Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. Not that I didnt appriciate the body . He was certainly an eye candy . I'm shallow.I just accepted the date because of his looks(never talked to a bodybuilder before so it was euphoric ). But I thought if I heard one more word about bodyfat and protein, I was gonna scream :mad:
  2. SS, Shame, Shame on you! Did you two discuss or was it implied?
  3. ^^ Afro, ma kan oo kalaad rabtaa inaan noqdo, tahluuka aa tahay runti Our own ron coleman Oh, My god. Disgusting. I once went out with this Somali body-builder dude who looks just like that but with a prettier face. I met him at the gym and he wouldn’t take no for answer. He had weird schedule and all he talked about was getting down to 6% body fat and competing. Then, one day I saw him eat and it was Ramadan! I confronted him and he told me that he only FASTS every other day so that his metabolism wouldn’t go down and he wouldn’t skim on his routine :rolleyes: . That was it for me :eek: .
  4. Nope. At first, she wanted to press charges. And he was a fiancee so the family found out. She doesnt have an older brother and decided against male relatives getting involved because they were against his qabiil to begin with so it could get really ugly.
  5. as usual she started asking all sorts of questions and one of them was the above and typically of us we went on one only to find out 5 min later that the man in question had them both. Now she won’t talk to us she thinks we are judgemental and shallow, acting like she has never meet us before…. Anyhow where do you stand? Aww, dont you hate it when friends do that? Not long ago, a friend of mine asked what I think of men who put their hands on their women. " Nothing hard. I mean little pushing and grabbing" she said. My other friend and I went off the handle. We went as far as blaming the female for allowing to be abused like that. Then one day, the "sweet,kind, romantic, awsome" boyfriend whom we all used envy beat the crap out of her :mad: :mad: . We picked her up face swollen, eyes red and bruises everywhere. When we asked her why she didnt confide in us, she said "when I hypothecially asked, you girls were so judgemental and harsh that I didnt want you guys to think I was weak," and of course we went, "but we would never judged YOU!" From then on, everytime a friend asks me a hypothecial question, I hold my tongue and I ask them their opinion No to the NO on both. I'm as shallow as they come when it comes to looks .
  6. I'm wondering if I should share my cake and tea but I can't be bothered. Ibti, do you eat cake and tea everyday? I can't have more than one slice once a month without conjuring up the face of my former personal trainer equating sugar with cocaine :mad: So it never snows bad in london? And here I was comforting myself with the assumption that everyone is on the same boat with me . Where I'm from, we celebrate snow storms because storms are better than icy rains and below 50's windchills :mad:
  7. If dude has Civic at home and takes a test drive in a Ferrari he's not coming back. Istaqfurulah! Is it possible to be in love with someone and cheat? All this nonesense talk is implying a sense of entitlement to douple-dip every now and then and go home and wash it all off :eek: :eek: . Besides its obvious ugliness, affairs indicate trouble in the relationship. So if you're not satisfied(or he isnt) why not leave?
  8. CL only thing strange about it is walking along in silence, normally people chat about how bad the whether is. I've done that before (ducked in with someone who was heading same way, but I make conversation) Looooooool, kix, kix, loooooooooooooool My god that made my day. How do you do that, Ibti? You're gutsy.
  9. Salaams Girls, No, I didnt ask what movie they were shooting. Whatever it was, I wouldnt go see it.Something about good marriage gone wrong? cuz, at one point they were screaming at each other with no obvious acting talent :rolleyes: . What do you guys think about girls starving themselves to acheive a slim figure? There is this new phenomena going on the Somali community, starvation. Everyone I know(Ok. I'm exaggerating a bit but most girls I know) is rail thin( And before you ask me if I'm a bit envious I'm not)yet no one excercises.I could be with girlfriends or co-workers all day and no one would eat :confused: A couple of them told me that they "forget" to eat the whole day and when they get home at night they are too tired :rolleyes: Really? Am I the only girl who eats?
