774904 wrote: some people are really fools, i cannot even understand their logic, SL was defeated not even by real army, but local civilian people, and all the sites are showing tens of dead bodies of SL militia, i want to ask JB and others why are their boys dying in Buuhoodle, what did they gain other than death. this is good for SSC people, it will unite them more than ever, now they know how weak their enemy is. The talk of SL "slaughtering" the people is a bogus then, you just confirmed it.
  16. Somalia;773676 wrote: @Oodweyne, do not blame the player, blame the game. The study is clearly blaming the players, Ood is hardly doing that.
  17. New research suggests piracy has led to widespread economic development in some parts of Somalia. The study, published by British think-tank Chatham House, looked at detailed satellite imagery. Regional centres have benefited from substantial investment funded by piracy, but coastal communities have missed out, the report indicates. International naval patrols in the Gulf of Aden are making it more difficult for Somali pirates to launch attacks. However, at least 40 vessels and more than 400 hostages are still being held in or just off Somalia, according to the Ecoterra International group which monitors piracy in the region. A two-decade civil war in Somalia has allowed pirates to flourish. Some of them are former fishermen who say they were put out of business by trawlers from around the world taking advantage of the power vacuum to fish in Somali waters. map The study suggests a land-based solution is needed to tackle the problem. Report author Anja Shortland used high-resolution daytime satellite images and also looked at night light emissions throughout the decade starting in 2000. The night pictures show a significant increase in light emissions from centres such as Garowe and Bosasso in the semi-autonomous Puntland region where most of the pirates are based. This suggests an increase in electricity consumption because of economic development, the study says. The increase in the highest intensity light spots in those cities came despite a general decline in intensity across Somalia, which Ms Shortland attributes to global food and energy price rises and renewed conflict. None of the pirate communities on the coast appeared to have enough power, she observed. Shared benefits Analysis of daytime satellite image showed that Garowe almost doubled in area between 2002 and 2009, with significant housing, industrial and commercial developments. Many houses were newly built or repaired between those dates and a much larger number have vehicles parked outside. The key pirate centres of Eyl and Hobyo, by contrast, showed evidence of only limited and relatively small improvements to their infrastructure. graph The report concludes that significant amounts of ransom money are spent in the regional centres, with the benefits being shared out between a large number of people due to the clan structures in place. "Puntland's political elites are therefore unlikely to move decisively against piracy," it says. In addition to satellite images, the Chatham House report analysed information collected by non-governmental organisations on commodity prices and wages. Data from the Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit suggests nominal daily wages in the pirate provinces of Nugal and Muduq "have caught up with and then overtaken non-pirate regions since the explosion of piracy in 2008," the study says. In Nugal province, the daily wage increased from 40,000 Somali shillings in 2005 to 120,000 in 2011 ($1 = 25,000 Somali shillings). "This is likely to reflect both direct employment opportunities and investments into local businesses." The report adds that the positive effect of piracy on incomes in parts of Puntland has been offset by the impact of food price inflation. International response In response to the massive increase in piracy off Somalia in 2008 and international naval force was established to patrol the seas off Somalia. The Chatham House report observes that pirate attacks off Somalia have become considerably more violent since mid-2010, because of the increased difficulty of capturing ships. "Pirates now invest more resources in maximising the return from each captured ship," it says. The report also warns that if pirates increase their co-operation with Islamist militants from the al-Shabab group, piracy could end up funding regional instability and terror. Ms Shortland argues that a land-based response is necessary to help tackle piracy. "A negotiated solution to the piracy problem should aim to exploit local disappointment among coastal communities regarding the economic benefits from piracy and offer them an alternative that brings them far greater benefits than hosting pirates does," she says. "A military crack-down on the other hand would deprive one of the world's poorest nations of an important source of income and aggravate poverty."
  18. Somalia;773629 wrote: Eat your hearts out Hargeisa Would be saying the same exact stuff if he landed in Awdal instead of Mogadishu.
  19. In fact, you guys single-handedly made those that used to sit on the fence about Somaliland a true Somaliland supporters. The name calling, denying them, and all the other gimmicks hinder everything you supposedly stand for. You guys need an effective Pro-union propaganda to win over a small group, but you guys are already divided (the formation of the state puntland was actually a good thing for Somaliland Think about it
  20. FreshPrince;772002 wrote: 21 years and counting they claim to be a Government. They enjoy the most Financial Support in the World, after Israel and YET, I see no changes in their way of life. Compare to Dawladii Muhammad Siyaad Barre and his 21 years of Governance, the amount of change they brought to the Somali people, Allahu Akbar. Dawladnimo wa loo dhaashta ee you can't pretend! lol What you have accomplished during that same 21 years?
  21. This is all politics my friend. Faisal is trying put UCID ahead of the contenders.
  22. General Duke;770029 wrote: It's up to them what they unite under. My own position is that whatever the majority of the people want should be respected. Should be respected unless they side with Somaliland, of course