Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. Lol, you said you werent depressed and that you just discussed with your doc a few misfortunate events that are taking place in your life and he prescribed anti-depressents. But now, I see that he has you convinced since you changed your views. Oh well, be careful. Dont want you jumping off a tall building somewhere in St.Paul.
  2. First of all, I hope this is true and that you're not pulling our strings because you made several comments and retracted in your previous posts. Secondly, I wish you kept the details of the sins private because Ilaahy adoonkiisa wuu u ceeb asturaa as long as adoonkiisu is doing the same for himself. Third, congrats you dont have major troubles with "the foundation of Islam" as you put it but you do have lack-of self-restraint and low iman. Both can be fixed with the help of Allah. Sounds like you give in to your wants and indulge a bit too much. I think the guilt and negotiations as in "ilaahayoo hadaad mar uun iga saarto mar dambe ma samaynayo wax kale" is something we all do as we are humans; thus, weak and greedy. The Part that is extremely important is the Prayer. You're actually doing yourself harm thinking you dont deserve God's mercy. The more you pray and repent, the closer to Allah you are. As to the sincerity of your Iman, First of all, the sins you mentioned actually weaken your Iman. Every sin is like a stain on your soul. The soul gets dirty, heavy and crowded with all the bad experiences you're creating. Just like the body, the soul gets slugish and symptoms such dishormony come about. So you need to tend to your soul and do activities that clean it such long prayers, reflections and doing charity work. And in order to cure what's ailing you , you need to answer several questions; 1. How addicted are you to drugs? If the answer is pretty hard seek professional help immidietly. Drug addiction is no joke. 2. Why do you sleep arround? Is because it easy? Are you high when you're picking chicks as you put it? Can you stay away from clubs? Illahay ka sokow, do you feel you're responsible for your own well being? What do you gain from it other than the immidiate payoff? For instance, are your friends impressed? Are the women? Do you feel empowered, in controll? In conclusion, you need to stop thinking in immidiate grafitication terms and actually ask yourself if what you're about to do make you a genuine person or add to your life before you commit it. Good luck and please whatever you do, plz dont make this about your lack of beleive in Allah but rather find ways to better your Iman.
  3. In your case, if intercourse happened, both partners couldnt have forgotten...but i think you mean petting and caressing as long as you dont ejaculate. Maybe Nur or someone else can clarify. Sheikh Umal said ejaculation doesnt break the fast as long as there isnt an intercourse. WBT.
  4. We are asking a hypothetical question here. Let us not go into the details of it. It can be the man has just arrived from a long travel and started it right away without any need for motivations. It can be he just woke up and found bare things. That is inconsequential. Well, Though I dont venture into hypotheticals, all the scenerious you've described are very weak. So he came back from a long trip, or woke up from sleep, are you saying his mind is turned off? Nonesense! By the way,C&H, if you think there are always things before the big one, go and read Gabriel Garcia Marquez's latest book, " Memories of my melancholy whores" and on around page 70, the lady who sweeps his house. Oh why Sir, I dont reach anything with such title. BTW, dhagta iigu sheeg is he lusting after the cleaning lady? What matters is, are there any religious technicalites inovolved here. I heard a sheikh saying that if there is no liquid, no breaking. But this sheikh was describing different scenarios, like looking at the opposite sex, or dreaming about it. I am asking if it happens Live, but the liquid is not yet there, can the guy go awaya and continue to fast. I was listening to Sheikh Umal about shuruudaha soonka iyo waxyaalaha jabiyo and intercourse is it with or without what comes out :eek: But your scenerio is totaly differnt
  5. Off for mid-morning coffee hunt. I sense a fresh pot brewing in the staff break room, time to remember the nice cleaning lady's grandkids' names... :mad: :mad: must you remind me of hard break-up with coffee this month?
  6. Did the wife forget too? Am sure no one falls into it, there are things you do before it that should alarm you. It sounds fishy that someone would go all the way completely unaware of their actions. But illahay ku ogyahay and it was a complete accident, Ilaahay ma noo qabto waxaan hilmaano.
