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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by Malika: quote:Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Again the children are innocent, but ask thsoe who arm children as young as 9 to stop doing it and come out and fight, no dignity in supporting so0mething and then crying foul. ^OMG! :eek: Duke,these children are not different to the children of the Palestines resistance...Do you want to say the children in Palastine armed with stones are sent by Hamas and the likes? I am using Palastine as an example as they too are people under occupation. Good
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: lol. So there is no path to recognition? After 17 years they have yet to even chart a path, how long will it take to travel it then? I don't care if it takes us another 100 years...So as long as we continue to push it.
  3. Originally posted by Emperor: Throw one heck of a party, let us all enjoy and be happy together. Just make sure I see you clapping when the speeches are being made and people are chanting "SL haa Nalato" Every year there those that come to these events with a frown in their faces. If you don't believe the cause..stay home.
  4. Originally posted by Emperor: Throw one heck of a party, let us all enjoy and be happy together. Just make sure I see you clapping when the speeches are being made and people are chanting "SL haa Nalato" Every year there those that come to these events with a frown in their faces. If you don't believe the cause..stay home.
  5. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^When did you become an ardent TFG supporter? I notice that too. Is weird haha
  6. So what are the chances of the following people belonging to the same sub-clan? Naxar,Emperor, Kool-kat, Duke, Somalipride... Just because they strongly support this "TFG" doesn't mean that they belong to the same sub-clan :rolleyes: ... Get a clue.
  7. Originally posted by somalipride: Do you know every Muslim country is trying to get them to leave, even Iraqi's Shi'a? Ask your cousin Duke if he knows this question.
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: Suldanka things we are going to kill each other for secessionists cause. No saxib, the clan is much smarter than that. We might have disagreements but we know what is what adeer. SOOL, SANAAG and CAYN belong to Somaliweyn. You ever been to Erigavo?
  9. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Che-Guevara, it is not wise to use the term "adeer". You are only rendering the government as a "clan government". I am really surprised that you have been brainwashed you into believing this clan vs clan squabble. That's exactly how it is...May Allah swt never unite us with people like Duke.
  10. Lets compare where you call home and the so called "tribal state"...Post pictures of both regions.
  11. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Jacaylbare, thnigs won't be smooth. You have two secessionist groups vying for the control of the triangle. You wish for that to happen don't you haha. Pathetic
  12. Originally posted by Northerner: Remember the days when all watched CNN for world news? Today we have many other options and I can't recall the last time I watched CNN/Fox News. Was there ever a time when that happen? And I live in North
  13. Originally posted by Northerner: quote:Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: TFG is all that you have. So one should support it? Unequivocally and abandon all principals? Leave out what you have been told to do and tell me why YOU support them. His clans-men is heading the "TFG", could that be why he shows the support? lol
  14. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Kashafa, you of all should not lecture me of morality. Your records of justifying the horrific beheadings of innocent civilians by the brutal Al-Shayaadiin have shown us your true color. Kashafta said it best.... "An Ethiopian dancing boy, Koora Aw-Dhabodhilif, is trying to jump on the moral high horse and gallop away at sanctimonious speed" You're pathetic man lol. Find us more articles on SL elections and post them on SOL.
  15. Originally posted by somalipride: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hahhahah. This is almost as funny as your "Secessionistland airforce" thread. Wallahi you made my day with this comedy. Well done. Can't wait to share it. You're bitter Let my people go.
  16. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Are you sure they will ??? The people of SL respect the SNM vets, but having SNM credentials shouldn't give you an automatic seat in the Government. I agree with Faisal western style of government.
  17. The main focus is the elections. Although I'm not supportive of Kulmiye party. I want them to win with UDUB and UCID forming a coalition government. We can have Kulmiye in charge, so they can stop crying once for all with a limited power.
  18. Originally posted by Emperor: One more fact about the Wala-Wayn issue, the Somali and South regions of Bay and Bakool alone have more population than the entire traingle of Burco-Hargeisa-Berbera... Since 91'..The people from "The triangle" are the fastest growing in numbers by far.
  19. Originally posted by SCORPION_SISTA: Size matters...But bigger doesn't mean better...bee bye You need to elaborate a little on this.
  20. Originally posted by Nephthys: They may be tad on the small size but they make up for their size in nodding. Who woudln't want a man nodding like a bobble-head doll. Haha
  21. His President supports Ethiopia who claims parts of Somalia territory as theirs...Is beyond me how he has the nerve to call other Somalidiids? lol
  22. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: one is for a united Somalia and the other wants to break Somalia up, i think its pretty simple to tell which one is a Somalidiid. As for ethiopial, i think it was the Somalidiid who claim that those from addis are closer to them then those from Mogadishu. Is your President Somalidiid for collaborating with Ethiopia who claims/occupying parts of West Somalia? Someone is for united Somalia in what way exactly?