Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. C&H (not to get in between you and Sherban's catfight ) Careful, Shabeel would be greatly offended. He may engage in "Cockfight" but never a "Catfight." but in all fairness conservation biologists have done far more for Rwanda than you have. I never claimed to have done a single thing for Rwanda but I sure as hell wont get in their face and preach them on the importance of preserving wild life. Long ago they recognized that the best way to preserve a natural habitat is to help the people it belongs to realize what a rich resource they have (google "Community-Based Conservation"). For every legitimate group that recognizes this glaring fact, there are 10 who dont. Also, what the F does getting convinced that you have "rich resources" and that you "should" save them help you with? Entire industries exist in Rwanda that revolve around its national parks, industries that are run by Rwandans and for Rwandans. And why is it scandalous if someone finds preserving a species more important than any individual human life? It is NOT scandalous, it is irresponsible to place the life of animals above that of HUMANS. How many luxuries do we engage in every day (buying a latte, eating out, going to see a movie, paying for internet/cell phone) that we could forgo to preserve a poor starving African child? But thats not how the so-called "Envioronmentalists" would look at it. They would rather you sip the latte as long the milk is organic, eat at Coops, keep your internet to blog about the cool "Earth Events" coming up DUH! and watch documentaries about the Polar bears and Penguins.
  2. A friend of mine got a weird e-mail on her MSN last night, something to the effect of the buying of Iphone through this blog. For the life of us we couldnt understand what they were on about. Thanks. Now, I get it.
  3. LOL. You're descending to a slippery slope point adeer. oo sheekadu, ma jinaazadi waxay maraysaa "if you object to this speak now or forever hold your piece"? You'd open a can of worms if facts and proof of Muslinimo needs to be checked for everyone who is needs in lagu tukado. It's not a court case, let Allah be the judge of Imaan. If your family beleives you're a Muslim and Sheikha uusan afkaaga ka hayn inaad gaaloowday, then fadlan ku tuko meeydka ama let others do the job without turning into a circus to prove your point. Ps.. Salman Rushdie NEVER claimed anything other than "Intellectual" Muslim
  4. This constant worship of the West and now surprisingly the Jews is hilarious! So Peacenow came to this conclusion while roaming the streets of Milan; the Jewish people are the chosen ones and anyone who stands their path will be destroyed, LOL! Even the Jews arent this delusional. B, whats the freaking point he has? Have you also been reading the Bible?
  5. LOL! As long as it is NOT impossible than we're in doubt. And there was Hadith that stated(I'm praphrasing) dadka qaarkood camal xun ayey hor marsadaan all their lives, and when they're about to meet their maker, Ilaahay wuxuu ku hagaa camal fiican and janada ayeyey tagaan and Vice Versa. So never ha gaaleeynin qof aadan hubin where he stands.
  6. To answer the question, Yes I would get to know him and No I wouldnt marry a man who cant pay his bills. I'll wait until he makes some and we'll run off to the sunset if the said man has potential to become an independant man. The most significant thing to look at is actions and past history. For instance, if the man in question has had jobs that he stayed with more than a year, then got laid off, fired or quit for sound reasons,then he is a keeper. If he is currently getting up every morning to look for a job, go to school and improve his life in every which way, then he is a keeper. But if the man never held a job before more than a couple of months, currently has an entourage of men whom he hungs out with on a regular basis, stays up all night, sleeping all day and complains about being broke? RUN!! BTW, are there men out there who ask women to pay their bills this month?? I mean, I'd understand if the woman cares about him and has spare money and offers to help, but anyone who blatantly asks "Yo, I'm behind this month, can you take care of it?" is an f-ing loser, run and run and then run some more.
  7. NG, I dont believe you escaped without a scratch or two. Are you sure you didnt say "Naa heedhe" which is perceived different than Naayaa.
