Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. Aniga, Adiga & Kulli waxa forumka joogaba Juhhaal beynu nahay, marka loo eego Sh. Al Barraak, horta ma taqaan? Nacam. Balse, the verdict is still the same, no? Should a Muslim be killed if he xalaalaysto maa xaramulah?
  2. Yeah. I'm planning to go. Luvvv her.
  3. That Equation is fantastic! LMOF@ "Women are the square root of evil squared."
  4. OMG! Juxa maba naxayside? Qabuur gadid aa, Najaynaa. LOL@Somali Sand in A Jar!
  5. C&H, Jaahil & Arrogant at the same time!. Walee? And your reasoning is as follows? Ragga & Dumarka iney is dhexgalaan diintu ma oggola, tobanaan daliil ah ayey leedahay, Kitaabul Salaat ilaa Kitaabul Xaj, Oh Gosh! And here I was thinking we could hold hands in the masjid? :rolleyes: War heedhee listen. I think waxaad ka midtahay kuwa diinta ku soo baraarugay mar dhow kowdheh. You dont need to tell me that men and women cannot mix first. Remember I'm a Muslimah and I have enough knowlege,cilmi, about what I'm talkin about(and I dont mean Arbaciinka uun baan aqristay.Unless(in your own deluded mine)aan gaalooboy between this morning and afternoon for disagreeing with Sheikhs . No one is desputing this fact ok? marka haddii laguu sheego adillada eed iska diiddo eed Alle & rasuulkiis ku been abuurato eed tiraahdo Ilaah & Rasuulkiis baa is dhexgalka ii banneeyey weeye wuxuu Sheekhu ka hadlayo. First of all, did I say anywhere that I'm not accepting this? Waxa kala saar! Muddying waters is not a plausible defense. Meesha labo wax baa yaalay: (1) Does saying raga iyo dumarka can interact in private make you Kaafir? And (b) can you excute a Muslim, smear his blood on your hands for suggesting such thing? NO, NO, NO! NG, no I dont think decay is a good thing. We're already a confused Ummah. I have much respect for the Culima because waanala amray after the four Caliphs inaan maqalno so I dont believe in mocking the Culima. However my confusion lies with the people who are calling for this poor woman's death because she strongly disagrees with the Sheikh. By the way, the poem doesnt single him out. It says angry people who wear death as a dress(Aka Al-hebels in the world) are calling for destruction. I dont beleive in mocking anyone but you can politely but firmly disagree. In conclusion, the Sheikh is wrong(I know it pains people to hear a learned Sheikh can be wrong) because in Diinta a handful of things ayaa looga baxaa Shirk being the big fall. Woman, you are questioning the stewards of Islamic virtue and purity Why? Do you want inaad igu jano tagtid?
  6. Wax baad isku qaldeysaa walaal, waxaase ka daran inaad adiga & tii gabaydayba oo diinta Jaahi ka ah aad the likes of Sheikh Al Barraak waa qaldantahay dhahdaan!, waa siduu Nabigu (SC) u sheegay: وينطق فيها الرويبضة .. قالوا وما الرويبضة يا رسول الله ؟ قال : الرجل التافه يتكلم فى أمر العامة In this case: Al mar'atul taafiha Funny walee. How exactly did you come to the conclusion that I and SHE are both Jaahils of diin?By any chance, is it because we're women that you assume we dont know what we're talking about? :rolleyes: C&H, It's a gradual decay, dear. First it is ok to criticise scholars that are considered erroneous but soon it is ALL scholars. Because, frankly, what would stop everyone from criticising and rubbishing all the scholars? If people took or left the fatwas without commenting or getting tribal in their condemnations we really would not have that many problems and divisions. Lol! How is it a gradual decay? This is not the Catholic Church where priests cannot be questioned. The Culima are humans; they can make errors. If a Fatwa is in a conflict with the Sharia Law, you say "sorry, thats simply not correct" which is NOT the same as attacking the Culima, defaming them or insulting them. And yes, I know that Saudi Women appear on T.V. and she is no pioneer. I meant they dont have the luxury to air the grievances on air often.
  7. I think the whole borrowing clothes/ accessories thing is a bit teenager to me anyway. Isn't it part of teenage to gossip, experiment with make-up and bond with a girl by sharing clothes? Thus I put "sharing clothes" in the same category as "carrying fake designer bags". Things you only do young and broke. You're right. We borrowed from each other more so when we were teens because we were mostly broke. I remember going to a friend's house, liking whats in her closet and emerging from the house wearing differnt a outfit. And going on dates used to be a glam squad event :cool: . But now that we've became career women, we simply go shopping together if we have something coming up. Blessed, I know who to share my recent discoveries with and who NOT to share with I will share it with my friends(and the occasional stranger) because we each have unique tastes. We can shop at the same store individually and NEVER get the same stuff. Adam, How so?
