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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. ^^^ LOL..I said put it in order. I just simply gave you the options
  2. Put these obstacles in order -Secessionist in trying to dismember Somalia -The Chaos in the south (especially in Mogadisho) -Inclined Tribe philosophy -Abdullahi Yusuf and his co-defenders -Other Warlords -Somalis in the diaspora (The case of Duke)
  3. ^^^ I see that you're still roaming through this thread... Thepoint, how are roaches killed in your opinions?
  4. Originally posted by ThePoint: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: ^^^ Lil brother with the luster silk s-curl on..I'm just trying to figure out the confused bunches that stay talking about SL what their priorities are. Calm down Clearly - you haven't figured the first thing out. I'll leave you to your wanderings. If Somalis today started to claim Kenya..I'm pretty sure the locals will question that. The people will then try to figure out what their priorities are. Will the locals from Kenya care to talk about what's going on in Somalia if the Somalis were not claiming their land as theirs? Ottawa must be really cold "eh"
  5. ^^^ Lil brother with the luster silk s-curl on..I'm just trying to figure out the confused bunches that stay talking about SL what their priorities are. Calm down
  6. Originally posted by -: Why are you so obsessed with Somalia. Go and focus on Somaliland. I'm as focused on Somalia as you are to SL. I was also born in Mogadisho believe it or not..But I don't call it it home.
  7. My priorities are set...I'm trying to help your confused......
  8. The list has to be in order..The most important to the least important. I'm trying figure out your priorities.
  9. Horta, What's the difference between "Nayruus" and "Me"?
  10. Originally posted by Adam Zayla: quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Somalia was under a colonial administration while Somaliland was an independent State Elaborate please.. Although it was only a couple of days..Still it counts lol
  11. Republic of Somalia only existed those it benefited the most.
  12. The hostility that comes from puntland is uniting th e people of SL together. If it wasn't for puntland..I don't know where they will be today.
  13. Originally posted by me: Guess ps. SSC or no SSC, Somali unity is not negotiable for me. So whather the secessionists hold on to Sool or Sanaag doesn't matter. Vice Versa..Not negotiable when it comes unity back with Somalia SL will argue you that. Of course you seem to think you hold the answer when you don't.
  14. Originally posted by me: quote:Originally posted by Thierry: Slash irrespective of whether nation is homogenous I showed you that with the right pressure a country can break up. Me would you agree with Somaliland seceding if they did not intend to take Sool and Saanag with them. you have to understand that there were does who wanted to stay with Pakistan instead of joining the new Bangladesh, everywhere you go you will find people for or against an entity how ever it is the strength of the majority that matters. . Believe you me it is not easy to secede in this day and Anyhow we have bigger fish to fry at the moment, peace and stability must be attained in the south before negotiations can ever take place with Somaliland, so be patient lads Thiery I speak for my own person when I say this will not happen and if it happens I will make my life goal to bring the entity back to where it belongs. Whether the secessionists want to incorporate the SSC or not, I don't agree with secession. And SL will make their life goal to hold onto Sool and Sanaag so they be part of SL where they belong historically..They can argue that. No negotiation...So where is this talk heading to?
  15. Originally posted by Khalaf: One I hate to be negative, two its a boring topic, argued over and over again in these boards and that's not what i want do here ya dig. but i just read the topic, general section about the sister (masha-Allah). But the article, pushing the agenda of "somaliland" is really stupi!d, whack man. small country kulaha. All I am saying, its cool if u want independence, i aint mad at cha....but why not get your own name, how hard is that? and take out Somalia! Saying u want independence yet still claiming our name (SOMALIA) is foolish and dumbiest thing ive heard. Its illogical, no sense whatsoever. Get your own name peeps and drop ours ya dig. as rudy would say, word! Um out. wa salaamun What made you post in the politics section again "sheik"? After you slipped and aired out all your clanish rhetoric..I couldn't expect you to back here again.
  16. Originally posted by me: quote:Originally posted by Thierry: Me do not underestimate the will of the people after all we do not have East Pakistan anymore This is not East Pakistan, there are stakeholders here, who are being pushed into secession against their will. So you look at it how you want but I don't see any easy solutions. The secessionists have to come to the negotiating table sooner or later ......UDI my behind I support the call for referendum in Sool and Sanaag..Do you? The Secessionist got nothing to worry about.
  17. Originally posted by S Slash: T Henry, What is the will of the people you talking about? You seem to be ignoring other sections (stake holders) in that regions who are not in favour for secession. And Re. East Pakistan, the only things I can mention that East Pakistan and Pakistan were in common was religion, Islam. Note that they do have different languages, customs, even appearance. So now tell me any unsimilarities between the South Somalia and North Somalia that we can consider them different. I thought Islam was THE main argument to stay together? Ohh well..slash that. We still have the same language and so on, and if that was taken away..we still have similar culture to stay together.
  18. Originally posted by somalipride: Horseednet Hopefully this is the start of us breaking away if the TFG is not successful. Why don't you wish the Slanders the same?
  19. Originally posted by Nayruus: We wish to appeal therefore, in keeping with our previous press releases, to our fellow northerners who dream of secession to wake up to the national cause of helping in the rebirth of the Somali State and to contribute their knowledge, their skills, their enthusiasm and their dynamism to the building of a better Somalia within which we can all live as masters of our own home regions in peace, justice, democracy and true federalism. I believe the Somalis from Somalia are capable of doing all that to re-build their nation without SL. You guys should not disrespect yourself like this..I believe Somalia can walk just fine without SL. I encourage you all have some confident in re-building your nation. All this unnecessary energy you guys are giving to SL could be allocated somewhere else.
  20. SNM GANG ANIMALS Apparently this is Me and Nuruhus home town lol Hargeisa
  21. I wouldn't want to claim those that desire not to be my countrymen...
  22. Originally posted by Cara: ^They only get attention because their solution would have been to ban women from taking the subway altogether They shouldn't be taking the subway when is that packed (full of males) anyways. Walk or something (Sorry Rahma)
  23. So this is not some sort of a province like Sool or Sanaag is? Cayn is just a city?
  24. I'm tyring to figure this out. Someone try to school me in this.
  25. Originally posted by General Duke: quote: The United States has had no diplomatic presence in Mogadishu for more than a decade, but supports the U.N.-backed transitional government there. Officials say they engage with Somaliland as a regional administration. A province should be treated this way. So does this "Province" include SOL and Sanaag?