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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: Secessionists are close to recognition What the Secessionist have without their recognition your lousy leaders can't even top..
  2. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: quote: Every 7/10 Somalis you run into the streets will tell you that's not my president. How did you come up with this number? Did you do your own research, I mean did you really run into 10 people and asked? Who were these people, cuz I can sure provide 10/10 Somalis that would say he is my president? That figure is from your clan.
  3. Originally posted by me: Xoogsade, AY is in the eyes of the world the president of Somalia. I rather see the president of Somalia dead, then seeing him being slapped. When I say this I am defending the office of the president of Somalia, not AY. Imagine seeing the Somali flagn being burned by Ethiopians. (yes they are burning whole cities I know, but bare with me) This Somali flag is also the flag that the TFG uses. Does the use of the flag by the TFG make it another flag that we shouldn't care about? AY can be lampooned, but the office of the president of Somalia can't. What matters is not what the "eye of the world" thinks who the President of Somalia is... Every 7/10 Somalis you run into the streets will tell you that's not my president.
  4. Originally posted by me: Even if you don't like AY, see it like this. Its a Somali man being hit by a non-somali. Imagine if you see a Somali guy who is being attacked by non Somalis on the streets would you just walk by or do something about it (if you can)? What if the same Somali guy was the cause of thousands of his people to die? I will honestly provide all the weapons they need to finish him off on the spot.
  5. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^LooooooooooooL, And LoooooooL@clanish wailers...This is from people whose entire State's existance is owed to Qabiil movement. At least they're honest about it..They don't want nothing to do with Somalia. What is pl doing exactly?
  6. Originally posted by Awlugeeye: There were houses rented for SNM casualties in Nairobi during Afweyne era in Somalia.Idris contributed to SNM suceess with his own money. I know too well about that.
  7. Originally posted by Caamir: JB, Puntland and Maakhir sub-states should also seek Independence from Somalia. Is that what you hope to live to see brother-man? If they wish to go independent as well..They have my blessings.
  8. Originally posted by A.J.: This guy travels too much, he is needed inside the country right now and off he goes galivanting to some next country? the sooner we get rid of this bozo the better. lol@ these critics.
  9. You have to give the people what they want simply. No force of an union if the people don't want it.
  10. Originally posted by Caamir: Its reliability regarding the accuracy of its news reporting from Sanaag is highly questionable because it often receives the wrong information frmo these two entities which always claim Sanaag as though they have jurisdiction over the Makhir State when in fact it is the inhabitants and their shaky administration of Maakhir that can be said to have the authoritative facts and knowledge over what truly occurred. Who are the inhabitants of Erigavo? Does Makhir you speak of control this city?
  11. HARGEISA, Somalia (Reuters) - Authorities in the breakaway Somali republic of Somaliland arrested five gunmen in connection with this week's kidnapping of a German aid worker, officials said on Thursday. Daniel Bronkal, who works for German Agro Action (GAA), was seized in an ambush on his car and held for several hours before being freed on Tuesday evening after local troops fought off the gunmen who had abducted him. "Somaliland troops captured five of the abductors who kidnapped the German man and we are still after two others who were involved in the abduction," deputy chairman of Sanag region Abdiasis Hassan Said told Reuters by phone. Somaliland's interior minister said the kidnappers were from the neighbouring semi-autonomous region of Puntland -- engaged in a long turf war with Somaliland over the Sanag region. "I can tell you that the gunmen have come from Bosasso and I can not give any details now because the case is under investigation," Abdulahi Ismail told Reuters. Puntland brushed aside his claim that the abductors travelled from the its port city of Bosasso where several kidnappings occurred at the end of last year. "The kidnappers were not from Puntland. Everyone knows they were from Buro and Era Gabo that are under Somaliland administration," said Puntland presidential spokesman Bille Qabowsade. Kidnapping of aid workers and foreigners is common in Somalia, but captives are usually treated well -- since they are usually held for ransom. Authorities generally blame militant Islamists for attacks on foreigners. "I was not treated badly, but you can imagine how difficult my situation could be," Bronkal told reporters at the airport in Somaliland's capital Hargeisa. Somaliland broke away in 1991 when warlords toppled military dictator Mohamed Siad Barre, plunging the Horn of Africa country into anarchy, and has governed itself since. Source: Reuters, Feb. 14, 2008
  12. What sector will you go into? What will your business plan will be about? Discuss
  13. I was also excited about leaving North America to go to Europe back in 06',a stop by before I head back home to Africa. London is truly a pathetic place..Nothing is exciting about that depressing azz city. I had the opportunity to stay another two weeks after arriving from Africa in London..never took the option.
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^^lol. New England states = Is the region which contains some of the oldest states in the US. It includes, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut You edited your originial post you made. You said it will be defficult for "Mcain"
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: Todays Main caucus will be difficult, since Clinton does well in New England states. :confused:
  16. Originally posted by ThePoint: ^More so than Bosaaso or Garowe etc. Good for people who go back and help out. How more so..explain
  17. Originally posted by underdog: If you're in a country, you have to live by its laws...whether you like it or not. Its not a democracy, its not liberal but IT'S THEIR LAW! I agree...You don't like it? You can hit the road
  18. Now that's the most Gangsta thing a Somali girl do by far.
  19. ^^^ What's with this "We" stuff you speak of? We know your post history homie and how you feel about SL. If this doesn't concern you don't speak about it...simple as that.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: Farax, whats Obama's stance on Al-Qaeda? Does Al-Qaeda even exist?
  21. The main reason I dislike about Kulmiye is they're probably the most clanish party of the 3. UCID is a uniter