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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. I have been always saying this; the worst type of Somalis live out in the UK. It only takes someone 1 visit and spend less than a week in the UK to realize this.
  2. I approve this video and Burco's hospitality.
  3. These turkish men have ulterior motives, I advice dukey and his people to read these men well.
  4. NGONGE;876069 wrote: Still living of the scraps of others, Africa? Still popping Viagra pills?
  5. ^^^ Typical response.... Ps. A remarkable Woman, Salut Edna.
  6.'re closed to your Ghadewayne bredrin's, welcome to the union?
  7. *Ibtisam;873552 wrote: This women is the Lady Gaga or Lil Kim of Somali Musicians. How come no one heard of her then?
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;874896 wrote: This victim mentality needs to stop ASAP. How long baad ku haynaysaan wala na laayey this is embarrassing. I totally agree, this is unnecessary and needs to stop. I hope that we're not politicizing the death of Slanders.
  9. walaalkis;872932 wrote: some runaway criminal rapper present in your city, shouldn't be something to be proud of . His whole purpose of making this useless thread was for people to say what you're saying.
  10. What a useless thread, Jac is subliminally trying to embarrass this guy. His trying to be sneaky with this whole thing...shameful.
  11. General Duke;872600 wrote: The new President has to clarify that he opposes the secession of NW Somalia at all cost. It's good that he acknowledges the suffering of the people in that region, however that has nothing to do with the divisive and inferior clan dream of dividing the Somali union. Also power sharing will not be 50/50 as some hold because the NW is not 50% of the nation nor is that clan more or less important than the rest. There are some groups who have played into the hands of the secessionists. These groups need to focus on their interest and end the occupation o their lands. I think the President should focus on building a strong government that gives its citizen's some basic social programs. They should get rid of any terror cells still operating in the south...I think that's some basic, but an important goal for Somalia. You're too infatuated with SL dukey, SL shouldn't be a priority for this President.
  12. Somalia;872316 wrote: Ethiopians still control the region and the district, this is nothing but a publicity stunt. As if 100 Djibouti soldiers can fend off Al-Shabaab. Pretty much
  13. Abtigiis;872304 wrote: I agree with you. Yours is the position of the hardcore SNMites in Hargeisa, who will table quite unreasonable demands at these talks. Given that those demands will not be accepted by the South, the talks only delay the eventual showdown which is sure to come. SL should be Somalia's least worry at this time would you agree? I mean with all the problems facing Somalia today, these talks with SL that serve no purpose should not be a the forefront. Forget about SL, they're divided among each other with multiple presidents...seriously? And I can go on about the issues SL have of their own, but that's another thing.
  14. Abtigiis;872301 wrote: The so-called Somaliland-Somalia talks serve no purpose. I can say I agree to that but with a different reason.
  15. ^^Talks under these conditions is ******. We all know what's facing Somalia today and sitting with SL to "talk" at this time is BS. SL got their own issues as well...
  16. SL has a lot internal issues they need to work with before going into this talk me thinks.
  17. STOIC;869756 wrote: I personally had lunch with the new UOH president Dr. Abdi H. Gass. He is from the states.He seemed very enthusiastic person and filled with a lot of dreams for Somaliland.Good luck to him and to the new graduates. Small world
  18. Apophis;869673 wrote: They stand for what many human beings stand for and value: reason, logic and scientific evidence. These are good things, wouldn't you say? So in your opinions morality is objective...which is not tied to God?
  19. Apophis;869438 wrote: Atheists maybe loud and annoying (to the faithful) but rarely raise a hand to 'defend atheism', which is good, wouldn't you say? . There is nothing for them to defend, they stand for nothing wouldn't you say?
  20. Jacaylbaro;869653 wrote: At least you admitted your bacaaac ,, unlike other SOLers Truth be told, you're by far the biggest "bacaaac" on here, you must be related Samanter.
  21. STOIC;868947 wrote: PS Samatar's always take a position opposed to that of the majority of Somalis.Just a windbags...... He reminds me of NG