Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. I would love to learn how to swim. It's sort of assential but I can never stomach appropriate or should I say the inappropriate clothes required.
  2. Lol@ the Siren. Come to think of it, I loothe anything extreme nowdays, maybe it is a maturity issue. In my teen years(surprising not too long ago) I was all for LAVISH weddings and is tus tus as in " My wedding will be the talk of the town." But lately, I dont like weddings for billions of reasons; qaylo iyo buuq, stress,dehydaration, putting one'self in indebt etc. Plus I have severall friends who both had Extravagant(Expensiv e hotel, eight-meal course, very famous singers, 7 days spa treatment,the whole nine yards so much so that the hotel staff were convinced she was wealthy beyond means)weddings and small family/friends gathering for a nice, intimate dinner. And the ones who went all out REGRET it big time because their pics were blastered all over the internet the next day, and NO ONE except family and friends had nice things to say. And plus, they're still paying for the loans they took out and financial problems put strain in their relationships. Now that I'm settling down, I'm thinking a generous dowry to quiet down my family(who happen to be very private people, dislike to draw any attention), a nice qado at meherka, girls nights-out followed by nice dinner/dessert at a gorgeous restaurant for my dear friends, followed by honeymoon sounds incredibly good.
  3. Yeah!! Wuhuu... ok.. gotta come down. I got all 6.
  4. lol. He said the answer is in the question. So I reasoned Mary is not in the question. However, ONE is in the question. Plus the author said it is not N, so what do you think? LOL.
  5. Minding my own biz, shaqadeyda iska qabsanooyo at meesha aan ka shaqeeyo, qumayada (and I am being generous here) i xakunto isoo kor istaagtay 'Could you come see me when you have a sec?' aaba la'i dhahay... LMO That was the funniest Somalinglish ever written. Malika, bax KK, dear KK I'm so sorry abaayo, soo fariiso, faanto qabow dhab ku dheh and is daji. Insha'llah things will get better. In the mean time be thankful that you didnt get laid off or get the pinkslip. Congrats on the baby! If you're due in a couple of months, I guess you're better off.
  6. He made clear, however, that he had not looked at pesticide and herbicide residues in food produced by organic and conventional farming methods. The study also did not seek to compare the taste of the products. :confused: What did they set out to study then? The whole appeal of Organic food is that it doesnt contain chemicals, artifical flavors(which connect to cancer) all kinds of preservatives,pestic ides and other genetic and chemiciall enhancements. Personally, I dont see much difference in flavor but organic food tastes lighter. Also, you have to think about fat and colorie content of the food. Artificial sweetners are toxic yet it is in every "diet" food and drink out there. I didnt know that untill I started using Splenda in my coffee(cuz once I start pouring sugar in anything I cant stop) not long ago and all day I had jitters, jumpy feelings, extreme thirts, and killer headaches that would last through all day. Then, my school nurse asked me if I had changed anything in my diet and Splenda was it. Guess what? I stopped using it and went to regular sugar and everything went away. Then I thought, hmm.. maybe it was a personal reaction so I did a research and I found studies and tons of complaints agaist Splenda ranging from headaches, to nose-bleed, to liver-failure .
  7. lol. I think I perform better under pressure as a human being.
  8. What are you insinuating gabar yahay? I'm not prejudiced against obese people at all. All I'm saying is do with style and confidence. Dont look like you're about to cry any minute or crack under the weight AND continue to stuff yourself like a beast. There is this nurse at my school who is HUGE but she is so stylish, confident and glowing with joy. She is married with kids and you will never, ever hear her say a negative mark about her weight. A month with her, and you'll forget her size. I'm all for that!
  9. So, peepz. How have you all fitness enthusiasts fared?
  10. Morning folks. Lately I became laziyad is nacday. Dont want to lift a finger even though I've never had this much free time on my hands! I had a mini-fight with a new co-worker of mine. She is a middle-aged African lady who is so rude to the kids. She teaches science even though she barely teaches anything. I dont know how she got her license when she can barely put English sentences together. She yells, humilates kids infront of their friends, laughs at their questions and gives them lengthy tests on materials she didnt even teach! Ah, weey i ceebaysay as an African. Anyways today(because it is summer and I dont have my regular classroom so we share one)she rudely screamed at me in front of my pupils over a chair :confused: like I'm one of her students. The kids looked terrifed and some of them even mouthed "sorry" to me. Well, I pulled her out and let her have it!! But I feel petty .
  11. Lol at KK and SC. Let me see.. Oh, I got it; Grown men who use the word 'playa' and act like pimps. Grown women(people who finished high school 8 or 9 years ago) who still talk, giggle, and act like they're in high school; initiating fights, rumors, having cliques, dressing the same way, dating the same kind of people. People who base everything you've worked so hard as luck "Oh you're so lucky to buy that car, get that job, etc." Obese people who enter restaurants and order food like the world will run out of food that second, and seem soo uncofortable in their own skin.
  12. If your daily diet is based on the food groups above and you're not a little house yet,then you must be studied in labs, your DNA needs be replicated and sold, woman.
  13. Lol@ biyo cad baan ku cayilnaa. Waa true wallahi. All my friends eat like a horse but they could be mistaken for malnurished orphans. Genetics! Ibti, I doubt that there is any fat sticking out or you wouldnt violate the women-folk code of eating grass with a purified water. Reall food? what is that?
  14. 15. When you are with her, say that you are missing your family or friend or any one who is important in your life. Shed little tears in front of her. Outcome: It is said that if a girl loves a boy, then she cannot see him crying. If she feels bad on seeing your tears and cries for you and consoles you, then she is madly in love with you rather if she tries to console you by saying, ‘don’t cry, this is what called life. We don’t get what we always desire’ then she is not serious about you. LMO, what is a girl to do? Rock him to sleep while you rub his ears? :confused: He is lucky if he doesnt get the "war maxaad la ooyneeysaa ninbaa illah kaa dhigaye"?
  15. Juxa, I was thinking about the waist and bony ribs sticking out when I made the "healthy" breakfast/lunch last night . Waa iga waale haye? Bax . Nah, Pizza is my enemy if I want to achieve the anorex look dont ya thin? Ibti, you're always eating sweets and fried foods. You must be in the lucky genetics freaks top 1% :mad:
  16. Fergie isn't complete without the toe-sucking scandal...Laakiin, the 'getting it on in public' fetish doesn't go well with the 'toe-sucking' fetish...Ba'nay, waalaaleey ha'idambaajinee idaa... Miskiinada haye
  17. Morning peepz, I forgot my breakfast and lunch today. I woke up late and reminded myself to just grab it and a second before I walked in at my work I looked at my empty hands and what am I missing? everything!! Normally, this doesnt tick me off but remember oh how spent time I could've been sleeping to prepare the small feat, I'm ticked off. The coffee next to us sells crab!
  18. Fatwas are coming out left and righ, heh? It must be a field day for Saudi Sheikhs.
  19. We are seeing the samething but with a different pair of eyes, you can say. So, let it rest.
  20. Darn you all. If acting is what you all expect of me(as much burden as it is ), award-winning one I shall deliver But I will only play the girl working with him side by side through all kinds of impossible situations which includes nursing orphan children back to life and standing up the militia, yup the fearless heroin whom Dan is in love with but who swore off such silly things because there is too much at stake Where do I audition?
  21. "perfect wife" or "perfect slave"? I mean seriously when will one have anytime for important life affairs if all you think about is removing cellulites,trapping a man and orchestrating the perfect sex moves? And why must men be "kept," "trapped" and "served"? Why? Because they dont have a desire to stay with airheads who beleive their only hope and goal in life is get a man. Uff.