Chocolate and Honey
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Morning peepz. Juxa what are you going for?
Even though I'm outraged by the actions and perceptions of SOME of our people, I would never report anyone because 10 out of 10 tims, there are innocent children in the midst of all of it and I would never do anything to harm the innocent.
Taxpayers pay for Somalis to live in luxury
Chocolate and Honey replied to Ibtisam's topic in General
CH and everyone else lets analyse this issue: Ok, walaal lets. 1. The paper claims that the man in question is a butcher Ok. Lets say he is a butcher. He is a butcher with 8 kids. Since he can't live on such mediocre pay, he is on welfare right? This man and woman came here in the 1990's right? And please dont say they're wrong about that too. Why keep having babies when they obviously cant afford it? 2. The paper decided not to elaborate on this man’s job (is he currently working?) Even if he is, he cannot possibly raise 8kids AND him, his wife and her mother right? So this is pointless. 3. There is no mention of this family being on benefits, the paper only talks about how much is afforded to them for housing support. Seriously? They have to be. 4. Butchers would normally not be earning enough to afford to pay for such a house. Yes, and this where logic comes in. This is where normally people stop and say "hmm... we have a dilema. We have too many kids and we are in tight spot. We should both get jobs and pursue means to improve our lives and the lives of our children." 5. The government would support anyone who is working in this country but, does not earn enough to cover all their bills. Nothing wrong with that as long as you're doing your part, right? After all, your kids are your responsibility. Now having said all that may I suggest that we all refrain from drumming the drum of evil for the BNP and the likes (The SUN) after all none of us can say we have the facts here. I dont know anything about the SUN but all I know is that they might have diluted some facts but the rest speaks for itself. As for this man and the picture, we need to remember that this news was broken by a tabloid paper that would go any length to trick you into giving them one story while they publish what they always wanted, scandal. Here is why I questioned the intelligence of the man. Why in God's name would he do such thing? Is he a model citizen? Is he bragging about his house, the house he didnt pay for? What could they possibly say to him? And if this trully a "an evil Tabliod" against immigration, wouldnt he know that? The SUN’s core ethics are based on anything that would stir up issues that are close to heart for their readers (and in the case of the sun, skin heads and people whose comprehension level is lower than Nick Griffin’s followers) As many said before me. The welfare issues run deep in our community. It is time we got out of this "maxaa kaa galay gaalada"mentality and encouraged hard work and honesty. Hadii kale, our houses will burn and we will set a terrible example for our kids. Any healthy, able,decent person with Iman would rather wash the floors and be proud than count on **** iyo wax daran. We have men chewing qaad all night, and sleeping all day, and women claiming everychild they have every year is *****o while collecting welfare as if it's something to be proud of :eek: -
Taxpayers pay for Somalis to live in luxury
Chocolate and Honey replied to Ibtisam's topic in General
Akhas! Are you the said person horta? Or you're running a similar scheme? Waraa have some dignity. Nacnacda iska daa. I'm what I'm and welfare iyo wax u dhaw illahayan ka magangalay. -
Oh well: successful black men with model trophy blond wife- beat him again and send him back to his community. Lol He deserves it all. Sorry, the community wont take him back.
What you're is What you eat and What you read!
Chocolate and Honey replied to Rayyan's topic in General
I eat air and I'm currently reading Eat, Pray and Love, a must read for anyone who ever sought God and harmoney. -
Taxpayers pay for Somalis to live in luxury
Chocolate and Honey replied to Ibtisam's topic in General
Jokolaato first do not question the number of his kids cause ileen adiga ma aha mida uu ka dhaley and he is not asking for nasnujiin. I'm questioning the number of kids because thats the number that lets him smooch off of other people. Second, I dont know what nasnujiin means. Do you mean milking? If so, He should be lucky he never crossed my path, for I will NEVER pick a man who cannot provide for his OWN kids. Furthermoremore if you are paying tax, which I doubt you are, you are paying back all that was spend on you . Go back and read what I wrote. He is not using my tax money as I live in another continent called America. And yes, I do pay taxes and have been paying taxes since I turned 15!And got my first job! Finally people the story is not about whether the guy is on benefit or not - it is about the housing he has been alocated and that is not his fault. Are you kidding? The house is the BENEFIT. I see two people with 8kids and none of them are providing for their kids but rather breeding like rabits :eek: The Sun used the story to bring to the attention of the British public the carelessness and inadequacy of the Benefit system - and in the process it has also ignited morals of the BNP and has boosted their claim that foreigners are treated better than the nationals. Am begining to find out now that there is more animosity in the Somali community itself and specially here in SOL. Not animosity, no sir. It is called being hold accountable. What should we do? Rejoice in being beggers? Once again the story is not Bashir neither Nasra nor their children so please isku xishooda oo amaan geliya reerkaas. No, but they made themselves, the outstanding citizens they are, shiny examples of living off other people like parasites. -
Taxpayers pay for Somalis to live in luxury
Chocolate and Honey replied to Ibtisam's topic in General
It's interesting how all sort of reasoning to justify 'milking the system' is being argued here..cajiib! ps.Abwaan,I dont know them neither do I care about knowing them.. You can all attack,accuse..it just highlights the extent 'we' as a community have gone to normalize 'extreme welfare dependency'..professional beggars ayaa laa noqdee..waa iska cadhi!..Lol Work Ethics must be an alien phenomenal huh? Preach on sis!! I'm with Malika on this one. I just want to wipe that smug look off of his face :eek: :eek: Id!ot! Seriously, he should get vesectomy or something. They're not using my tax money and I'm pissed. It's one thing to get assistance until you stand on your own two feet, but it is xayawaanimo to live off people's sweat and blood :mad: :mad: Anyone who excuses or justifies this woman and man's acts need to question their own integrity. -
Good morning all. I'm in a strangely enchanted mood! I'm just as happy as a clown today, alxamdulilah!
