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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. ^^^ You're talking to a brick wall, it's not worth it my friend. They don't realize they too are claiming other clans land.
  2. STOIC;911706 wrote: Waryadha listen I don't have a sudden case of Mooryanism flue that our trigger happy Salax suffers from .If he was a member of the church of the painful truth he will admit that his story has no legs. You guys don't own places like Lasacanod and many other cities that you occupy.Unless you guys read another map than everyone else, every Somali clan has a city/land predominantly occupied by them.Someone from Puntland can't claim Mogadishu (unfortunate) and same thing with the others.It is just the way reality dictates.Your arguments is not overwhelmingly persuasive to even the unsuspecting non-Somalis. Sure you make no bones about your dislike for the people that are against Somaliland, but at least admit you don't own the Land. What about the case for Erigavo and western Sanaag?
  3. *Blessed;910240 wrote: Oodweyne, I wonder how you deduce that I have 'blind support' for the president from my comment?? I was referring to Faisal making a u-turn against a policy which he has himself supported advocated for until now? Here was his speech at the London 2012 conference with SL Diaspora in the UK: , he made similar remarks at the UCID convention in April. Haduu leeyahay been baa dadka loo sheegayay, ilayn isagaa wax naga oge waa in uu xisaabta isku daraa, ma fahantay? I think the internal failures of our government poses more danger for the progress and recognition of Somaliland than Americas relationship with the government of Somalia... I think what his trying to say is that the fact that Faisal claims are not consistent with his actions might indicate that his is a hypocrite but this does not prove his claims are false. You're focused on Faisal, pay attention to his message.
  4. ^^That's my whole point, how do they know that they are fairly represented? Numbers don't lie
  5. I'm pulling your leg dude , and I'm saying this in jest. Don't be suprised if this becomes a serious talk in the future
  6. ^^of course not lol. Dont be silly, as you know somalis are tribal people and I figure this a good indicator for something thats just running on my mind.
  7. Aren't you curious about that fact? I am. Does this article say how this will be done? if so, tell us xaaji.
  8. This is an excellent read, figured the future dictators on Sol might want to reads this , as they say "Whoever controls the media, controls the mind"
  9. Oodweyne;909712 wrote: If the somaliland upper house of parliament - Guurti - was doing it is legitimate and proper job of mediating the internal conflict of the nation as opposed to be an impotent chamber that basically endorse the action of this government, then none of this ugly business of washing our internal dirty linens in a European court (of all places) would have happened in the first place. The Guurti doesn't function like they once did unfortunately. They are the main problem and they need to disband. You have Suleiman Gaal the chairman who took Siilanyo side by calling Muj. Hassan Isse and others losers after the elections.
  10. "Glen Beck can't hold me little piece of trash" Man, he went in hahahaha.
  11. ^^Someone report the Homeland Security on this dude.
  12. NGONGE;909470 wrote: Assumptions, assumptions guru. I guess I'm not the only one calling you and your boys out huh
  13. How did you fare out? Apparently everyone was getting sick, but nothing hit me (Thank God). Did you get the flu shot?
  14. NG is using Fowsia as an example for a reason, we got that Caarafat.
  15. NG: Tell us why are you obsessed with Fowsia? You've been discussing about her a lot in multiple of threads , what are you trying to prove old man?
  16. NGONGE;909459 wrote: ^^ I am not as short sighted as you, adeer. Plus, I'm not sure that Siilaanyo is THAT lousy. I mean he got you crying your eyes out for months now. Don't let the door hit you on your way out. You and Norf can go back to your old ways entertaining Xiin.
  17. NGONGE;909437 wrote: Guru, The pendulum is swinging strongly towards the Somali side. If Fowziya and this other guy who hail from known and respected families in SL and probably having strong affinity and knowledge with the place have switched sides, what happens to little old me? My blue flag is tattered and gathering dust but it firmly remains under my bed and the recent events in Somalia lead me think that it might be time to bring it out. What do you say, Guru? Why shouldn’t any of us do a Fowziya and embrace the greater Somalia idea? If able men like this bank manager chose to go that way, why not you and I? You can at least wait until that lousy president leaves office to pull your blue flag out.
  18. Oodweyne;909256 wrote: This is Bashir Goth at his most chameleon worst (at least in political sense). But still be that as it may, one has to accept the "the fork in the road" situation Somaliland has found itself in at this moment in time. And what is ever more pitiful in here is to notice the entire political establishment (from parliament to the Guurti to the presidency) don't seemed to have the political nuance to overcome this paralysis and make this country's direction as clear as a daylight. It is time like this that a quality leadership makes a difference. Hence we shall see whether there is anything of that sort could still be alleged for our current leaders back home. Ultimately, all of that should be blamed on the president.
  19. xaaji, what brought Durr to this ceromomy? He seems to be a lot places for photo-ups
  20. They often use these positive adjectives to describe them "he was bright but troubled individual"