while Islam itself is very forbearing of other faiths and its adherents, tolerance is behavior unbecoming of a muslim nowadays. When did we fall off the tracks?
Whooh! Castro dat "we" saved my soul from a lot of anguish,for a second there, when you invoked the 5th amendment, i thought you fell off the wagaon
Anywhoo, I think any Muslim who read the Satanic verses is liable to experience a total break-down. Salman Rushdi----- aah, the sucker has torn my heart into peices when he described the lovely Caisha, as a prostitue. now let's go back to what is important. Muslims need to ask the golden question:
does Islam need to be reformed? depends on who you asking, on what intentions, and the very meaning of reformation. yeah we need to adujust to the 21century lifestyle, but that doesnt mean we have to compromise our very own existence, which is our faith.
Islam is built upon the very idea that the texts are sacred. everything is crystal clear and the righ path is easy to fallow if you willing to look.
Islam is complete, so it is very difficult to justify the re-touching on something that is beleived to be perfectly complete.
and as far as Rushdi and his alikes go, wisemen have stopped listening to them, all the fools keep getting tricked by his beautifully crafted but empty concerns for the welfare of Islam and Muslims.
the battle to be the best has just began