I'm with Ibti on this one.What bothers me is the level of sheer ignorance. It is embarassing. Let them ban it, as if that will stop people from building Masjids. What these people dont know is anything you try to spread lies about a religion, more and more intelligent people will want to do an honest research and come out enlightened.
Lol! The moral of the story is women are hard creatures to figure! Waves@Ibti. How is the running going?
Oh! Didnt know that! The only reason I like Thanksgiving is the shopping afterwards!
The only time I like Unions is when they negotiate a better salary for us and lord knows they havent done that in a while!!
Lol@strip club. No,no it is like sitting outside of the strip club and commenting on people's outfits and behavior. Thats why I dont have a facebook, never had, never will. I earn enough danbi when I'm with my friends and they're on facebook and then they show me so and so who went to school with us but who is suddenly a stunning model-looking, acting like a fool and I bite my tongue because I know I will have a say about grown people photoshopping themselves and posting their bussiness all over the internet not knowing who they're inviting to their lives.
Isnt it nice that Eid and Thanksgiving are on the same week? Eid wanaagsan.
Oh it is for event! I thought you just wanted a night gown. Yup, leggings wouldnt look right.
Oh, so they're required to represent everyone.
Oh my eyes! These dresses are terrifying looking. I like short dresses with leggings better than night gowns anyways.
Morning my sister and brothers. An old somali man was beaten by a young Somali and 4 white guys. Thats not the shocking part. I read it online this morning and the comments were like so ignorant they made me laugh instead of upsetting me. One guy was like " The Somali people came here for the welfare system and they started pulling down their pants and defacating in the hall ways. They need to go back home."
What if you dont want to be a member? You still have to pay because the law requires it? Where is this, Canada?
He goes out and have affairs and this is supposed to be HER problem? I am finding this really hard to understand.. Pissed me off too :mad: :mad: TO Sheikh Nur, You really dropped the ball on this one. The question that the thread is raising is, why did the Sheikh recommend Polygamy to that women? um.. because he is sexist and thinks the infidelity must be the woman's fault and if she only gives in to his womanizing ways the halal way, the man will be satisfied :eek: First, this woman was willing to live with an adulterous husband, although the Sharia states that this crime is a serious one that needs a judicial proceedings, her main worry for which she sought the advice of the sheikh was the transmission of disease and how she can tame his runaway hormones. Unless you left some of the information out, How do you know she is willing to live with the man? She is scared of diseases and would probably discussed ways to end either the affair or the marrige had the Sheikh listened instead of fuming at the mouth. The Sheikh's advice was based on these facts. His suggestion for polygamy was a reflection that, if she already knew all about her husbands past adulterous adventures, yet opted to live with him, then, she would have been better off if she had accepted a virtuous woman like herself instead of tolerating his adulterous girlfriends. Again, this sounds ludacrous! Are you serious? A virtuous women? How does a zani, an adulterer deserve a virtous woman?And how is that going to stop this man from roaming around like a wild animal? :rolleyes: Like the title of a book written by a woman, ( Al Thaaniya, Laa AL Zaaniya) meaning (I'd rather accept the second wife, not the whore). She might accept the second wife but MANY women would not simply because their hands are tied and they are shamed by their unfaithful husbands. The moral of this story is that if a legal venue is closed, an illegal path opens up, because if its too good to have it, some folks reason, its good to cheat for. There are no MORALS to speak of in this story. It the same lame story: Men using their knowledge to abuse women!!
I dont know if it is a proverb per se but I love this one: We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence then is not an act but a habit- Aristotle.
Dont look at people's pictures and profiles even if they're a "long lost" relatives. Instead, send them an e-mail. And viola! you avoided Fitna.