Chocolate and Honey
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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey
Imam refuses to perform salat-l-janazah on deceased
Chocolate and Honey replied to Che -Guevara's topic in General
Imamka wuu iska waalay. Nobody said police and investigate past history of the deceased unless the deceased uu diinta ka baxay for sure. And for him to anounce his sins to a whole congregation is danbi in itself. -
White House approves assassination of Anwar Al Awlaki
Chocolate and Honey replied to Blessed's topic in General
C&H, some would argue and say that your idea of diin jaceyl is not inline with LayZie's, especially if you think increasing your knowledge of the diin is visiting terrorist sites and reading and listening to material written and spoken by terrorists posing as Islamic clerics. Haye, Waa ku kaa. This is why I said you know nothing about the man If you think he's always preached on "terrorist" blogs. No Surprise HERE! On the other hand, I and many others look to always confirm the source of the material we read, we rarely rely on the world wide web with the exception of downloading qur'an in audio or athan applications etc. We seek to increase our knowledge the old fashion way, reading textbooks, actual source and wealth of material is available for anyone seeking to increase their knowledge on the diin but you already knew that, right? As usual, you congratulate yourself a little too early. You educate yourself through text books, the old fashion way. We, according to you, get our info from terrorist blogs. YUP! Therefore, I can't help wonder how you except me to familiarize myself with a known terrorist, its not like I frequent their personal blogs? Good for you for not trolling blogs for legitimate information. Aha. Instead, I read foreign policy blogs and articles of experts on foreign policy and who is on the wanted list and who isn't. Who blew up who and how many. WTF??? Didnt you just say, you dont do blogs? OH I see, When it is about foreign policy and witch hunt, they become legitimate? Got it! Instead of visiting the personal blogs of terrorists, promising paradise and virgins, I would rather read about their handy work on foreign sites and judge it for myself while also criticizing them on a daily basis. Doesnt it become too taxing? I meaning joining hands with Islamic Phobes on blogs, DENOUNCING, DENOUNCING, DENOUNCING, And DENOUCING.......NEVER getting Credit for HATING enough on your own kind! Ayayay!! -
Imam refuses to perform salat-l-janazah on deceased
Chocolate and Honey replied to Che -Guevara's topic in General
LOl@ "premarital intercourse." If Somali people who had "it" couldnt marry each other, we'd be in great trouble as the trend is to knock up the woman and hurry down the iasle. -
HIV Education Goes To School In Somaliland
Chocolate and Honey replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
Great News! The era of indha iska qabad is gone. -
Wanaagsan Juxa. I see you've become SOL'S Lawyer. Congrats!
Get the tea ready; I am about to write something
Chocolate and Honey replied to NGONGE's topic in General
I am not suggesting you and I be friends because you have a long way to go before you reach my level of ilbaaxnimo. Xaasha! -
Bisinka, Ibti be careful! Maxaa waayee dayacaan. Passed out? Then phone stolen, oo halis baad gashee? Dont abuse them too much. You never know what they can do since sharciga is loose. Intiina kale, subax wanaagsan.
No Way, No Way! Ma Chuck Noris baad filin la gashay, no ciyaarta daa.
I had a date with Chuck Norris once, and kalabka suggested watching Twilight Really? The Chuck Norris, THE Walker Texas Ranger?