  8. NG, I understand that one should respect learned people. If a learned person is conflicting with the truth as we know it. We should speak out. Sheikh al Barrak’s fatwa had called for the execution of anyone who says mixing of sexes is allowed in Islam because “he is allowing what is not allowed, and therefore he is a kafir who left the religion and should be killed if he does not change his opinion”. So he is basically saying you're a kafir if you allow people to mix and you should be excuted? Wait a minute his message was twisted!! Sheikh al Barrak told the newspaper that his fatwa had been misinterpreted by his students and was posted on the internet inaccurately. He said he meant the fatwa only to refer to men and women mixing in private places, alone. :confused: :confused: No it is not. He is still wrong. There is no confusion here. Stating that men and women can mix be it private or public wont (a) make you Kafir (b) warrant your untimely DEATH. So see, he is still wrong. Ps, Whilst the conditions of Saudi women are not perfect they are not as sheltered and cocooned as you seem to think (by your reply here and how positive you think that a Saudi woman appearing on TV is). Saudi women do have voices and are making their voices heard. Really? How so? Last time I checked, they couldnt walk outside of their homes alone, couldnt drive, run bussinesses on their own, didnt hold voting power, werent part of the goverment decisions, and when they appeared on T.V and ruffled the ruling party's(men)feathers, there werent any short death threats and men willing to sever their heads.
  9. The pee and Poo I use as a weapon as in warkaalay arag waxaas. Seriously though, I cant stand Alcohol,drugs, cigarrets or any balwad. For some reason, I lose all respect for people who mindlessly abuse their bodies.
  10. Morning peepz. Happy Friday. Serenity I know how you feel. I have been looking forward to the weekends for a while which begs the question, do I really enjoy what I do?hmmm... Juxa, You're very openminded walee. Wax qafiif ah aa? You should turn up your nose like the rest of us.
  11. Walee sayid waa siyaasi. A dimplomat to a point. I dig the poem(though I have no idea what it says except the highlighted part that took me forever to comprehend)minus the name dropping.
  12. This is not the first time I breached my tenancy agreement and I believe they put a condition in that if the rent was missed that they could evict me. How old are you walaalo? You need to be an independant young man. In order to do that, You need to know exactly how much you make(If you're not working, find a job ASAP!) and how much you pay for rent, food(your family shouldnt pay for your food)transportation and budget everything. Even if it kills you borrow money from your family and fix this mess! Eviction is the last resort in any case and If they're threatning it means you're months behind NOT weeks. NG. Ka joog Adeer. Wiilkan haduu dabaq iska tuuro waxba kuuma siyaadinayso adiga. You'd be surprised how many people opt for that decision.
  13. Well everyone is entitled to their opinion are they? I think this is positive in the sense that she has a media outlet to express her distaste for such Fatwas as I'm sure millions of others do. She took that courageous step knowing that some id!ots will call for her murder. In fact, someone asked for her address? For F-cking what? For reciting a poem or for saying I dont agree with extremists? So I say GOOD FOR HER!
  14. This is rather positive for the Arab world.Not all Arab women are locked in their dens clueless. She sounds courageous and intelligent. I loved the poem. It is true everywhere. It made me think of whats happening in our country. Indeed "a monster wearing death as a dress and covering it with a belt"!
  15. Ha Ha Ha @exploded! It is not the sharing I mind. If a friend and I are exactly the same size, she can borrow and even keep. When I said I dislike people who ask me where, where, where I mean there are women out there who like to copy other people. You tell them where and within days, you'll see them wearing the same design, color with the same accessories as yours. Ugh.. I mean I dont mind running into someone I dont know wearing the same blouse or skirt but...
  16. LOL! You know what I cant stand? Ladies who ask you waxkast ood xirantahay xagee ka soo gadatay? I sometimes get vague and say something like ma xasuusti.
  17. Sidanay ku xuntahay dad aan is af aqoonin inay kaftamaan. This was a nice topic oo dadki ku soo baashaalay xamar(whom I envy)ay waayo waayo ku xasuusanayeen. But no, somebody came in and sh!t all over it. Cool it ppl.
  18. Thanks to all who responded. Ajar ilahay ha idinka siiyo.
  19. How do you say Transcript(as in the school transcript) in Somali? Thank you!
  20. LOL@Juxa and Nuune. I wrote and erased a couple of "war gabdho sidaan maxaa waaye"nabadoon messages but settled on the Oh boy as in aloow amuuraha sahal! Juxa, waa igu qiyaastay kaliya yaah? Nuune, adaa will ahe kala dhex gal nooh. Way to throw me into the flames, caqli badanaa wiilka.
  21. I agree with Val. Nothing uglier than hip-swaying, rump shaking man. Akhas!
  22. So are you saying you're not a diva yourself at that time? It's not an exaggeration, it is hormonal change. Some people experience it worse than others. I know girls who get depressed, literaly. And some who cry over every little thing. They dont think it is cute either but cant help it!So dont judge.
  23. LOL! Well change your attitude first. Calling them "rascals" and conjuring up images of wild "creatures" wont help you get a positive experience. So are you reading to a whole class, a group or an individual student? I would suggest you dont read to the whole class as their attention span is nonexistant at that age and you'll certainly feel unappreciated. Try a small group or tutor a particular student who is struggling with reading.