Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. Retarded bunch! Ughh... who made their posters?
  2. That is your personal bias because your from this ethnic group, i'm sure if you were an American expat in Bahrain or in Nigeria you would also do all these crazy things for a fellow American and vice versa. You're operating under assumption. And no I wouldnt do ANY of those for my fellow Americans. Only Somalis. Nobody offers money and shelter to strangers from the same race just because they're from that race. Well, except Somalis.
  3. LOL! No, I'm from the Midwest ironically. But Minnesotans(well cadaanka) are like healthy fanatics. You see alot of overweight people but NOT these a half a ton people on T.V. and stuff. Speaking of Hollywood, I hear London is like Hollywood, meaning no Fatties.
  4. The Taiwanese think the Mainland Chinese are no good twisted Communists, the Mainland Chinese think the Hong Kongites are Chinese on the outside English on the inside, the Hong Kongites think the Taiwanese are traitors, but in the diaspora however they together make up the ethnic enclaves known as Chinatowns. The Osakans think the Tokyoites are greedy, the Nagoyans think the Osakans are unsophisticated, the Tokyoites think the Nagoyans are countrybums, but in the diaspora they are all Japanese. The Punjabis think the Tamils are darkskinned lowcaste people, the Tamils think the Punjabis are basterds of the Aryan invasions, the Sikhs think the Marathi's are pirates, the Marathi's think the Sikhs are fanatics, but in their diaspora they are all Indians. Nothing hypocritical about this, its human nature to stick with what your familiar with. In the Somali case it only tells us that the conflict is one of ideology and wrong leadership rather than actual deep rooted animosity. You're wrong about one thing though. The Chinese, Indians and Japanese don't house, feed, and hug strangers just because they happen to be from the same place. They dont buy each other tickets when one is deserted on an airport and they dont certainly cause a traffic jam on a packed freeway just to wave at a big-forheaded Somali walking (because they're just overwhelmed to see another big forhead ). I remember my first visit to Chicago. I was with a couple of friends and none of us have been there before so we kept getting lost. We went there for shopping so all day we kept stopping and getting directions that didnt make sense. We were at this gas station when a yello cab spotted us and did um... pretty much illegal U-turn. Before we could blink, a Somali dude was smilling at us, practically giddy with excitement.Needless to say the guy took us where we wanted, insisted to take us out to eat,helped us get a nice Hotel and the next day his wife and him invited us for a delicious breakfast. We left and that was that.
  5. Where I live, people are waaaaaaaay too healthy cautious so it's rare to run into a super obese person, you know like this lady's size. But overweight waay buuxaan.
  6. Lol! This is amazing. Anyone who thought Obama was just a preacher, eat-your-heart-out aa ka dhacday. Personally, I didnt think the Demo had it in them to grow a pair but apparently they're awake.I'm waiting for the Media fiasco.
  7. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: You mean she cant EVEN walk to shop and she wants to clog her artaries with more fat? BTW...I think I'm devoloping a bit of Fatphopia. Whenever I'm in the company of someone whose stomach is hunging like a piece of cloth, I just immidietly start running untill I'm out of breath
  8. I read the Atikins book and it messed with my head a little, especially the insulin thing. I still eat carbs though. But some carbs like Pasta, Bread, Fries and any pastry just makes OVEREAT like crazy.
  9. Is-eegatada aan is-ogoleyn Lol. So true walee. I was just thinking about what a walking contradiction we’re yesterday. Back home we eat each other alive but here we get along so well. A colleague of mine was teaching in my classroom yesterday during my prep hour. As I looked around I noticed that all the Somali kids were sitting together in a corner engaged in a serious conversation in Somali. What seemed funny to me about the scene was the loudest one was the girl who a year ago told the whole school staff that she is a SOMALILANDER not SOMALI and that she couldn’t communicate with the people from Somalia. She kept this up for almost whole year(but here she is this year, the leader of the Somali club ) never once interacting with other Somali students. Then there was the Somali boy whom we all thought was African American but turned out to be from one of the Somali minority clans. So the poor history teacher (in his attempt to explain that America is a nation of immigrants AND to get their attention)tries to draw a parallel between people who came here to escape persecution(he goes in detail about the persecution of a particular group) and Somalis. Then they all look at him like he escaped from the loony bin and in unison tell him they’re here because there is a war. Then he asks them who is fighting who but they don’t want to tell him that Somalis are fighting each other so they tell him they’re fighting Ethiopians. This goes on the whole class time. Then he picks on one girl and asks her the reason her family chose to come here. Before she can open her mouth, they say to her in Somali “naa ninkan gaalka ah ha u sheegin waxna. Wuxuu rabaa in la dhaho Somalida way is necebtahay.”!
  10. Ilaahay ha kuu fududeeyo. NG, wiilka iska dhaaf. Horta you're turning into a cynic. Meelkasta su'aal iyo skepticism baad la taagantahay.
