Chocolate and Honey
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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey
Chokolaatiina, naagta si xun aa u gashey, she basically wanted someone to introduce her to other cultures, she needed to discover more about Soomaalida, you were late, yes, but you could have spared few more moments, though da sexy part put you off No walaalo. I wasnt really late but the whole scene felt wrong.It felt like the husband instructed her to come over for why else would he listen to the whole conversation, hadana smilling? And why would a married woman tell another woman about such comment? kaaga sii daran, they were just standing in the middle of the isle, not getting anything :confused: .
I was approached by a female today at the gas station while I was getting my coffee. It was the strangest converstation EVER! The Lady: Hi Me: Morning The Lady: Where u from? Me (so obvious where I'm from since I'm dressed like any other typical Somali girl in MN :rolleyes: ) Somalia. The lady: Oh sorry but can I ask you what kind of perfume you're wearing? Me: .... The lady: It's just that my husband think you smell sexy :rolleyes: . Me(mortified) Oh! the I look and what do you know the husband is in earshot of our conversation, smilling ackwardly :eek: Enter akward pause. In the meantime, I'm trying to manuever out of the way. Me: Ok I got to go. The lady: Do you work arround here? Me: I really cant have this conversation. I'm late to work. The lady: Oh ok. It was nice meeting you. THE HUSBAND: Have a lovely day!!
Yeah for a bit, but after awhile it gets boring nooh! Warka keen yarta As for the topic! I never been a big fan of laba-wajiilayaasha. Like, one min they are nice and the next Waji-macbuus (WTF) Just be yourself whether it be your first impression or your last. As for me, Just like pac said, Only God Can Judge Me ! Guys love mean girls, it is a fact Something about a damaged ego and frantic need to mend it that fuels men to keep at the mean girls' tails That's wazup!
My, My(clutches her sides and fakes a disappointment), I dont believe this is you Bob. For some reason, you used to remind me of macalinka dugsiga, whom you never wanted to catch you being naughty. Therefore, a macalin dugsi asking a female to describe her body type is a no, no .
When people meet me first they hate me because they think i am arrogant. I am really nice person but quiet, i dont like to talk to peple at the begining thats why they describe me as "kiberley". This really bothers me but once people get to know me they really like me and we get along well. :confused: For a minute I thought you were describing me. Girls think I'm arrogant because I'm also quiet and mind my own bussiness.Let me tell you a story, My two best friends and I grew up together in the same neighborhood.We had friends in common, school in common and mothers who are friends. But for the first like 5-6 years, there wasnt so much as salaan. Then we accidently started working together and they pretty much ignored me like for months. Then one day we started talking and we never stopped. To my utter shock, they confessed that they thought I was arrogant, unfriendly and frankly a ***** :mad: When I asked how they came to that conclusion, they said it is because I never paid attention to the people arround me and I always acted as if I was an island myself :confused: . They couldnt believe how wrong they were of me. And guys think I'm plain mean and scary. I guess thats a good thing
This made me laugh. By the way the word curvy applies to many types of body nowdays: Scarlet Johanson is "curvy", Tyra Banks(mind you a model)is curvy and Q Latifa and Monique(yes the comedian) is "curvy". I'm confused as hell. It is like if you want to be politically correct, you'll call a big woman "volumptious" and "curvy" and if you want to describe a girl with a boyish figure in a positive light, you'll scream "curvy."
Morning Folks. I believe I wasnt meant to be a morning person but chose the wrong profession. I've been training myself and successfully failing to become a morning person. I have even added a workout session in the morning to wake me up. Juxa, I pictured you to be hijabley, jeans huh?
Extremist are people who are so consumed with hate they'll kill and commit horrendous crimes in the name of their chosen cause. In this case, I personally see someone who didnt want to be part of the group(extremists, or even practicing Moslim)he's been pushed to merely because of his background. This guy was as American as they come(Military career, alcohol,women and despise for the wars going on)but because of his background and religion, they're are labeling him a terrorists, which couldnt be further from the truth. He is no differnt than a student who for whatever circumstances(depression, mental unstability, rage, being bullied, take your pick)snapped and decided to take out as many people with him as he can. Period! But try explaining that this fearful nation!
Looooooooool@Euruope. What religion? All Black people dont have the same religion. *****. CL, Talk to us. We'll councel you for free.
Intelligence Or Beauty? The Secret Is Out!!
