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Posts posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by Complicated:

    I wonder what those who blindly supported the presence of the Ethiopians in our beloved country would say today.


    This is the darkest day for all Somalis/Muslims no matter what ones political believes are.


    Ilaahoow u gargaar diintaada iyo dadkaaga.

    We should all see the Somalis that are supporting the Ethiopian invasion as worse. May Allah (swt) give them the worst kind of humiliation in this life and the hereafter.

  2. Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

    ^^The pic would be even more reflective on Somalia’s reality if good Ammiin had shown Cadde peaking from the other shoe…

    Why are they kicking them out? What have they done to deserve this? Ask yourself this first

  3. Originally posted by General Duke:

    ^^^You got it right saxib, the Northwest clans of Hargaysa are a minority in Somalia thus they will not get their clan secessionist delusion realised.

    What does that mean? Is your clan bigger than the Northwest clans of Hargeisa?

  4. Originally posted by General Duke:

    Odey; the 270 MP's and Ministers and their President have defeated the 200 fake clan shiekhs and looters who for 17 years occupied Mogadishu, the fertile south and destroyed Somalia. Thus the clown courts who paraded women and children about and made threats were found out to be nothing ut cowards who ran over to Asmara.


    AfricaOwen &
    The Ethiopians, Ugandans and other AU troops will stay in Somalia for as long as required. They are helping the legitimate, multi clan national security institutions. For 17 years we have lost our air, sea and land forces, our soldiers are either dead or too old and the generation that was supposed to take over are nothing more than militia' killers with no real training.


    Thus those who refuse to negotiate because of "Ethiopia" today will refuse to negotiate when we have a strong Somali army and security forces. Because the advantage the Ethiopians give to the TFG will continue and thats why they are making such noise.

    Better chance of meeting the TFG to negotiate


    Those that in Asmara or the Secessionists what do you think?


    Do you think UN/EU is also hurting Somalia by supporting the secessionist ambition to be independent?

  5. Originally posted by General Duke:

    WFP, ICG, UN and other bodies ave to learn they are not the power of this country anymore. The country is run by the Somali government.


    A small step for Somali's everywhere.

    Great. Now is time for Ethiopia troops to leave so that the "Somali Govenment" can run things. Why are they needed?

  6. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

    how low some you anarchist are willing to go lately,

    have anarchist become so desperate that all they can contribute to this forum is to wish for the, celebrates the deaths off and name call dead people?

    isku xeeshoda people oo wax isu reeba.

    Fair enough, let them celebrate the death of the warlords while you celebrate the death of the Somali people. No Ill-feelings, we're all celebrating the death of some sort.

  7. Originally posted by -Nomadique-:

    ^ What business does he have in Burco? Dude keep dreaming.


    Aren't you from Kismayo? that's a long way from Hooyo Emperor.


    Edit: Kismayo, Puntland? WTH?

    I never noticed that lol

    Kismayo Puntland? WTF

  8. Originally posted by Suldaanka:

    This is indeed a very bad move from UDUB regime.

    Its a government party how is it a regime? lol

    You want change but can your beloved party Kumiley bring you change? What can they do that UDUB can't?


    Similar to how you blamed UDUB for the qaran arrests when all three party group cosigned the move.


    You're trying to make this a personal issue when really..If UDUB has fault all three party groups has it as well.

  9. Originally posted by Cadaan:

    Layzie, 90% seems like a really high number, but I agree most of SOL is in England with the occasional few in the British Isles, such as our Mick friend Nuune(I'm Irish, so I'm allowed to say Mick


    I would think it's around 60% UK, 30% North America, 10% elsewhere. Abdinuur, why not start a poll?

    That's more accurate.

  10. Originally posted by Nephthys:

    Comments here celebrating such a sad event are contemptable, but predictable.


    As much as I dislike the man, his policies, and what he's brought to Somalia, that's one line I can't cross. After all he's a muslim and a good father to his daughters.


    Allaha caafiyo!

    A lot of people want his head on platter and I don't blame them.

  11. Originally posted by LLPP:

    America is only talking about here the best way served her interests in Somalia, therefore nothing more good news to the secessionists here, and if Ethiopia exploits SL to the core why not America! SL is ethiopia's poodle and to be america's new poodle would not make any difference at all!

    How about Somalia? What's there relationship with the Ethipia and the US? Is it any different from the secessionists?

  12. Hargeysa, Somaliland, December 1, 2007 (SL Times) – A ceremony held at Mansoor Hotel, in Hargeysa, marked on Thursday, the last day of the government’s discussions with the regional heads of UN, EU and the World Bank preparations for long term Reconstruction and Development Programme earmarked for Somaliland for the next five years at a cost of $550 million.


    As part of the ‘Joint Needs Assessment’ (JNA) program, which was initially designed for the “Reconstruction and Development Programme for the whole of Somalia” by the UN and the World Bank in 2005, at first, Somaliland government refused to be part of the JNA enterprise under the TFG and insisted on being treated as an independent entity.


    Somaliland government succeeded in getting all its concerns addressed by the JNA enterprise and since its inception [JNA] in 2005, Thursday was the last and final meeting which set and sealed Somaliland’s five year reconstruction and development plan and budget for the JNA program which after many years has been specifically tailored for Somaliland.


    The JNA program will put emphasis in Somaliland’s reconstruction and development program for the next coming five years on areas of public services, education, health, access to clean water and substantial construction of new and paved roads leading to regions isolated from major centres and cities. The meeting which had brought together members of the Somaliland government, legislature, social activists, regional head officers from the United Nations, the World Bank, and the European Union and donor nations has been taking place since Tuesday and concluded Thursday in Hargeysa.


    Speaking at the closing ceremony, the Somaliland minister of Planning, Ali Ibrahim Mohammed, thanked all the participants for their hard work and dedication in making this meeting a reality.


    The minister said: “Its been agreed that the five year plan that we have prepared together with all stakeholders will be presented to the EU and the government of Norway, who will in turn seek to attract other funding partners for more wider projects and proposals.”


    In his brief remarks, the minister, Ali Ibrahim stated "that the meeting has concluded with mutual understanding on all sides of the issues, and the result is an agreement between Somaliland and donor organisation and nations for the ‘Joint Needs Assessment’ program to inaugurate the Somaliland Reconstruction and Development Programme for the coming next five years which has been allocated 550 Million dollars".


    Ali Ibrahim also encouraged the International organisations and the donor nations to ensure that the Reconstruction and Development Programme in Somaliland commences as planned at the beginning of 2008.


    At the conclusion of the meeting, the Somaliland government and the heads of the UN, World Bank and the European Union delegations signed an agreement which in principle will lead to the commencement of the Somaliland Reconstruction and Development Programme intended for the next five years at a cost of $550 million.


    The three leading members of the delegation, Mr. Erich Laroche from the United Nations, Dr.Chris Lovelace of the World Bank and Mr. Richard Hands of the European Union, also thanked all participants of the meeting and expressed their satisfaction with its outcome.