  11. Oh! Or maybe it is gogol baala dhigay. Something about gogol that makes me think of divorce. LOL!
  12. Well reviewed. So is this book on Amazon or something?
  13. Just looking at that Fries and Burger makes me feel fat! LOl. I think i'm sensitive to carbs.
  14. LOL! No, no dear one. It is just that the last time I talked to you, you were recovering. Good to hear you ok.
  15. Morning Sheh. Are you feeling better today.
  16. layla91 #10 14 March 2010 15:01:42 are you british ppl born plain fukin ****** or something?? helloooo kissing and having sex on the beach is part of ur CULTURE its traditional not part of ur religion! wheras wearing a scarf IS part of a Muslems religion and you plan on banning HA HA HA go ahead id love to see u try! and keep ur dirty culture well out of Muslem lands if ur on holiday if u dont get arrested for '' a peck on the cheek '' next thing we know ud have opened up blow job stalls in the corner of every street. What a Wild Imagination this girl has!
  17. After all that,she says dont panic! anigi akhrineyaa baa panicgareyee..LOL Ala! I realy tried NOT to laugh but Malika's post did it! I panicked for you after reading Juxa's post. Hopefully it wont be as serious. Opt for the fine and be done with it. Best of luck.
  18. Well, the District I work for is offering a new program where parents take a class once a week for 7 weeks and at the end of the 7 weeks they earn a diploma. I taught one of the classes and it is pretty informative.It makes a huge difference. The parents who graduated from the class are much more involved now. But I woder if those parents would come if they werent offered transportation(a taxi to pick them up and drop them off), a nice dinner and a potential scholorship.
  19. ^ it show primitive thinking to come to such conclusions. we must be able to comprehend that religion is only one of the defining feature of a persons overall identity. If there is such thing as a DEFINING aspect of one's existance, religion is IT Period! So I dont see how considering one's beliefs is primitive. I've only started being close to him since he started to work in the city about 4-5 years ago, but in that time I don't think he's ever set foot in a mosque or even fasted for that matter. I really don't know enough about her values to comment, but I do know that she's not a fan of the catholic church and although she was raised catholic she doesn't practice at all. Astonishingly she sympathizes with Muslims and I've noticed that she defends them in conversation. Just because they dont practice or strictly follow their religion doesnt mean they dont have preconceived beliefs about how one should live their lives. Unless they're one of those people who take what suits them from religion and leave the rest, then they should be ok. In short, they will be Swedish since that will be the stronger culture do to the place of residence, not to mention mothers have more influence on their children regardless of how good a dad he is. Hence my insistance on bursting these people's bubbles. I mean it is admirable of them to attempt to design a "fair" system where they operate on neutrality but com on! The kids will have to live in a society that doesnt favor the father's nationality so consequently they will be SWEDISH with no ethnic name or religion to hint otherwise.
  20. His (and his parents) concerns revolve around the fact that his fiancée believes in having neutral names for their future children (non-Somali, non-Swedish). She also wants the children to carry both their last names: hers first, then his to break the traditional patriarchal system, so it would be Bengtsson-Osman. Her family is catholic but she's not religious (neither is he), . Well, what the hell is NEUTRAL? Why must you eradicate a whole culture to acheive neutrality? :confused: So she is Catholic and He is Muslim but none of them is religious? Ok, what does being religious mean? Does he still pray, fast etc? If she is Catholic, doesnt that mean she has different values that ARE different from his? so regarding religion she doesn't want to indoctrinate the children with a particular religion and that they should be exposed to both (and others) and in adulthood the decision is their to follow whichever Oh boy! This really bothers me because if he is Muslim, the kids should be raised as Muslims period! And finaly, the last name thing is weird. Are these two planning to raise aliens? I'm sorry but no man is an island. It is "romanctic" "daring" and even "cute" to be this "forward thinking" so to speak but the truth of the matter is THEIR decisions will affect their kids for they'll grow up in a society that has its own prejudices. I see too many problems with the set up but hey, he is a big boy.
  21. Lazy fooqul lazy. Seriously? How does dumping your kid on the other side of the planet help? I have seen some kids who were dumped on Egypt and Moroco come back gay and more F-ed up than EVER! I just love how some Somali parents think Muslim countries(as if there is such thing)are like this magical countries where fairies tend to kids and make sure they're on the narrow and straight path, LOL! Everywhere you go aduunkan, there is drugs, alcohol, willing and participating sexual partners. There was once a girl banished to Egypt because she started dating at a very young age(seriously thats all), the mother typical cried a river and sent her to live with an aunt in Egypt, well the girl found new freedom, friends and money in Egypt where she was taught to smoke hashiish and drink. She died at the hands of two OLDER SOMALI MEN who bought her drugs and rented her a hotel.
  22. There are issues though, similar to what Blessed mentioned, Somalis don't pay too much attention to the emotional/social/physical development... but even when they realize their child is missing something, they expect the teachers and administrators to take care of the child, and sadly I'm realizing some of these teachers and administrators don't care about specific students, rather they care about the results of standardized exams. Who is stuck and lost in the middle? The poor Somali child? Well said Sis. I too run into these problems. When I explain to a Somali parent why their kid is failing or that he or she is socially challanged(which by the way is the hardest thing to do because they immidietly get defensive and tell you off), they just look at you and say maxay macalimiinta sameynayaan marka? Walahi, there is this entitlement that I havent even seen in any other group. Another major problem is that parents dont pay much attention to the Psychological devolopments of their children. I often run into students in a high school who cannot socialize with ANYBODY! They'll say inappropriate things(there was a girl who would constantly completely forget what she said in class a minute ago)can't follow directions or even carry out a normal conversation yet the parents will come in and tell you their kids is just fine, a bit quiet maybe or a bit kibirloow? :confused: