Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. What are you people on about? LV for friendship? Nonesense. Nobody ever bought me anything as a friendship token except flowers,chocolate, B-day gifts and such. But LV? Waan ku qasaaray my male friends dee.
  2. the dahab said Hero in Somali. Not the sort of thing an aunty has in the back of the dahab drawer. LoL They could've sent old dahab to Dubai to be molded again with the name hero or an aunt who is a Somali Hero Regifted? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. I know I'm pushing it. Just wanted to play the Devil's advocate and get on your nerves a bit. Carry on.
  3. I have to agree with Sherban on this one. A hero by definition is someone who did something courageous. And this Linda lady had to be courageous to go to Somalia of all places. Heck, I wouldnt go! The Somali Canadians felt bad for her and probably threw a party for her as they love throwing parties(welcome, good-bye, divorce party, engagement party,separation party, back-together party, friends party, you name it, they celebrate it!) in Canada. The dahab was probably from some Somali woman's old collection. So I fail to see the big deal.
  4. This is a very interesting, very touchy issue for women. There is a bit of stigma attached to being single at certain age. However, I can safely say the days where one stood out like a sore thump for being single is gone. Today’s women have far more choices than any other women in the history of mankind. Yet, this whole thing is so confusing because at the core of this issue is this need for companionship and offspring(if one is blessed to have some). It’s in our nature to have desires and to have those desires fulfilled there is only one option available to us Muslims and that option is marriage. I don’t believe Co-habitation is a good alternative(even for non Muslims)because like you mentioned, the women get the short end of the stick however you slice it. If a woman is not interested in marriage and kids, FINE! No one should shove that down her throat. But if a woman desires to get married and have kids, she should be realistic. For one thing, there is an expiration date. It would be nice if we didnt lose our ability to reproduce at a certain age. While I don’t advocate for lowering standards(God knows we have plenty of women who settled for men far less than them and woke up the nightmare that is a failed marriage) and building a home with any man, I think women need to be a bit realistic about certain choices. No one is perfect. There is certainly no Knight coming to your rescue. No one will have or be able to provide all that you want/desire. I feel like this culture has failed today’s women. They’re told they can have it ALL! The hot career, the handsome guy with money, looks, intelligence, nice background, education, personality, ambitious, manly yet sensitive, good listener, loyal, present in child rearing, a man who will hand write a beautifully love letter while ironing your underwear after he comes home from his office . Women are looking for the perfect illusion and men are too. Because of this expectation, many waited and waited only to find out there isnt such creature in sight. But the most important thing of all is CALAF. You will never miss anything that’s meant to be yours and you will never get anything that isn’t no matter how perfect the situation is.
  5. LOl@Americans dont travel. You know us too well my dear. Not too long ago,the goverment invested money in ads urging people to take their vacations seeing that long hours in the office causes too much stress and sickness. Hi cadeey. How is your Haitus going? Are you back to teaching yet or have ventured into another path?
  6. hello CH. have safe trip macaanto and think about what you want to bring back for your fav habo Am I going somewhere without my knowlege? :confused: Hello Malika. CL, whats wrong????
  7. I can never scold you now! You're better than me. The reason I tried to give up sugar is I take sugar in my coffee and I have two-three cups a day. And then, I drink Somali shaah, loads of sugar. I thought that was bad but when I started earing the bowls of ice cream at night, I realized I was ok before. So now I'm back to drinking my coffee and shaah with sugar.
  8. Lol! One of the dreaded downside of dieting is you get obsessed with the things you gave up. Mine was sugar. I have never liked sweets much. A piece of xalwo or cake every now and then. Thats it. But I gave up sugar for about a 3weeks altogether and then, about the fourth week, I was seeing cakes,xalwo, ice cream, and brownies everywhere! I went to restaurants with people only to order HUGE bowls of chocolate brownies topped with ice cream, chocolate souce AND more chocolate. SIGH. After a whole week of binging on nothing but sugar. I'm back on sugar needless to say.
  9. Hi Ibti, You've been engaging in a futile war lately. I have been good. Did the sugar addiction go away?
  10. What bugs me the most is you mention Isreal and all gaalo especially the Americans get so F-ing big brotherly protective. "Isreal has a right to defend itself," they argue. Yeah, in someonelse's home? This conflict is pure madness.
  11. Hello folks. Happy Friday. I'm going to see Shutter Island tonight IA!!
  12. Even if Germany deployed every man, woman, and child, they still would've lost for numerous reasons.
  13. but I was unpleasantly surprised to see that everyone here is presuming she's innocent. Yep! INNOCENT until proven guilty. If, however it turns out she murdered her own child in such way, not only will she get punished by the law of the land, she will also answer to her maker for she has blood on her hand.
  14. No, I don't think she is pure evil. And no matter what punishment she gets it won't beat the one she's already suffering, which is being deprived of her child. this is exactly how everyone is feeling. No one said she is innocent. Besides, we dont/cannot know wether she is guilty because we dont know what the evidence is. You'd be surprised how many people get charged based on little evidence. Thats where the trial and jury comes in. Poor mother because she lost her baby(by accident or pure neglect) she is in jail and will probably have to live with decisions she's made.
  15. Sherban, Do you think she killed her baby because she is pure evil? Have you reviewed the evidence you speak of? Remember, it is INNOCENT until proven guilty. So many people get charged with little or no evidence, especially in child neglect cases. So chill.
  16. My mom's younger sister is my role model. Growing up I always wanted to be her. She is the strongest woman I have ever met.
  17. Morning people. I love Chapati but for some reason whenever I eat it, I get sick. I feel like inuu beerka iiga dhago.
  18. Well the way I was taught and teach is, a singular subject(Somali community) should have a singular verb.
  19. It's not her gaalnimo that bothers me or even her so-called criticism, but her sheer ignorance and greed. She is media hungry. Everytime you turn out she is speaking at an event about Islam. She even went as far as "warning" Western civilization about Islam's agenda. How laughable is that? She called Islam "political invasion" with no "freedom of choice and no merit." I wouldnt touch her with a pole let alone threaten her. She is a sad, sad soul.
  20. As in Lawyer? What made you choose that profession?
  21. I mean what are you going for in school?
  22. No. Morning Juxa.I've been meaning to ask what you're studying.
  23. The Mohawk guy did catch my eye, lol! Yeah, nothing more embarassing than a newspaper that has gramatical errors. They should hire someone to proofread.
  24. Somali all the way. I would never dictate anyone's choice. But for me, I would never marry outside the Somali race. To say religion transcends culture, language and customs is simply naive. We certainly dont have many things in common with Wardak, Afghanis regardless of Religion. Every Muslim nation on earth has infused their culture with the religion, making it impossible for all nations to have one culture, so to speak. Somalis have a beautiful culture despite all the ugliness going right now and I couldnt share a lifetime with someone who has no connection with say,Xamar, Kismayo or Hargeysa.
  25. Alla gabadhan maxay dad qar ka tuurtay. Nip Tuck aa?