Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. Anyone who remotely shares his opinion should jump off a bridge. With this kind of ideology, it takes us 50 years back. ciyalkiya jail kuwada jira, nimanki aa yaraday (biggest rumour in decades), gabdhihi waa wada garoob, nimanki wa wada loosers, Taliban bey nu wada noqonay, diinti ba laga tagay, dhaqanki ba la illoway ...I mean really, put a sock in it. If everyone just focused on their own sh*t we would see some progress. classic Also historically, this is very correct: MONOGAMY is the rule in ISLAM and POLYGAMY is only an exception allowed subject to certain conditions. Polygamy is neither mandatory, nor encouraged, but merely permitted in Islam.
  2. Respect is indeed earned. I don’t know about where you at but here in America, most children don’t even respect their parents in the sense that they will talk back, yell, curse and threaten to leave home if pressured. In the past couple of years, I learned two important things; students crave authority and they yearn for consistency in their lives. If you are fair and consistent all the time, they’ll come to respect and listen to your regardless of your differences. I now teach at mostly upper class, almost all white school. And you would think some of these kids with the best opportunities in the world are happy go lucky but they have host of problems no one knows about. As what I have benefited? For me it is the moment when the quiet kid who sits way in the back or the class clown who I think doesn’t pay attention shines for a moment. When they get it, I feel accomplished. Just a month ago, I had a student who is so shy and quiet, I used to mark him absent in the beginning. I couldn’t get him to do anything. Then one day we were discussing the use of metaphors in writing and I was asking for examples. The class was divided into two groups who were competing for points. Guess who dominated the whole discussion and won all the points for his team, shocking all his classmates who looked like they didn’t even know he existed? Yup, my sweet quiet student. It was priceless. It left me giddy for a week. Also, I feel rewarded when a student comes to me and shares their problem with me.
  3. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Sorry, I thought I clicked on another topic and saw this. As you were. Carry on.
  4. Oh boy! This needs to be moved to the Politics section ASAP! All qashin and qabyaalad has a corner called politics. I'm getting headaches here.
  5. ^^^Work outs and me, dont agree, too much pain the next day. I don't think we should spend so much time abusing our body in life. I mean seriously spending 5hrs at gym a week is such a waste! Say what Ibti? :mad: It is not an abuse but rather an improvement. 5 hour a week equals to 1hour a day. Consider all the benefits of working out; strong bones, strong heart, strong muscles, better blood circulations, flexibility, smaller body, better memory, less back aches,etc.
  6. LOL! She will surely skin you alive! I think I put on weight too. Remember my sugar debacle? Yeah, I have work out like everyday from now on.
  7. Minerals dont work for me.I tried Bare Minerals and Sheer Cover, they both came out ashy. I'm scared of Blushes because I dont want to look overdone or flushed.
  8. So people, any updates? I went with my friend to Lifetime Fitness last night. OMG, I might just get a membership so I can roam around this resort. I have never seen a gym this beautiful!
  9. ^^^^Looooooooooooooooool @ you're the most interesting person they've ever met!!! Looool Hahah. I know what you mean, normally when they have not met any foreigners or people with your background. C&H I am not outspoken- I hardly speak in real life- I speak a lot inside my head, of all the things I want to say But they have met foreigners. Everywhere you go in this state, there goes a big forheaded Somali lurking . Anyhoo, I like to mind my own bussiness. Also, I hate it when they go like "oh my, you have no accent! were you born here?" I shake my head no. Then they are surprised that I grew up in a small town up north of Minnesota. But forgod's sake how many times can I tell that story? At every staff meeting, parent-teacher conferences, occasional breakfast meeting? :confused: Hadana my boss is the sturdy, very quiet type. He looks at me like I'm bringing revelations or sumthin
  10. Ailamos, horta dad badan aad wareerisay, lol! Everytime, you open your mouth groups of people are up in arms! I have yet to see a post where Ailamos claimed to be anything other than Muslim. As for the topic, I have always like and favored Azhar.
  11. Ibti, ofcourse you terrify them. Out spoken women are a nightmare to some. Hello Trollers, Have you met some who speaks to you like you're the most interesting person they've ever met? Too much pressure, me thinks. I have to watch what I say all the time as he is my boss.ughh...
  12. I'm inlove with nude lipstains as of lately. I love MAC! I use their eye shadows, mascara and bowders. I dont know how to use an eye liner though. Eye Liner and blushes are two things I dont use. Tinted mostrizers are good if you have a clear, spotless complexion I found. I'm a late bloomer when it comes to this stuff. Growing up, I was a tomboy. Biyo aan wajiga ku dhaqan jiray kaliya. And for some odd reason, I didnt look like a mess looking back at pictures and stuff.
