Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. Books are my salvation. When you say novels, do you mean romance novels or what?
  2. I think you went wrong with the title. Lover is synonymous with sexual partner. As to the responses, nothing surprising there; you got the usual "outrage" and the typical "freedom seekers" so dont worry about them sis. If I were you I would heed Juxa's advice. Salams.
  3. LOTS and Lots of colors are in this season. I have been shopping nonestop this past week. Big bags, kitten heels, skinny jeans and beautiful maxi dresses with just to die for cardigans with big belts are in. And oh the accessories!! I lost my mind! Multicolored, multilayered bangels are the IT accessory this season!
  4. LOL! No waxaa ciil igu dilay dadka oo naftooda kala baqaylayo, nooh. 6 iyo wax daranaa arkay.
  5. Is living a form of opression? Why dont we all throw ourself off a cliff and tall buildings? Imagine all you have to do to keep going? Some women are yapping in the name of yapping walee. This gives feminists a bad rep.
  6. LOl@ the topic. Charity begins at home as they say, so lema see, Looks: take the standard 10 and multiply by infinity. God dang it! I've been told it should be illegal to look this good even since I was like ,umm I can remember. Intell: 10++ Sometimes I wonder if I'm too intelligent or if the world is populated by monkies? Planet Apes sort of situation? Personality: If I'm dealing with someone worthy of my presence? sweeeeeeeeeeeeet and smooth as butter. And if I'm dealing with ehem...less, no, subhumans? You guess? Istaqfurulah
  7. Ummm...No! Iska hilmaan gardens and the steamed espresso coffee, where are the FINE men I specified? Must you ruin my fantasy world with this rubish?
  8. So she will not cook for him AND if she works she'll keep her money for herself? Ehem...she'll cook when she can and when she cant she'll buy him a takeout with his money
  9. I was gonna say your wish is my command, untill that is i seen the plural of man. Then, obviously nafteedaan u cabsadayoo waxaan is iri, malah inanta hal kuma filna Awww...were you hoping to audition for the part? Hal kulahaa, when halka uu coffee ii soo shubayo, who is going to fan me under the shades? :mad:
  10. True that! I can hardly sustain myself, lol! Everyday wax uun baa soo gadaa.
  11. NG has truly done an outstanding job putting this issue to rest. Sorry, but after such response his opponents have no leg to stand on. This Niqab issue is like a dead horse being kicked to get a rise. NIQAB IS NOT OBLIGATORY, period!
  12. LOL! Absolutely not! And such man ilaahay baalaga magan galay. Yeah, I think I missed what you were saying. The man is responsible for the household expenses. My point was if the woman makes enough money, she should contribute some of her money but she CERTAINTLY doesnt have to. soo waan is fahanay.
  13. Peacnow is an old racist Italian dude who pisses himself in anger at the very mention of Somali. I bet you money he didnt even read the article. How are your masters treating you nowdays by the way? Gangs and Drugs are NOT a Somali phenomena. They're a problem in MANY communities around the world.
  14. there is one rule to sustain the structure of happy somali family. the family uses and survives on whatever the husband earns. the wife's earning is for the extras oo kaliya. i can understand malika's calool jilec being her sujuiness lakin CH, runtii Someone's not happy in la faro galiyo lacagteeda haye? Juxa, lets get real though. If you make 70 a year and he makes 70, and you have 2 kids, a mortgage and other expenses, you wont even throw 20 into a joint account? And what is extra by the way?
  15. LOl! Ok, saas dheh. The flu can really tear you down. Food is your best friend when you have the flu. Maybe now, the bride will really appreciate your progress!
  16. Lol C & H you must hang out at the suburbs try driving through Broadway or Brooklyn Park and you will run all day and night!!!! Broadway waaba ka baqaa And Brooklyn I havent visited in many years. I love that movie theatre in Brooklyn center. Oh..comfy seats. Ibti, eat you cant waste away from NOT eating cake, you can however get slimmer Eat more of real food. Hi, Lily.
  17. LOL@Juxa, girl you wont be working for 50+ hours forever you know. So save and invest for the rainy days to come aan ku dhihi lahaa. Malika, I think whoever is good at keeping finances should take control however, both the man and the woman should know how much comes in and where it mostly goes. Leaving money management to men is a NO, NO, NO! Ala maxaa naag ooysey markay soo ogaatay the last minute, ninki lacagti ugu jirtey their joint account inuu ku cayaaray!! Next questions, Should you have a joint account together and if so, should the woman have a secret account?
  18. Lol! You enjoy cooking delicious food Malika because it not a MUST! LOL! What if there is no can't in hubby's vocabulary as in haduu maqaayad wax ka gadayo ama worse gasp! uu jiko galayo, muxuu u guursaday awalba?
  19. LOL! I had a similar conversation with someone last night.I HATE cooking even though I CAN cook thanks to my mother who is the best cook in the neighborhood. In the past, I always disclosed that bit of info. as in please dont expect me to be Martha Stewart.I'm not a homemaker period! What Most of Somali men dont understand is you cant have your cake and eat it two: you can either pick (A) the tradational wife who stays home all day, cooks, cleans and fusses over your neck tie and that would require you to fund all household expenses, plus her spending money, plus lacagta qaraabada loo diro, plus anythingelse she might have her heart set on it. OR (B)You get the career girl who contributes to financial stability of the family so you two can someday buy that house you've been eyeing or that new car. The way I see it, we're qaxooti and tyring to make it here.To be even placed in the horrid middle class, you need two working adults. But there is a dreaded, ugly third option which most Somalis opt for: Two working people meet and they dont often discuss how their future will play out. The man wakes up in the morning and expects wifey to magically turn into Martha, the woman tries to oblige(after all we have the same culture), gets burned, gets pregnant, quits her job, stress escalates because money is tight now, the man gets burned out, fights insue.... THEN THEY FILE DOWN FOR WELFARE! PROBLEM SOLVED!
  20. oo xageed ku aragtay hun bal aan u guuree?
  21. Oh, how I wish I could do that! It'd wake up those lazy students, who for odd some reason think they're doing way better even when you confront them with their work. But what he did was a violation of privacy.
  22. My ideal world involves 3 things;Free Starbucks coffee everywhere, Gardens, and Fine men to serve the coffee and tend to the gardens. I kid, I kid, not!
  23. Ama Ina Xalima hala dhaho ama Ina Farah shiino haloogu yeero. Children take after their mothers most of the time. In a sense, you're what your mother is. This reminds me, when I was little(around 7/8) I used to claim my mother's clan. I thought it made a perfect sense to be from that clan since I came from my mother's womb and my brother used to alternate between my mom's and dad's,depending on which parent he favored at the moment.