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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: source China, India, UN, all the Arab nations an most of Africa. Now Germany the power house of Europe. Things are getting better for the Somali state, any word on the secesionist recognition? Why don't you just wish and pray for both countries SL and Somalia to thrive? Why knock one to praise the other?
  2. Who is Muuse Biixi and why do some of you disapprove him?
  3. Everything about this party is about Clans. I'm afraid they might set us back.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: Juje, that was silly adeer, more than half of Ethiopia is Muslim least you forget. All the Muslims in Ethiopia are treated second class are you kidding lol. You're the most pathetic human being.
  5. Originally posted by Qudhac: I dont see the pointy of creating these new provinces, i hear people saying the locals were asking for them to become their own gobol but most villages and towns in somaliland will want that anyway, but that doesnt mean they can sustain themselves to become gobol or somaliland can afford so much more civil servants, and more money to be diverted from the people. i believe this is just an election stunt by riyaale and UDUB. when you look at it more closely you can see UDUB are trying to please some tribes that will properly have some influence in the Elections, especially with OODweyne And Gabiley. Buhoodle and badhan was properly done for "other" reasons but i think this is unnessary and waste of public money, somaliland has much more to worry about. UDUB this Riyale that...If Allah wills next year if Kumiley is the new administration in charge this same anti-gov stuff will be said. People are always going to talk regardless. This is heading to the parliament wait and see what happens.
  6. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Droughts, Inflation, Unemployement, Lack of basic services, Supposed "war" on the east ,and the list goes on Of things to worry about, Riyaale main concern became creating usuless in order to hang on to power and please Qabil-lords. Poor Togheer, Talk getting F*up You wouldn't know nothing about the implication of the creation of these new provinces..Togtheer is strong don't feel sorry for them.
  7. Originally posted by Suldaanka: ^ How so? Instead of hiring new "Governors" and "District Commisioners", what the people that live in those areas need is "teachers" and "health workers" and new schools etc etc. Goboladdi hore ayaan wax laga qaban marka gobolo cusub oo la sameeyo wax macno leh oo samaynaso ma jirto. It will bring more trouble then good. I hope this is rejected by the parliament b/c we can't afford 12 gobols with 12 governors and 100 of beaurocrats whose only job they do is stamp a paper and that is it. It will bring more good then trouble trust me on this. They had clans in mind while drawing those new provinces but the gov wont admit to it (especially breaking Togdheer, Sanaag, Sool up). Plus some of those regions were asking for their own self-administered province. I was favouring the breakage of Sool & Sanaag heavily. Erigavo and Bhadan are no longer in the same province.
  8. I think this is good proposal. It gives the local administration even tighter grip to their region.
  9. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Lander, do you think Kulmiye will be able to defeat Riyaale's clannish administration and his Pro-Ethiopia stances? How is UDUB a "Clannish" party? Please example.
  10. May Allah rest his soul... The survivors defiantly know who the shooter is. The person was someone they had runnings with and came back cowardly to spray bullets. You can't let this punk that took the lil brother out get away with Murder. Life for Life
  11. Originally posted by Gediid: Lois Lane The govt in Somaliland does not build anything except their personal bank accounts.They are a bunch of corrupt lazy foools who use the money they collect from the masses to build their own personal wealth.Unfortunately that is the simple truth,whatever little development you see is from the diaspora.I cant even remember what this government did that is worthy of mentioning here.There is no roads they built,no bridges rehabilitiated by them,matter of fact the money given to them by the UN agencies to build 5 bridges on the Hargeysa-Berbera highway 3/4 of that money was misappropriated by them.Awdal isnt the only province left in the dark as a result of a corrupt govt,its the whole of Somaliland that is suffering. Where is the money coming from to build all that? You guys are pathetic lol..Use your head people. SL is a very poor nation still. They have about 40 Mil(US) a year to run the whole country and much of that is going into the Army and Police after wages has been paid.
  12. Originally posted by -Serenity-: Che, wey ku badan yihiin Burco. And Borama is not like that.. its full of calm, nice, kind hearted souls. This character is indirectly trying to say the people that live in Burco and Erigavo are soulless and mean spirited
  13. Originally posted by Geel_jire: no need to tiptoe around it. if these soldiers were collaborating with the enemy they deserver every single bit of it and more. Exactly
  14. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: quote: They are monsters and cold-blooded murderers of the worst type. Killing innocent persons and taking their properties is lawful for them. Invading other people’s land and occupying it is legal for them. A live example of territories suffering under the worst kind of occupation is Sool in the North and Kismayo in the South. ,,,,,,,,, How about Muqdisho ?? What about bringing Ethiopians to kill the innocent ppl in their homeland ?? what about bringing the US to bomb their own ppl in the deep south in Dhoobley ?? What about and what about ,,,,,,,, I love it when everyone takes the pen to write something ,,, just something ,,,, On point...but then again its Caamir for you lol
  15. Lois Lane reasons well. Most people in SL just want to run away from Duke and he likes (There are a lot of them).
  16. His a comedian. I think he only comes up with these outrageous things to just get attention.
  17. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: The most hated,the most despised & the most ridiculously murderous "president" ever,somehow is leading in a "Poll", LOL. So true.
  18. Everyone cheats in Universities now days. You have waaay to many people that graduate with no real knowledge of their major.
  19. Just import the Romanians to be maids if the filipinos wages have gone up
  20. UCID will play the spoiler for Kulmiye. UCID will gain all the votes Kulmiye needs to beat UDUB. Kulmiye campeign is a mess right now and UDUB currently holds the momentum going into the elections. I will let it be known I'm voting for UDUB.
  21. Don't try to compete with jacyl. His praising what he says his country as a whole. What are you doing? lol
  22. ^^^ I am not the best person to ask that question. I hope that others are able to answers it.
  23. BAIDOA, Somalia, Feb 24 (Reuters) - Heavily armed Somali rebels killed seven government troops and wounded eight others after briefly occupying a southern town on Sunday in the latest show of strength by the nation's Islamists. Since being ejected from Mogadishu at the end of 2006 after a brief, six-month rule of south Somalia, the Islamists have waged a bloody insurgency against the government and its Ethiopian military backers. "At least seven soldiers have been killed and eight others have been wounded in the gunfight between the troops and the insurgents," said Hussein Ali ****, a senior police officer in Dinsoor. "I was one of the police officers who escaped when the Islamic Court's fighters seized the town. They left a few hours after they burned three battlewagons and ... confiscated all the weapons in the town," he told Reuters by telephone. A senior commander of the Islamists' Shabab youth wing, Muktar Ali Robow, led rebels equipped with rocket propelled grenades and machineguns as they outgunned government troops in Dinsoor early on Sunday. "Their leader Muktar Robow spoke to the public and said his fighters would not harm anyone. He urged them to maintain their businesses as usual," resident Hassan Maalin told Reuters. Robow was the deputy defence commander for Somalia's Islamic Courts Council (SICC) when it ruled Mogadishu. It was unclear why the Islamists briefly took over the town, but insurgents have carried out similar brief takeovers of other places during the last year. (Reporting by Ahmed Mohamed, writing by Aweys Yusuf, Editing by Jack Kimball and Mary Gabriel) SOURCE: Reuters,February 24, 2008
  24. Originally posted by somalipride: General, it's interesting how positive news backed up by pics keep all the qabiilist quiet. Don't talk please