  8. Let us look at this scenario. Raamsade dies today and ailamos asks for a cyber-jinaaza for him at SOL led by Sheikh Nur. Haneefah, me and Ngonge write to Sheikh Nur and send him links of Raamsade's belief about God and Islam. Will Sheikh Nur agree to perform the Jinaaza? Will you, as a SOler doubt if sheikh Nur bans a cyber Jinaaza for Raamsade because of the PM's he got from devout Solers? Intaydaan is congruluate gareeynin adiga iyo maadeey, there is a bigger fallacy in your argument: Say, Raamsade has been reflecting on his beliefs as of late quitely, say he had a change of heart that very same afternoon. Say he went home, feeling a bit achy all over and exhousted and decided inuu ilaahay iu soo laabto. Say, wuu ashahaatay and decided to pray labo rakco and died the next day or the day after that. Lets say, You, Me and Maadeey heard of the geeri and his family's plans to bring him to the masjidka and we decided to do a bit of lobbying and "expose" him to the public. Now, who is in the wrong?
  9. Alla muxuu nuune nimankan qar ka tuuray. Bal call your wifey Naayaa and see the response for yourself. Hadaysan adiga iyo abkaaga aflagaadeen, the wifey is a saint.
  10. LOL@LG, Should they come for you to question where your alliegence lies, make sure you keep a fresh copy of this post, a testement to whose "side" you're on if there is such thing.
  11. May she pour millions into Somalia. It just occured to me that this statement would've warranted my sudden beheading if I was in Somalia. LOL!
  12. I agree that it has sexual connotations.My cousin once beat a boy silly in a school bus yelling "ma adaa in naageeysatay" when he suggestively called her Naayaa.
  13. First of all, I'm not going to justify myself to you. I think you know enough about me to draw your own conclusions. You know very well whom I would choose between my child and any other living thing on this planet. Fair Enough! But let me ask you a question myself. What do you do in life? Let's say you're a doctor and your specialty is is joints. You discover a great way to repair the knees of handicapped people who can't walk because they were born with congenital defects, and you start treating them. Meanwhile, in the same hospital, maybe on the same floor, not many rooms away, there are children dying of leukemia. You think someone is going to condemn you? You think someone is going to have the gall to come up to you and say "leave those handicapped mothaf____z alone and go look after the children with cancer because their lives are more important"? Your job is to help the handicapped walk again. There are other doctors who are oncologists, and help out the kids with cancer. Conservationsts save animals, humanitarian workers save people. Period. I don't see any "f-ed up attitude" or any problem with that. Alright. But your anology is flawed as you're talking about human babies, which I wouldnt favor one over the other. AND I'm taking about a human baby v.s pollar bear baby. OK? I have a bone to pick with the so called "Enviorenmentalists" which seems to the be rage nowdays with all their electric powered cars and "Go Green" movement. They seem to have went the ways of the Fat Acceptance movment which if you dont know went from "lets accept every size" to "If you aint fat you hate yourself." In the ways of "Enviorenmentalist" the message went from applaudable "lets save planet earth to save ourselves" to " Your life is not worth more than that of an ANT since you're both from 'Mother Earth's womb"! I think the main boo-boo that's causing our disagreement is that you think one human life > an entire animal species. To me that's a repulsive opinion, but that has nothing to do with what I think of you. Repulsive maybe to you but to me thats where I stand. One human life weighs more than all Mice species. I respect your right to have this opinion and express it. The emotional and angry part is just me being passionate about what I believe in. My Somalinimozation has been complete for a while now I wouldnt have it any other way. I, too, respect your stance and appreciate your stubborness as you're more Somali than Romanian at this rate.
  14. Lol! Yarka hore hore aad u tuuree yaah? Walee adeer siyaasi aad tahay. Who are the Pseudo Nationalist anyway? It is as useless and nameless as "THEY."
  15. LOL! Sowie. If it is any consolation, I had the Avatar first!! I've heard Christian men who do the same; blame America's financial situation on women shouldering men in the workforce. But the difference is they dont quoate the Bible. Yeah, so nothing new there.
