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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. The program, and Hotel information is up: Book your room by April 17th
  2. ^^Since I refuse to pay homage to this dead man, I will ease back and not say anything at all.
  3. ^^ He'll be an eventful weekend I think. A lot of the landers from tri-state area, Boston, DC, VA will be there no doubt
  4. ^^ InshAllah I may see you there. I plan on attending this one.
  5. I just taught myself Pachelbel Canon on the piano and I feel accomplished on this day March 19th 2012 Those that enjoy classical music: Enjoy this masterpiece.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;804252 wrote: What were you doing the past 21 years lol I always hit them with this question, they become shut afterward
  7. LANDER;804432 wrote: Why is Puntland paranoid? Being a part of the TFG automatically means you will be a part of the discussions, isn't he PM of current TFG from Puntland? Somali politicians can be outright childish. Exactly sir. They are a state within Somalia and they should behave as that.
  8. Lock him up and just throw the keys away. I hate old trolls like him.
  9. Freedom;801894 wrote: Talking heads lol they're trying to get you to buy stocks, get excited about the news.
  10. ^^ who's making this a clan issue? Its dukey and his old tactics. He hails from the garowe clan, such a conniving people.
  11. ^^what would the TFG do? Lol. It'll be interesting to see, let's wait for it.
  12. ^^I am anticipating the fight between the Pirates and TFG when it comes to collecting the oil money. The pirates took the perfect decision by drilling first...This will be a perfect jurisprudence.
  13. Somalia;801007 wrote: No recognition for SL for 21 years, you guys live in a glasshouse. :rolleyes: During that 21 years, no union, no peace, and you're still have that come-back?
  14. They should 100% of the oil revenues me thinks. Other regions in the future should do that as well. This policy keeps things in perspective as clan is everything.
  15. Picture yourself in that role and draft a moving forward strategy for the President.
  16. Taleexi;798008 wrote: The best choice for the secessionist lot is to stay with the union. You don't have a union, there isn't a union, the world doesn't a see a union, its a facade.
  17. Not sure why you had to mention me, I disregard Djiboutie.
  18. SL needs a young educated President or Vice President from Sool or Eastern Sanaag after the current leaves office.
  19. Aaliyyah;794543 wrote: Therefore, SL should stop their transgression against my people and reer Awdal who are pro-somali unity. Otherwise, if you want a threat let me give you one. We will go all out darawiish on you just like we did during the colonial era if you know your history. The British don’t care about you because your folks are no longer their foot soldiers and luggage pickers. :) :) :) She's entertaining
  20. The Sage;794469 wrote: You claim that the entity you support "does not transgress upon anyone" yet you make threats against the people of Somaliland? I didn't know the followers of "Khatumo" spoke in fluent doublespeak. She's constantly talking about "stick to your 3 cities" bs, as if they don't live anywhere else. Its beneficial to her to plead the fifth.
  21. That was an excellent speech by the President...Well done.
  22. xiinfaniin;794358 wrote: Very reasonable move. This is a code word for Somaliland's plan to sit down with post August admin in Mogadishu. Not bad. You're too old to be this clueless.
  23. The Sage;793133 wrote: I got to hand it to the SL community in the UK, they sure are organized and always on message They clearly are the biggest group from the West. You don't see that type of outings here in the US or Canada.