Militants Ban School Bells in a Town in Somalia
Chocolate and Honey replied to Hales's topic in Politics
yaa is gaaray iyadoon warireyaasha dumarka ah codkooda T-pain effect lagu darin si loo asturo I died when I read this! -
White House approves assassination of Anwar Al Awlaki
Chocolate and Honey replied to Blessed's topic in General
C & H, we are not talking about me remember, its about Awlaki, Well from what I gathered Awlaki iyo adiga hold similar views when it comes what is Jihad and yaa lagu Jihaadaa. I opened the diologue with you because you asserted that even IF he did intice terrorism, thats not wrong. can u quote some of what he said thats against Islam, and why do u take sides with his 2 stances? Yes. For one, he praised that guy in Forhood shooting. So now, I fail to see how opening fire in noncombatant people is Jihad. I also fail to see how crashing planes into buildings, suicide bombing, and cutting people's hands off in a staduim when there isnt clearly a chosen Imam of the Umah is Islamic. You can go and say hada dagaal baa gaalada kula jirnaa, sidaa darteed waxaan sameeynaba waa noo banaan tahaay and to that I say Culimada maanta joogta way isku qilaafeen the rules of Jihad. For instance, dacwada ma lagu fuliyey dadkan gaalada ah ee aad guryahooda ku gubeyso? , what do you say about aayadaha quraanka talking about in gaalada lala dagaalo? axaadiista: 'UMIRTU AN UQAATILANNAASA XATAA... Xadiiska Mucaad & kan Cali ..fain hum qabiluu daalika..casimuu dimaa'ahum' dhamaystiro waadigii Sheekhadda ahaaye?, weligaase ma maqashay inuu Rasuulka beri' (bariii') ka noqday Muslimka Gaalada la dega!, Jihaad, Xumu Riddah, Rajminta, in Gaalada la naco Muslimkana la jeclaado si qayaxan ma uga hadli karaa Sheikh wadamada Galbeed jooga?, Shaikh Faisal ku quus qaado, Jimco wanaagsan. Bal sua'aalaha kore iiga soo jawaab inteynaan ka wada hadlin hijra to ardul kufaar. -
My best friend whose favorite movie genre is Horror and scary movies watched this movie and to this day, she sleeps with the lights on. It's not so much about it being scary, but very very creepy and totally possible especially if you believe in Jin, which we do.
Why don't you just die! I hate you! Classic! NG, leave him alone!
Woman Claims Wii Fit Injury Made Her A Sex Addict
Chocolate and Honey replied to General Duke's topic in General
Girls, the policts section was on hold, no cyber blood was spilled whilst the men were trying to solve the lady's dillema. Do you see what I see?Hmm... -
If askariyada is the defense against the Al-Shaydaan, Sh. Sharif is in TROUBLE! I say, she should adopt a running regimen that way she can give the skinnies a run for their money.!
NG, I know where you're going and I refuse to go there. First you stated that Consiracy believers think : That there are forces plotting against us and putting all the collective might of their intelligence, wealth and power into ensuring that they keep us down Do I believe this? YES! Do you? NO. GOOD! Then you went and asked the question; is it then prudent that we entrust our salvation into the hands of young men, who though brave, have not shown any signs of intelligence or ability to counter plot - save for a couple of airplane hijackings, suicide bombings in crowded places and the ingenious bomb-in-a-buttocks incident that took place in Saudi Arabia recently! No it is not wise because they're no match to the masters of deciet. They involve cunning, intricacy and refinement that would confuse, unsettle and eventually hoodwink your average man or woman. Yes, Yes. Yes. Think of the Fire Fighters. But they can only keep up this farce for a while until people with their level of intelligence discover the ever-changing plot(and NO I'm not speaking of the Al-Hebels). These theories also (often) point to fifth columns, sell outs, turncoats and collaborators from within the society that is being targeted. Nacam. Everyone has a price. It is circumstantial thing and the Masters know everyone's price. Such theories, for all intents and purposes, could not be anything but the work of an intelligent and superior being, such as the devil itself. Intelligent? Yes! Superior beings? No! Think of the brother who swindled a chunk of the inheritance, changed the will to take a "fair share" then dared the siblings to challange his seeming ability to shit gold. I believe in conspiracies. I dont believe that Conspirators are Superior beings(just good at cunning) and that any organized group that start with AL-Hebel dont offer any protection from the buggymen. The conspiracy part is in proving that there is some hidden secrets, plots and plans that we do not know about to be true. Thats the definition of conspiracy adeer. So When Obama sets aside limitless fund for "security" you can bet your life it aint about making the streets of Xamar safe. I can also bet a plan has been hatched, they have a group to arm in mind and as we speak, there are generals and operatives in Somalia making deals with whoever is more ruthless and has less to lose.