  10. Ps. How did you know he was flirting with you!!! Oh,he kept asking me personal questions such as my age, my status, what I do. Oh, and I could be maybe a "guest" on the movie. And finally, he asked if he call me :mad: :rolleyes: :eek:
  11. because its better to be covered up in bright Stripy pink then to have so-called Muslim sisters with butt cheeks hanging(tom boys I’d imagine) out and tits popping out. Hold up! First, it was the bright colors that "bothered" you and now you're focusing on the other "kind"? Seems like you're not pleased with either. Ina adeer, leave the sisters alone. Mind your own bussiness. If they put you off, lower your gaze and pray for your sisters. Anyways, how did you see all the Cheeks and Tits if you didnt look :eek: :eek: . Wax iskula har. I hate men who belittle women and reduce them to whats on their bodies :rolleyes: . My two-cents.
  12. Oh yeah C&H, since you are in MN, I wondered if you seen Somali films (newer one there) shoot I can't remember the name of it, but it was released sometime last year by this guy who made another Somali film called "Rajo"? No,Sweety. The last time I seen a Somali movie was back in 06 and it was called "araweelo", I think . I dont get to see them because they only play it in one theatre, at mid-night and it gets crowded and uncomfortable. Speaking of that, the other day I was grocery shopping, when I was ambushed by two older Somali dudes in the middle of the cashier-lane asking if they could use MY grocery to shoot a scene :confused: .They asked me in their Heavy accent and I didnt want to embarrass them in front of the white folks they were with, so I said yes. Then they grabbed my bag and rushed outside of the store and there I caught the glimpse of the Somali actors in their natural elements . After following them arround(in my car ofcourse, couldnt risk being seen by some relative and reporting to my family )I kindly asked for my groceries and left. You know whats funny? The camera man(White as a ghost) was flirting with me the whole time :eek: :eek: .
  13. This is why it baffles me that people rush into marriage for any other reason than that person is right for them. It's important to be very choosy so that you greatly decrease the risk of these types of stuff happening. It is not about rushed marriage. You dont truly know someone untill you've lived with them, hon. On the outside(regardless of the years you spent scrutnizing and courting)everyone puts up a front, then they CHANGE. How many times have you heard "she/he was never like this or I never thought she/he would do this?" It is human nature.
  14. Hugs and Macs girls. SS, no sweety I havent read Twilight. I HEARD good things about the book. And I seen the Eagle Eye in theatre and I thought I sucked. I wanted my money back when it ended. Chub Thanks. I'll definetly read that.
  15. Hoodi ladies. I've been knocked out for few days :mad: . But no worries, I'm getting back to "normal." *waves* at Ibti, SS and Malika. Buuxa welcome sweety! I think jewelry would represent me because I have quite the collection; but I'm not a girly-girl. SS, I love the book club idea. In fact, I'm starting one for my students. They'll probably choose some soppy, teenage love affair type of book. But I'm encouraging them to think outside the box. I heard a lot of good things about Twilight and the Alchemist. And I read the Kite Runner,a Must-read for all! I'm down for anything though for I'm an avid reader. Books are my life!
  16. hey, Scorp! How you doing sis. Did I tell you that you remind me of my dear friend in the sense of the intelligence and the sheer open-mindedness you so Oh possess You know what he said he wanted to teach me to never trust anyone… I wish someone taught me that Growing up I was quite the naive type, so innocent and so full of trust. Who am I kidding? I still am!
  17. did u ask urself why this women loves her husband so much no matter how many times he cheats on her ....Ninku shaqadiisa ayuu sifiican ugutaa marka naagta kama maaranto ninkaan Jiitarka ah No I didnt. Cuz I know it is out of desperation and the same old-age excuses; she has kids, he promised to never do it again, she doesnt want another woman to keep him, yada yada, yad :rolleyes: Yuk! Ducaysane My future mother-in law(bless her heart) is a fabulous young lady who likes to entertain family members( I know, I know am not part of the family yet. U try telling her that! ) at her house( and introduce me to anyone with ears and eyes cuz she is proud ) and I dont have the heart to turn her down everytime.