  7. In two years, another 21 year old will join SOL, saying how ninkeeda iney xambaarto oo meelkasta dhabarka ku sido ma'ahane si kale ma joogto. She will want to know if we have any back-strengthening exercises we could share. Another couple of years, and another 21 year old: "I want to clean my future hubby's feet, should I lick them in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction? Are baby wipes too harsh to clean him after he has been to the toilet?" It's a strange game, the only winning strategy is not to play. Allah adigaa I forgot I was at work and started laughing hysterically untill I got dirty looks and I had to act like I rememberd something
  8. Interesting debate, do continue plz. The "lazy" argument is so old that any self-respecting professional should avoid the trap.
  9. Lol@ Ingiriis baan ahay. Sometimes, I feel like we are fighting a lost war wallee.
  10. No 17. Waxaaba iigu daran, the social worker thinks since she is under "trauma" because she is from Somalia, it would be nice to welcome her and this girl wouldnt even speak Somali to me. The social worker was confused and was asking which neighboring country she is from, lol. It didnt bother me none though. I just told her it is all in the girl's head, lol .
  11. LOl!! There is a 11th grader at my school telling her teachers that we are from different countries and we dont speak the same language so I wont be much helpful at all :confused: . She is ignoring all the other Somali students. Guess which country she is from? Somaliland! Apparently, we dont even speak the same language now :rolleyes: As if I speak Somali that well myself. Wax kasta waan isku qasaa south, north? Whateva!
  12. Nin Yaaban, Anti-Depressants do interfere with your brain to act against what they call "chemical imbalance" so I would be careful if I were you seeing that you aint depressed and all.
  13. Morning PPL, I finally ate suhuur last night, examining the effect. Lets see if I have energy today.
  14. Lol@ the topic. I hate cooking with passion and I think I reached a new level of hatred this Ramadan since I dont want my poor mother or anyone older than me to cook while I lay about, so I made a point to cook. I always have been upfront about it and never had a guy act weird because I wont be producing meals should we get married. In fact, most guys I know or met are good cooks and are quite excited about their skils so that always added to the conversation so I cant relate. However, there are Great easy-to-follow cookbooks out there and they'll teach you anything under the sun and they're very affordable so give them a whirl.
  15. Strange things happen when men dictate what women wear, like they you say...a bunch of id!ots. Article my foot! I hope this lady gets the attention she is seeking from the western media,hmm how many other ridiculous articles are there? Lets snoop.
  16. Bella, you're right. Nothing is more embarassing than emerging from the holly month looking like you've been feasting for a long long time . Malika, It is the first day of the School year and their cheerfullness and "how was your summer's" is bugging me alot. Alla, dadka markay dharagsanyihiim hadal badnaa :mad: . I have to keep calm...deep breaths I only have 7 hours left to go before I can take some meds.
  17. NEVER, EVER. I'd rather make my own mistakes and regret them later than blame someonelse.
  18. 30 minutes on the Treadmill or a brisk walk should do it.
  19. Morning Trollers, My first day of work since Ramadaan started and I can barely lift my head, ughh. I keep thinking of a hot cup of coffee with cream will cure it. Shaydaan is playing tricks on me.
  20. LOl! So when is the wedding? Invite me because I want to see the poor ehmem... lucky man.
  21. Instead of showing compassion ya shokolet wa malab, you decided inad jabkeyga ku qososho soomaaha xaasidad bint Al'falaax bint abu-Cumar sorry dear. It is just that I couldnt help but picture nin madoow oo dheer oo Elavatorka ku soo orday and the poor soul who thought "cave man alert"
  22. My primary reason for excercise is to speed up the digestion process really because I have trouble sleeping with a full stomach.
  23. Afternoon Trollers, Indeed, 10 days has come and gone. Ilahay ha aqbalo. I cant seem to get up for suhuur no matter what!
  24. Edit: I luv stewie for some odd Reason. I am watching this wedding entrance and wondering if I were that bride party if I would have done it. OMG, thank you so much. I havent laughed like that in a while.
  25. So did she divorce the lazy man? Or she is convincing her poor self to slave for this man who cant even feed his family? Funny, I never dreamed about weddings when I was little iskaba daa Mr. Right. In fact, I havent given the matter a thought untill I seen people getting married.I'm thankful that I had a mother who rather kill me for skipping a class than swapping happy marriage fantasies with me. Thank you Mom. My mom's motto is Nin Somali ah siduu kaa arkuu kuula dhaqmayaa marka u dhigan sidi inaa dahab ka samaysantahy!(lol! the only male creatures she acknowledges as men are somali men).