Chocolate and Honey replied to Queen Arawello's topic in General
According to my sister in law, a woman's looks are eventually going to take a turn for the worse as she takes the climb up the age ladder. therefore if a woman doesn't have intelligence, she is bound to have problems especially martial problems. My sister in law is hardly an authority on these matters as she is incredibly good looking and a little light on common sense but I guess experience speaks for its self. I disagree with the first statement. Why must it take turn for the worst? There are incredibly good looking older women with kids out there. It depends on how you take care of your body when you're young and it is never too late to make changes. I hate this mentality of Somali women. It is like they expect to fall apart the minute they have a child :eek: . They get married looking fabulous, then one child later they look like they suffered a despicable tragedy. Here she comes looking dreadful, wearing mismatched clothes, eyes sunken,looking all crazy :rolleyes: Second of all, I hate the looks vs.brains debate. Not all good looking women/men are bimbos and all ugly chikcs/guys are brainy. So I say go with someone who is compatible with you, and have a merry life and if it doesnt work out, try again. -
Any tips on making the situation a bit less awkward for both of them?? Yeah, if they're Muslims tell them to repent, repent and never make the mistake again :eek: . If they're gaalo, tell her to move out. There is no such thing as ex-boyfriend-turned-good roomate.
To be governed under the Islamic Sharia Law is a beautiful thing and every Muslim should support that, but i honestly don't think Somalia is ready to be governed under the Sharia Law at this particullar moment, as there are too many corruptions going on inside the country and what not. Wallahu Aclam! I second that. Al Shabab's cause is lost at this point and it is clear that they're holding on to false ideals(you cant even defend what they're doing under the Sharia).
Saqajaanimo tendencies of Somali People!
Chocolate and Honey replied to MAXIMUS POWERS's topic in General
Waar Aan ooyee albaabka ii xidha Soo gabay ma aheen? I'm obsessed with Somali poetry(though I read it like Oromo outloud. I refused to give up). If it is a poem, whose poem is it and where can I find it? -
steroids rule, Yankees suck! Morning people. Today feels like Friday for some reason.
Breaking News: Somali Man Murdered Somali Woman for Love
Chocolate and Honey replied to The Zack's topic in General
Ilahay ha u naxariisto. He must've been very unstable. Most men move on, not resort to murder. Funny thing though, I followed the link(source), have you read what the ***** rednecks are saying? Since, this is the only murder known to the authorities in that town since 2006, expect alot of backlash and racist, rude comments. -
Ibti said it all. Knowledge is power and wether we like it or not every institution pushes their agendas. Ethiopa is evil and I doubt that they have the interest of our youth in mind, progressive or not. However as Hodman pointed out sadly, the only credentials worth its weight are foreign ones. I would've liked for Somaliland to look elsewhere for partnership. Most private schools in Egypt for instance has adapted the American sytem and is partnered with U.S department of Education.
So many good-looking boys. I feel sad for them. Probably didnt know what they were getting into untill they arrived at the war zone. Death isnt as romantic as they think. Inti dhimatay ilaahay ha u naxariisto as he the judge of who died for what.
Speaking of cakes, I have been high on sugar since the weekend. Today, as soon as I walked in there is cake in the office.ughh.. I think I gained like 10lbs.
^^^No adeer, its more than three clans, but who am I to waste time preaching to the converted? I'm not versed in clan politics as you're Mr.Duke but I know and you know that isbaheeysiga supposedly includes more than 3 and infactuality... Habeen wanaagsan.
Chocolate & honey; Adeer Puntland state is what was Bari, Sanaag, Nugaal, Mudug, Sool & parts of Toghdeer [Cayn]. The people who inhabit these regions, as well as IDP’s from the south make up the population of the state. The aim of Puntland is not to be ruled by a single clan or as you term the “majority” which happens to be “H” but to protect the rights of every individual regardless of what clan he is from. Hence our speaker is from Goldogob, Our President is from Garowe, our powerful Minister of Interior is from Erigavo and our Vice President is from LA. Like I stated before, Puntland is in a transition towards a multi party system. I hope you are enlightened enough dear. So basically three clans, one(MJ) being the majority? Consider me englightened!
Sorry about the mix-up. Read it in a hurry. Thanks for correcting the mistake. Why dont you educate me who those people are? We will take a look at it together. And please dont divide into sub, sub, sub clans. Who is the major stakeholder in Puntland goverment? Who resides in that side of the land? And who are the majority?Do englighten me.