White House approves assassination of Anwar Al Awlaki
Chocolate and Honey replied to Blessed's topic in General
Well, you're an Al-Shabaab supporter who in my eyes are nothing but a bunch of thugz who xalaaleystey dhiig Muslim iska daa dhiig gaalo. Have you seen the leader's interview with Al Jazera? If thats not an eradication of a population, I dont know what is. -
Lol! NG, bal reading glass la soo bax. I didnt share the TIMES article with you to show you some evidence of conspiracy. I said " I didnt believe America had an interest in Somalia" and I always dismissed the notion reasoning why would America be interested in such small devastated, poorer than poor country? But article changed my mind about America's interest. If they boldly did that out in the open, what other deals have they cut behind close doors? Now,about real conspiracies,you didnt think I'd have some "secret memo's" from the CIA files to share with you now, did you? My point is this America(the goverment) and its cousins dressed up as fire fighters rush to burning houses(goverments) and fan the fire(wether the house owners want it or not)claiming to want to put it out(LIBERATE).
By the tone of my words and possibly their delivery, I am sure that most readers have reached the conclusion that I do not believe in conspiracy theories. It also excuses all our shortcomings by referring to this mighty conspiracy against us. Well, first of all I do believe that there is some foul play at hand when certain places stay chaotic for a long period of time. I never believed that America had a faint of interest in Somalia until I read an article in TIMES stating that back in 07, the US offered large sum of money, support and weapons to Hussein Aidid to fight against the ICU. And more importantly, this was NOT a hush-hush proposal, more like the Green Monster walked into a 10-story building in the daytime and started bargaining with one of the children while the parents were in the kitchen making tea. You said, I find the whole idea very demeaning, patronising and extremely offensive. It implies that my people are easily led, effortlessly hoodwinked and readily deceived. It suggests that we are of lesser intelligence than those (who are said to be) plotting against us. I have to disagree with you on this. Intelligent has nothing to do with it. And we arent easily led or dubed but forcefully. You see, it is human nature that anyone who is in power will do all they can to stay in power. There is also fundemental idiology difference between the West and East. America and its cousins only watch out for their interest and only THEIR interest so anytime a goverment is elected anywhere in the world be it democratic or dictatorship, they only ask one question: will this goverment serve our interest in that region? If not, we have a problem. The way I see it, the war thats raging will come down to one thing and one thing only and no it wont be about religion: RESOURCES! The world's population is exploding at unprecedented rate so soon there will be water and natural resources shortage and whoever is the strongest will win the fight. In sum, is there conspiracy going on? YES! Think of the CIA. Is Somalia a big interest? Yes! Why? Because in the next 100 years, the world will look to Africa for its natural resources and who wants empire building, suicide breaching nut cases to rule ANY part of it?
Sheekada Ibni Taymmiah was a Fanatic may maraysaa? Walee Soomali lagu qasaar. Qaarna waa kuwaas dadka neefta ku celiyey oo qabriyada faagaya. Qaarna Culimadi dhimatay baa laga celin la'yahay. Who ever said a little bit of knowledge is dangerous nailed it.
Can Muslim Attend the funeral of non muslim?
Chocolate and Honey replied to SayidSomal's topic in General
OMG, Ailomos please stop arguing with these people. They will keep taking turns and call you Gaal until the cows come home because it is easier than engaging in a fruitful discussion. -
White House approves assassination of Anwar Al Awlaki
Chocolate and Honey replied to Blessed's topic in General
Yeah, Ibti my point exactly. How does anyone know whats true and whats not true in the age of the internet, CIA operatives, goverments acting like an angered child with all their huffing, puffing and hit lists? I refuse to believe anything these goverments produce unless I see the said person on the screen explaining his views. Exterimists do use the "either with us or against us" tactic but the difference is the EXTREMISTS are counting on your lack of knowledge of the religion and your alligence to Islam. You CAN refuse to join them whereas in the eyes of the WEST, you're a terrorist by default! The only way to get out of this catogory is to DENOUNCE your beliefs and CONDEMN any Muslim who expresses himself freely. OH, NO! It is not enough to condemn terrorist acts, you're expected to denounce anything that is Islamic, women's rights in Islam, the death penalty in Islam, Islamic dress, Gender roles in Islam.... Reminds me of that one Ayah where Allah says: And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah's guidance, that is the (true) guidance. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from Allah, nor any helper.[2.120] Maadeey, Calling for the eradication of an entire population is NOT IN LINE WITH ISLAM. Taking planes and crashing them into buildings full of civilians is NOT THE NEW JIHAD. wax kale soo sheeg. -
White House approves assassination of Anwar Al Awlaki
Chocolate and Honey replied to Blessed's topic in General
LOL! You just proved my point.