  16. Is there Westernization phenomena going on in Somalia? I don't see any parallel on the two things you are comparing. If you are talking about Somalis here in the west, maybe you have a case. Exactly my point. Are you comparing Somalis in the west and the cultural deterioration to that of the Somalis living back home and what you called "Arabization"? If yes, you're comparing apples to oranges as people fall all over the spactrum. For instance, there are people who live in the west who cling on to everything Arab to stay close to the religion. There are also people who live back home who cling to Western values and what they call Modernization. Which brings me to a valuable point: FREEDOM TO CHOOSE as long as aadan faafineyn fusuq!
  17. LMFO! Have you read Thousand Splendid Suns by the author of the Kite Runner? Amazing book. Anyhoo, anytime I hear about men blaming women for everything under the sun, I'm reminded of this quote in the book by Mariam's mom : like a compus needle, a man's accusing finger always find a woman. Remember that Mariam."
  18. Hell yeah, those people made a big deal about some gorillas, because that's what they do! If you were a conservationist that's what you would do too! And what I'm sayin is their mentality is F-ed Up! Sue Me. The fact that you don't care about a species of animals going extinct, that's another thing. If you think humans are the big boss and that they deserve to destroy everything on this planet, good for you. I strongly disagree. First of all, stop being so emotional. I care about species and I'm against animal cruelty so does my religion but I CARE more about human life than Gorillas. Thats just me. It's not the conservationists fault, NOR THE GORILLAS' FAULT, that there were kids dying in the street. It's the humanitarian workers' fault, who were too cowardly to be there, it's the fault of power-hungry people who started the war in the first place, and so on and so on. Again easy with the emotions. We know that it is not the Gorillas fault. But it is what it is. We're here, people are at war. The weekest of the chain, mainly children and infants are affected severely. And for me I'd rather save A Romanian child or Haitan child, or a Child in Darfur FIRST AND FOREMOST than a Freaking Gorilla or Pollar Bear, got it? Conservationists have a mission to safeguard animals, plants and this whole beautiful planet that God has given us. They're not in the business of saving people, because there are organizations who do just that. If you want to save the forest, save the people who get their livelihood from the forest. Dont tell a dying man to admire the beauty of a giraffe. The example you gave in the Kalahari desert is an extreme one, but your choice of it reflects a mentality I simply cannot understand. No it is not! Nowdays, you see these "enviorenmentalists" with their freaking spacious apartments, electric cars and organic promoters preaching to the less fortunate people about the Enviorenment. What a joke! You think you, as an individual, are more important than an entire species of animals? HAH! Please go say that to a geel-jire when the camel is gonna be on its way to extinction. Hell Yes!! I'm as a human being more important than a species of animals. Lets stop this politically correct bullshit! If it was your or your child OR a Panda, you would choose you in a heartbeat.
  19. Ma diidi karo is not the same as Ma diidani. I understand how hard it is for you to say it, but you don't like Jilbaab. Umm...where did I say I dont like Jalbaab? Jalbaab MA DIIDIN. Waxaan diiday is Burka and even Burka if a woman chooses to wear it, I'm more than happy for her as long as it is not promoted as THE only choice for women who want to cover up! Not that I find that particulary unislamic, I don't like it either. Laakin, when you hide behind the mistakes of the Alshabab to run away from your religious obligations, it bothers me. You need to do the CARA way sometimes. Is cadde oo dhiiro. How did I hide behind Al-Shabaab? Can you specify? How do you know I dont fullfill my religious obligations? War balo! I don't like Jilbaab, but I don't like naagaha isqaawiya either. Dirac iyo garbasaar will do for me. Karyle, I have a suspicion that you didnt want a discussion here. You wanted to point fingers and say look: these Nationalists are ********** of gaalo if not why dont they condemn naagaha qaawan instead of naagaha Jalbaabka lagu tumayo. And if that was your intention, DO CARRY ON!
