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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. You guys are pathetic...You can't even see the reason why they're giving away the food.
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: If they were confident then there would be no infighting, right. This coming from a man who relies wholly on Ethiopian presence is very rich if not pathetic. [/QB]
  3. Originally posted by somalipride: From what i'm hearing the exploration is going very good and Alhamdulilah there has been no incidents. The project has the peoples full support. Elders of the region have all endorsed it. If this wasn't the case the trucks wouldn't have even left the Port. There are those of course against it, as this thread proves that wish to see absolutely no progress for any other regions to further their tribal cause. They post articles of every single crime that happens, which occurs in everyone place in the world, but pretend it is only taking place in Puntland. But when it comes to their tribal lands it nothing but great news...airport, budget, offices, water projects!!! We understand...your side good, our side bad. Other enemies are those from abroad who want to be the ones bring companies in. Puntland must be aware of these enemies who will do anything to destroy it. I don't know about you but, I wouldn't call those "enemies" my countrymen.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lol. Praying to Allah for disunity how religious of you saxib. Anyhow you can attack the Duke, but be carefull hating on a great number of your fellow Muslim's. "Your likes" are all those that support A/Y and the occupation. You claim Somalis from all over support the TFG right? Therefore, I couldn't possibly be talking about certain people correct?
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Your logic is weak if you actually think you control SSC. I don’t hide that politically I despise the secessionists as much as I do the looters groups and fake religious clan movements. Thanks for the wonderful pic, my commendations to you. However don’t mix politics with progress. If there was a similar development in Hargaysa-Burco-Berbera triangle then hey I would welcome it. As for secessionism it’s a delusion that’s coming to the end of its days. We rather be united with the people you're calling "looters". We know very well about your subliminal shots.
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: President Yusuf, the most powerful man in Somalia The much neglected secesisonsits isolated in their Hargaysa-Burco-Berbera traingle . The group who's only ally is Ethiopia, a mere province of the state. N Forget about your obsession to that triangle. Sool and Sanaag are part of your beloved "puntland" right? Ask your president to have a visit there...I will wait patiently to greet him when he stops by Erigavo.
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. Why not Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Sudi Arabia, Brunai? They are closer geographicly, with small populations, weak governments and Islamic. Your jelousy and envy is way too clear. Secessionists sorry to bust your bubble, but Puntland aint the Nile Delta as Somaliland aint America. Duke, you out of all people is talking about jealousy and envy? Haha.. May Allah(swt) never unite with your likes.
  8. Forgive SL for running away from these imbeciles.
  9. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: loool @ So kireystay. Lets not be ignorant. We live in a multicultural country and why can't we celebrate with our neighbors be they Ethiopians, Eritreans, Sudanese, kenyans or Jibutions and if we can't get along with our neighbors, who can we get along with. lets stop promoting hatred people. Ask around what the Ethiopians think of your likes son.
  10. Originally posted by Sakhar: JB brother if we find something rest assured that we will share adequately with not only you but all the needy Somalis. LOL..SL is not looking for anything from you guys. They want that recognition more then anything.
  11. Originally posted by Sakhar: Who is against the exploitation and exploration of the natural resources and OIL in Puntland? It's the hardcore enemies of our state starting with the likes of Abdiqaasim and other criminals below or at calibre with him. I say, the reason being is because down in the south they do not have any OIL that's why they hate to see us get the black OIL and inshallaah we hope that with the beginning of the Dharoor exploitation, that we'll never look back again and from there, there shall be no return nor a questioning for allowance or if it is ok with some people or entities for that matter. What's with the "They" vs "US thing? You can expect the secessionist to say that but....
  12. AfricaOwn


    Originally posted by Haneefah: I had no idea what the heck a SWOT analysis or stakeholder analysis entailed - the entire process of strategic planning was foreign to me (uderstandably), Not to sound like a jerk..but they teach you that in your first year Intro to Business classes.
  13. Originally posted by Geel_jire: This is our equivalent of - abaayo macaan - macaanto - huuno -qalanjo -dhuubo dhex yarey -cadey I'm probably missing some. I know some people dont like to be called any of these and to others it is music to their ears as JB put it there is no way to win sometimes Exactly...These girls always finding something to bug over about.
  14. Originally posted by LANDER: quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: It will happen soon IA ,,,,, it is nothing more than a lil bit political rag tag ,,,,, I might win some positions at the time , you call this unconstitutional move 'political rag-tag' ? The situation is far more serious than you think as a blind supporter of Riyaale. Notice how the country gave him the benefit of doubt when he took office, he's wore out the nations patience with his blunders. He needs to step down asap. What do you mean unconstitutional? The Upper House of Parliament can extend the President term....They have the biggest power in SL Government honestly.
  15. Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire: You said Somalia is back when the TFG was brought to Muqdisho on Ethiopian Tanks. That was the start of an era of, " peace, stability and democracy".......... 2008, Somalia is back again! 2009na, Somalia will be back! Common sense isn't so common. Is interesting reading their stuff though (you have to admit).
  16. Originally posted by somalipride: Extending your term by one year for no reason, refusing to honor your democracy is just a "lil political rag tag". He didn't extend his own term. The House of Guurti of Somaliland have done it. And there is reason why they decided on that...coming from where you from has a little to do with it. Get a clue now
  17. Originally posted by Northerner: But Kulmiye can do it in Hargaisa saxib. UDUB's stronghold. You obviously need to vist the place. Ask JB if UDUB can do that outside of Hargaisa. Yes they can...From Awdal to Saaxil. I still want Kulimiye to win because the old man is power hungry. For the good of all SL just give it to him.
  18. ^^ Aside from Burco the Kulimiye stronghold I think they can.
  19. ^^ They should concentrate getting the same support in all of SL not in certain areas.
  20. France is just letting them know that they drafted a resolution that will authorize them to fight piracy off Somalia and elsewhere.
  21. ^^^ Let it go on for a century for all we long as we keep away from your likes.
  22. Originally posted by Emperor: quote:^Who cares if Somali inhabits there or not. The fact of the matter the area falls under the jurisdictional authority of the Djibouti government, which means, the land is the land of Djibouti. Excellent point, if only they had one drop of Somalinimo blood like you do, what do you expect from the secess Don't claim people that don't claim you. #$%@! your "Somalinimo".
  23. Originally posted by NinBrown: Northerner........explain to me the difference between president of Somalia Mr A Yusuf who you say a puppet and traitor and Mr Riyaale A jaajuus and an Ethopian puppet. Yet you denounce one and not the other. I guess tolka si fiican bey wax ku bareen How are Riyaale and A-Yusuf alike? Did Riyaale send Ethio troops to kill its own people?
  24. Originally posted by Khalaf: L.G stop watching FOXNEWS!. Is funny you say this. You guys are supposed to be on the same said No? Anyways May Allah have mercy on Macalin Aadan...