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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. ^^My child, you're so clingy. Make me smile like a proud dad, watching his only son that made it. Talk about the topic....
  2. Somalia scored: 54% middle eastern Check out the East African Admixture result here: Is the argument over for good now?
  3. Somalia;816540 wrote: No need to, when Ethiopia tells you to leave it, you'll do as they say. That's cool, as long as I'm able to slap around silly pirates at will.
  4. ^^^ Better yet, go free Las Anod? get your priorities straight nicca
  5. Jacaylbaro;816483 wrote: SNM Leader ku lahaa ,,,,, goormuu noqday ?? His probably the most phony character on SOL. A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
  6. Relentless;815583 wrote: Godane i have to hand it to him...thats what i call transformation. from hargaisan toilet cleaner to amir of Somalia..acudubilah.. After saying this, put the thread starter on suicide watch. Thread closed Have a good Friday folks
  7. AsadSL;815566 wrote: So what if he was born there. What is your point? Anyone can be born anywhere. It's simple math, allow me to explain this. See, it's puzzling to him how two crooks were chased away from SL to head to Somalia and run things. His people is always getting run by other people, even when in crime (in politics we knew that). That's when the bitterness sets in, and the dude is forced to make threads like these to cry about it. Please have sympathy for him, forgive them, for he does not know what he do
  8. ^^^ Your people are harboring terrorists & Pirates in South Somalia/Garowe ,and sir, that's a clear international crime. Your people are also Anti Jewish and Israel, no nation is will take you seriously.
  9. kingofkings;815484 wrote: fadlan its against the rules to insult the dead on this forum. see to it that you follow the rules of SOL. how is it foul? you know how many dogs (animals) died recently? I could be be talking about your dog, the Yemeni Sheppard one. You said it on another thread you had a dog from Yemen who was buried in Somalia. I seen some treat his graveside like a urinal , and then YouTube his funeral...Now that's foul.
  10. ^^ You're still unfit mentally as you're still mourning for the dead dog....I forgive you. Please accept my condolences
  11. GaadhHaye;815460 wrote: Let us see if the C.I.A.'s and MI6's of the world agree with you that the facts carried by the articles are off-key and fabricated by resentful people. All we have to do is to expose you the people of the terror incubator city, Hargeisa, the role you are playing in organizing and aiding the Alqaida of Somalia. Your whole clanmen are all terrorists and are also the biggest anti-semite known. Stop trying to flip the script on us...You're mad.
  12. ^^Too early to be sensitive about words on a screen brah, deal with your emotions.
  13. GaadhHaye;815441 wrote: You can not disprove it. Then shut up your click!!!!! You woke up early thinking about a way to trash Hargeisa again, so you scribbled in your notepad and brought us this? basically spewing out nonsense....You must me mad. Ps. Men brush their teeth first
  14. kingofkings;815440 wrote: damn. so your like this in every thread. so, common sense or for that matter logic defies you. so, your intellentially equivelant to zero calories snack; high on calories and zero on substance. damn son. it's moment like this i wish i was one of the moderators or admin. so i can send your nonsense a@@ out of this forum. A wise man once told me don't argue with mad men, because people from a distance can't tell who is who
  15. ^^^ My friend, what are you on? Are you familiar with Martin Mama biscuits? You know how soft they are?
  16. kingofkings;815421 wrote: let me save you the embarrassment by saying speak nice of your future constitution. Martin Jr, You been on some "I have a dream" sh!t since when? When is the future?
  17. ^^^Brah, what's the commotion about? Your country is a mess ,and this is not the time to be politicking about such a trivial nonsense. Step your sh!y up , get money, bring and encourage peace. If others are standing on the way of that, handle the situation at will...You must be British?
  18. I think all the provisions in this constitution is binding only to the garowe clan mainly.
  19. What are my folks up to now hahaha. I have to send out this link to the fam, thanks dude.
  20. Xaaji Xunjuf;813971 wrote: So many people from ceerigaabo on SOL Naxar nugaleed Africa own xudeydi Salax now Asad and The Sage Taleexi There are number of them on this forum. Erigavo is self-sufficient in a lot of way, with an incredible farmers. May God continue to bless Erigavo and its people
  21. Libaax-Sankataabte;813170 wrote: All I know is that AO stock went from 2 dollars a share to almost 5. Hopefully investors will not be left holding the bag. This is because of AO finding oil in Kenya.