Chocolate quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What laws of the land did they break? Where is the evidence? What? Did they look suspicious? Oh wait, they expressed dislike for Amxaarada? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The men were arrested for a number of reasons including being part of conspiracies that resulted in the murder of a number of individuals in Bossaso. The arrest were made by the security forces and the men are in jail. LOL! We can go in circles all day long. How was the conspiracy discovered? Oh wait, you dont know as you're not part of the investigative unit. You're in somewhere in midwest sipping on Chai Lattes! :rolleyes: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where is the evidence that they failed to “convince the majority of the people of Western Somalia? quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The evidence that they failed to convince the majority of Western Somalia, includes the fact that many clans who reside there from Jigjiga, to Raaso to many towns resent the ONLF and fight them viciously. The fact that the Ethiopian state employees thousands of civilians from this clan who willingly work for the state and its interest in the Federal level and the state level. Who are the leaders of the state of Somalia Ethiopia? Two types of people dont support the ONLF; people who are inherently cowards and are forever afraid of the big bad wolf(Ethiops) and people who disagree with ONLF strategies. Every movement has its promblems but the good that ONLF has done outweighs the bad. Certainly the Amxaaras feel the heat and think twice before they burn entire villages. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It doesn’t bother you that the "state" sacrificed “few Somali Men” to please the Amxaaro? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No fiction does not bother me, for you have no proof other than what you heard from laymen, the state of Puntland is a haven for Somali’s from all walks of life, the state came against the attack the Ethiopians made against ONLF members in Galkacyu, why would it then hand over innocent men? Fiction? So I see you're one of the laymen for you dont have a clue what is going on other than projecting what you hear from fadhi ku dirirka. quote: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who is the “we”? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We the main stakeholders of Puntland and those who have supported it and made it into a sanctuary and beacon of hope for all Somali’s. quote: Now again if the ONLF vacate Puntland there would be no issue what so ever. Dont make me laugh! Again, you have no power to evict anyone. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who gave you the power to ask a group of Somali people to vacate a Somali land on the basis of “suspicion” of opposing a group of terrorists(yes, Amxaarada are the worst kind of terrorists)? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allah (SWT)gave me the power to use reason & logic and to highlight the interest of my people and that of my state. The ONLF need to vacate the state, if they want to keep running around the state then they need to stop crying when they get arrested by the secret services, they are not special at all. Do you ever read the rubish you write? So, now we're playing the God card? The last two statements sounds something a cornered person would write me thinks. Lol@"they are not special." Second I am an advocate and an ardent supporter of the state and admin of Puntland, its not a clan but a state. ________________________________________ quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State is made up of members of communities. Who are the members of this Puntland except the M clan? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lool. You are as fair and balanced as Fox News. Adeer Puntland is 1/3 of Somalia, and has 1/3 of its population, 50% of its coastline. It is made up of many clans today a diverse mix, who happen to play a major role in its development. Name the clans, the shareholders(as you think it is a company rather than a "goverement")
The argument of the thread is quite simple. If the ONLF has a problem with the law of the land, then they should not come to this land, they should avoid it at all cost. What laws of the land did they break? Where is the evidence? What? Did they look suspicious? Oh wait, they expressed dislike for Amxaarada? The idea that a struggle that they have failed to convince the majority of the people of Western Somalia or in Ethiopia, can be implemented on the people of Puntland who are free and in their own republic of Somalia with its many issues is ludicrous. Where is the evidence that they failed to “convince the majority of the people of Western Somalia? Again read my lips, the clan lives in the region, in peace and with dignity, a few men were arrested as part of an ONLF conspiracy. It doesn’t bother you that the "state" sacrificed “few Somali Men” to please the Amxaaro? We are not expecting any of you to acknowledge the support the people of Puntland have given your kinsmen in their time of need, the fact that thousands of families reside in the state peacefully and with dignity. No that does not matter , what matters to you is that five men were arrested. Who is the “we”? Now again if the ONLF vacate Puntland there would be no issue what so ever. Who gave you the power to ask a group of Somali people to vacate a Somali land on the basis of “suspicion” of opposing a group of terrorists(yes, Amxaarada are the worst kind of terrorists)? Second I am an advocate and an ardent supporter of the state and admin of Puntland, its not a clan but a state. State is made up of members of communities. Who are the members of this Puntland except the M clan? Now you go and get your head checked while I get some breakfast.
Horta adiga Putland waa ceebaysay, wallahi. Seriously you act as if you're this clan's spokesperson as if they're a single entity, yaa rab. Every Somali individual has a right to reside and live in peace anywhere in Somalia regardless of where his/her clan resides. Now, the practice of handing over a Somali person to their enemy to be tortured is unbecoming in which ever way you slice the pie. You're not housing or feeding anyone. Somalis who migrate to say Boosaaso do so because of the prospect of stability and earning a living. No one is running a charity case here. They have as every right to be there as me and you.
Just as she should be ever alert to keep the quantity of sex as low as possible, the wise bride will pay equal attention to limiting the kind and degree of sexual contacts. Most men are by nature rather perverted, and if given half a chance, would engage in quite a variety of the most revolting practices. These practices include among others performing the normal act in abnormal positions; mouthing the female body; and offering their own vile bodies to be mouthed in turn. Sounds like something the Siren wrote