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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. I defiantly wouldn't vote for Che (no beef) But I defiantly wouldn't vote for you.
  2. Are the Shababs fighting along with the secessionist in Sool like the puntland leaders have said?
  3. Originally posted by Dahia al Kahina: What would you say if asked what you did with your life? Its been a roller-coaster, wont elaborate. When was the last time you cried? And for what reason?
  4. They really need to do something about this. What ministry department handles such case?
  5. I don't think is even true. My sources in SL has not confirmed this story. I think people like "Nuhrus on SOL is capable of writing such thing, but who knows.
  6. puntland leaders accuses SL fighting along with the Shabbab..That must be the truth though right?
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Adeer Somaliland province is doing well, its a great achievement Does Sool & Sanaag include "Somaliland Province"?
  8. Originally posted by Northerner: I'm yet to see anything in the way of fact on Berbera Port being used for transportation of weapons/military equipment. If you have fact bring them forth. Repition Numero Uno! He will bring up BS in trying to discredit SL. He either brings you hard facts...Videos,confessions, reliable sources or sh!t wont fly.
  9. This woman is inspiring
  10. ^^ No beef with Burco....But Berbera & Erigavo is where is at
  11. Originally posted by Ghanima: AfricaOwn. Attacking Puntland or Somalia, because he attacked Somaliland is just as silly, as I said it is not worth stooping that low. It is always better to claim the high ground, after all you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Blessed, For Burcaawi you're sound so peaceful..I always thought reer Burco are the most feisty ones out of us.
  12. Originally posted by Ghanima: ^^^Maaxaad laa qoosli adigu? AfricaOwn: If I remember correctly the name is derived from the Land of Punt mentioned by ancient Egyptian sources, so both you and Khalaf are wrong. Please don’t feel you have to sink to their level by make equally false claims. According to Egyptian sources, the land of Pun was abundant in many exotic products, such as gold, aromatic resins, African blackwood, ebony, ivory, slaves and wild animals. I knew that..You took me out of context. I was implying that...the region called pl in Somalia came about late 90's was it? While SL existed before time..Well not really, but you know what I mean by that.
  13. AfricaOwn


    I still remember the days I used to bother my mom to get me this mountain bike really wanted. The day I got it was a full of joy..Me and my lil homies went all over the area I lived in. I remember I got the bike late august, a week before the start of the 6th grade..We used to take the school bus to school everyday, but a friend of mine and I decided to take our bike to school for the first day back...And what do you know? It was stolen...I never seen the bike ever since.
  14. Originally posted by Khalaf: i know since the fall of the somali state and civil war every little clan claims its little tuloo and stamps a name on it Don't confuse SL with your puntland. The Name Somaliland is a lot older than Somalia.
  15. ^^^ Fight to bring peace to Somalia..Fight to end the occupation in Somalia..Stop wasting your energy on SL...Make SL your long-term goal after the chaos has ended.
  16. I don't think mothers should get involved in politics. Sisters, please head back to the General forum.
  17. He went out like Tony Montana...
  18. Dude is from Ottawa where most Somalis are............ Just allow it.
  19. Five students at a Hamilton elementary school were suspended after a teenage girl was allegedly beaten up last week by a group of girls and then sexually assaulted by a male student. The incident allegedly took place in the hallway at Hess Street Junior Public School in Hamilton on Wednesday, according to the girl's mother, a Somali-Canadian. The principal, Sharon Ciannavei, said she has asked Hamilton police to investigate sexual assault allegations. But the mother wants to know why police were not called in immediately. The woman said her 13-year-old daughter was too ashamed to speak about the incident. But the mother told CBC News through an interpreter that, "Five girls and one boy, they beat her, kicking her, throwing her to the floor." The woman alleged her daughter's hijab was deliberately pulled off, and then a boy pulled off her pants and touched her breasts. The mother said her daughter is "not feeling well. She [is taking] medication for injuries, but the problem [is] she has the nightmares, she wakes up several times [each night] crying. The family's stressed. The family has crisis." The five girls alleged to have participated in the attack were suspended for three days. The woman alleged her daughter was told the attack was revenge for an earlier altercation between a group of white and Somali students. Ciannavei said she wasn't aware at first that there had been an allegation of sexual assault. She alleged that when the mother told her a boy "touched her daughter's boobs," she pointed to her hip. Ciannavei said teachers who were in the hallway did not see a sexual assault. She also said she was aware of a recent study detailing unreported sexual assaults in Toronto public schools, and was disturbed to find similar incidents in Hamilton. "I'm shocked … because in a school like ours, which is probably similar to the schools in Toronto, we never see that here."
  20. Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by me: ^You remind me of alle-u-baahane. I mean is anyone suprised that the secessionists would try to use the missery of these people as a PR stunt? Remmember they are the orphans of the queen and they where the ones commomorating dead colonials and saying that the colonial oppressors were heroes. You have taken it bit far sxb, should have stopped at the 'PR' tag. Don't worry about "me" character. His bitter
  21. ^^^ Step aside man. This question is directed to Somalis from SOMALIA.