  18. A man who cannot keep it in his pants is a useless man.I doubt that he will enhance his family's life in anyway or shape. As for the loneliness and sorrow, you'll have to be ready to get dragged through hell everytime he cheats(and trust me he'll cheat) so you can either woman up now or become one of those pathetic women who hold on to men who treat them like crap! Over the weekend I was at my fiancee's family house where an uncle who was kicked out of his house for adultery( which was not the first time)was staying. Everyone kept going on and on about how the woman is heartless because she kicked him out in this weather without his wallet yada yada. Funny thing, all the while he was on the phone with another woman whose house he was going to sleep over(buke!)that night. Then he got off the phone and asked my fiancee if he has any "hot" female friends he might get "introduced" to with a disgusting wink. Then, the wife took him back the day after :eek: :eek: .
  19. Really? What kind of males do you know? L0L. A 25year old male who cant make decisions has no business being 25. let him reduce his age by say, 7yrs or even 10. Listen up,Dude. Man up!! I know plenty ina adeer. In fact, Somali men talk about being young and not knowing what they want more than girls these days. In fact, I had one recently tell me that he doesnt know what he wants to do with his life cuz he is only 25! It is a pathetic mental state. I can understand why Gaalada nimankooda would think like that because at that age they're into drinking,partying and one-night stands(Uff!) but to hear a Somali man with gar iyo gafuur say that is downright disgusting :eek:
  20. Difine cheating. Is it flirting, holding hands, kissing or (Yuk!)sex? If I even catch my special person flirting over the phone, it is down right cheating to me while he might say "I didnt do anything physical :rolleyes: ." Cheating( as in getting in bed with someonelse) is unpardonable act :eek: :eek: . Should your significant other goes there melt their face :mad: ( Just kidding!) Leave. Any man or a woman who disrespects their partners and themselves like that are animals and they should be treated like one. And thats exactly why you should leave their sorry behinds on the curb mooing and moaning.
  21. Dalmar, I admire your honesty and sincerity. As a 25 year old male, you’re way ahead of your male peers who consider themselves as ciyaal :rolleyes: and consider marriage a “trap” a value they adapted from the gaalo :mad: . I understand your frustration because I went through a similar thing. Someone I truly loved proposed to me. At first, I was like “this is not going to work out” cuz there was too many ifs. What if he becomes controlling, what if he can’t take up the responsibility, what if his family becomes a problem so I stalled and it was very difficult for him to understand why I didn’t want to meet his family. Then when I calmed down and came to a decision, he met too many people who told him that he was too young to get married yada yada and he told me that he was confused. He didn’t want to marry at the moment but wanted to be in the relationship and plan the wedding in a year or two. Although I did the same thing to him; I was too shocked and upset. I asked the same question you asked “how can you love and not want to commit right away?” Then, he got over it. Anyway, my point is give her some time. If you truly love her, you’ll wait for her to make up her mind. However, if she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you, LEAVE her. That’s my two-cents.
  22. Loooooooooooooooool I thought only Americans( before you jump at me. I hear these kind of questions at work from them all the times :rolleyes: ) asked that question. There is a big difference a "good" man and a "dream" man. A good man is someone decent(in the sense of integrity, hardwork, maturity) with good values and good head on his shoulder. However, just because he is "good" doesnt guarantee that you'll like his looks, ideals, personality, goals and treatment. I know a plenty of "good" men whom I would run in the opposite direction if they ever approached me :eek: . I think women are looking for their ideal mate[ you know who you dream of] But most girls want what we see in the movies: Fine looking, educated, romantic, charming, funny, sociable, good in the kitchen..yada yada. These are not in the "good" catogory in my opinion. They are in the "dream" catogory.
  23. Looooooool. NG, you say "I love you" to your wifey har iyo habeen or you couldnt afford watching documentaries, who are you kidding? Dont mislead the youngesters,dee waa ku sidee?
  24. Morning Trollers.. Today is my last day before the break. I'll have two weeks off, yippppeee! I hope you all have a nice break and early Happy New Year!!
  25. My gulp of scotch felt stuck in my throat A lot of things became how do I say...umm. user friendly