  13. Vaseline is nasty! I find the I-might've-eaten-suugo with too much saliid-look repulsive. A nice tinted lip balm or sheer lip gloss does a better job.
  14. Ala NG, no you didnt! It always creeps me out to be honest. One person sitting way back with a giant drink and popcorn. I look twice before I sit down. Two things i want to try: be brave enough to eat alone at a restaurant and go to the beach alone.
  15. LOL@Adam! I was going to write a long post in response to the some of the vomit some are projecting up in here, but then saw your post and I felt calm. Khayr, You're confused and confusing. Are you against women getting old? Women over 30 who are single? Women who marry outsiders? Or women who complain there arent good men? Or are you into polygamy and promoting it as desirable option? OR is this personal jab at certain Halimos disguised as an intelligent debate? Oh darn, I answered my own question. NEVER MIND!!
  16. Malika cadeey. Walahi I'm not trying to "uglify" it, it's just an automatic thing for me. My brain just goes there. And I immedietly repent. although polygamy is permissable, the idea of your husband with another, wife or not is unthinkable to many many many many many women. bilaa caleek this sort of topics always make me reach for baangad I second that! I, for one,amnot into sharing at all! :eek:
  17. Lol! So, your original post in the women's section was deleted eh? Naden, we sure think the same. Istaqfurulah in advance, but I always picture whenever I think of Polygamy, especially in situations where the women are so dependant on the men and are ignorant about their religious rights. I always think, hmm.. whats stopping this guy to tell these women that group activity is normal and desirable?
  18. Isku *** aa? Malika bal fiiri the dimples in the first pic(the second one is lame ha fiirin) and tell me you wouldnt mind being more than friends?LOL
  19. The words of overfed Politicians is not all that neccessary. Slavery,human trafficking, genocide, land-stealing, and other horrible acts are all happening still in this day and age. Marka, what does apology mean to those who are still suffering as the rich and powerful get more richer and powerful. I think apologizing for slavery is a joke! No, I will take it a step further and say it is an INSULT to the decendents of slaves.
  20. Dont worry about these girls, Unsigned. I wouldnt be able to be friends with him either!
  21. He is short and south Asian and with all due respect to south Asians, not at attractive at all in my eyes. I am black and African. Probably enough said for him So you're NOT attracted to him. And you being African, especially east African girl is not a deal breaker. He may not be into African people in general but you're the exception hence the texting and the movies
  22. Lol! Sorry to break it to you hun, but if he is not into black people why become "Close" friends with a black girl for years? How close is close? Talk on the phone often, go out to eat, see movies type of close friendship or let's-grab-lunch-some-time type?I can gurantee you at some point, he thought hmm...maybe she is the exception if only it wouldnt complicate things. LOL!
  23. C&H better ask for refund of friends girl I better. Maybe I shouldnt have discouraged their light flirtations Seriously though, men and women can never be just friends unless they're both in committed relationships at the same time. I've never had a friend who didnt hit on me directly or indirectly. When I was younger you couldnt convince me of this fact. I would jump up and down and boast about how many male best friends I have who "love" me as a sister. Only to find out years later, some had truly resented me or blamed me for "draggin" them along all these years. Say what?
  24. I'm not losing weight fast enough for my friend. We have a dress fitting in few weeks and she is freaking out. Therefore she made notes on what I should eat and counted the calories for me. I started on this morning. Ibti, your friend is a woman possesed! She is starving you slowly. You should have protein with that fruit. Maybe add a protein to that smoothie. And who eats plain rice with yogurt :eek: ?You need to have a piece of chicken or something with your rice. And keep the salad.She must think skinny equates extra pretty, lol! In some cases it is not. If someone loses too much wait, they can look dead or qumayo with sunken eyes and all. I am confused with the amount of calories containing the food I consume....Someone help me plz? Here is my intake: Breakfast: A bowl porridge ( with two teaspoon of sugar) How big is the bowl? What is the porridge cooked with? If it is small bowl plain porridge cooked in water, it shouldnt be more than 250 with the sugar. 2 cups of team before lunch( with two teaspoon of sugar) Do you mean tea? If you mean tea with no milk, thats around 40cal 1 cup of coffee (with two teaspoon of sugar) Again with no milk, it is around 40 cal. Lunch: Chicken rap / Sandwich Depending on whatelse is in the sandwich, Chicken wraps are around 350-400cals. Before Dinner : 2 cups of coffee ( with two teaspoon of sugar) 40cals Dinner: A plate of rice with meet /plate of pasta with meet 500-600cals 3-4 cups of tea(with two teaspoon of sugar) Each two teaspoons or all 3-4cups take two spoons? Let's say each, then it is around 60cals. Your daily intake comes down to 1400-1500. Which is not bad. But you need more veggies, fruits, water and less coffee.