  20. You did or you dont know what you wrote! You said how come the Nationalist dont condemn naagaha is qaawiya and those sin filled weddings(which by the way is the pull point of any organized thugz, like a moth to a fire, they're forever busy with women's underwear)but they condemn jalbaabka. And I answered, it is not EITHER and OR situation. Maadeey, You know Jalbaab ma diidi kari, balse waxaan diidanahay Nimankan is ka the gatekeepers for Allah Subxanahu watacaala, oo bilaabay inay sidi malaaigti to keep track of who did what. And women are the object of their hate.
  21. No it is not and you know it! Read what NG wrote carefully. These people made a big deal about few near distinct animals mainly Gorillas, raised A LOT of money, got media attention and saved what? Yeah, a freaking Gorillia? Puhleese :rolleyes: At the time, children laid on the streets ravaged, dying. Infants were abondoned on their huts and the death toll was so high, they couldnt burry their dead. Leave it to knuckle heads to worry sick about the extinction of Gorrillas when human lives at peril :mad: Not too long ago, I watched this documentary where some white men(couldnt remember which country they were from), went to the Bushmen of the Kalahari desert. The Bushmen were in the throes of terrible drought and they havent eaten for weeks(they had kola nuts and were short on water) so they went hunting. This hunting went on for days on end while they were being filmed. Then this knucklehead of a producer has the audacity to ask the Bushmen to stop HUNTING the freaking animal because the animal was going to be extinct :confused: . He said to them in an air of arrogance" wouldnt you love your children to see this animal? The beauty and the glory of this animal?." WTF??? :confused: The man laughed and shook his head and said "yes. But I would also love my children to survive." Some potbellied, spoiled man who never knew what its like to STARVE to death thought it was more important to preserve the beauty of an animal than the lives of the African people :eek: :eek: :eek: That kind of mentality I would never understand.
  22. So it is either clubbing women on the head and forcing Jalbaab down their throat or celebrating women showing their tits through their wedding gowns? This kind of thinking is where Al-Shaydaan went wrong to begin with. Yes, we are Muslims. No, we aint arabs. And yeah, as mind blowing as it'll sound to you, there is a MIDDLE ground. For instance, I can oppose to both; the tit show AND the whole enslavery era we just entered in our own F-king country! LEARN HOW TO WALK IN THE MIDDLE.
  23. Nothing wrong with helping animals but it is idiotic to rescue, say a girrafe than an African child. And thats what NG was getting at.
  24. The Dr. Jekyll Ms. Hyde partner, is the partner that will go from 1 to 10 in about .8 seconds. One day they're driving their boyfriend/girlfriends grandmother to go pay her haqbad and the next day their dodging their significant other for their movie date. These people dont work as much off the energy of their partner, but of THEIR WORLD (as seen by them). They're the sneaky ones, you dont know if they're playing a game or if their sincere and just going through the cycles of a relationship. These range from players, back-seat buddies, and 5-phone-call-wifeys. What about the other type? The type that goes from a picture-of-love to down-right looney in a split second, usually starts with something as triffling as "Yo, wut did ur girl meant we'll have a good time tonight, who is coming tonight?" And before you know it, this couple is at each other's throat, screaming and yelling out foul language. You're certain it is over, that you wont see the Diva and her Prince Charming together again, but you would be wrong because here they come feigning amnesia and pleading the fifth
  25. "Dr. Jekyll Ms. Hyde" partner. I really wished you talked about this one. This one is THE fun one! Stop keeping score aa? NEVA If He mysteriously went to bed at 5:00pm last Friday, ignoring your phone calls, you should also "go to bed" by 5, better yet why not 4:30 to keep the upper hand? Ahh..thats a healthy relationship. You gotta keep men on their toes. Just like a tornado season, they should be slightly prepared, full of anxiety, eyes darting to the sky never knowing when and where you'll hit! When it comes to Jaceyl, the true one comes when you learn to tolerate someone's B.S. as much as you can tolerate yourself.