Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. We dont kill ourselves over our opinion dee hadaan dumar nahay. We battle over it verbally until one of us goes home crying unlike men.
  2. Yes, Qabiil is a learned behavior. And who teaches qabiilistic behavior in the home? Mothers! Men dont stay home and chat qabiil stuff with their kids, but women have their cousins and friends over and chat qabiil all day long: whose daugghter married outside, the local imam's qabiil, who is against and for Sh. Sharif. My dear sis, you obviously havent met some of the creatures I had met in the past. Markaad aragto qaaran baa la aruurinayaa for ANY number of people from accused rapists, wanted murders, weapons back home. You said, women wont send their husbands and sons willingly to war??? The ones back home would if the well being and the safety of the Qabiil is threatned. When I was around 6, my uncle was murdered in front of his youngest son. The first thing I heard at the funeral, was buraanbur loo tiriyey which went something like "Kun baa looga aarayaa" and that Buraanbur mixed with the cries and wails was strong enoug to move thousands of men. THATS what Somali women do. They rally their MEN UP! Wallahi I NEVER forgot about that day.
  3. A woman married the Eiffel Tower, yes you read it right! Married with ceremony witnessed by friends and family. She said she consumated the "marriage." Humans are weird!
  4. I have never thought about it any other way. Voting is how we bring about change(at least hope to), get funds for our community and elect who we think best serves our interests. I vote every year.
  5. Woman: "Eedo, ma eedadaa baad dili" Ngonge: "Eedo? How?" Woman2: POW! Ngonge: 'Thud' Woman 1 and Woman 2: "Shukran khadiijay. Kani waabu iga naxay'e very possible situation if I must say. Gabdho yaan been la isu sheegin. Aniga I'm all for the ones halkan lagu dhalay to lead but older Somali women are more qabiileystayaal than men. Who do you think funds these wars? Who sells their dahab and cries a river when a distant cousin gets killed or kills someone? Who hides fugitives from the law and smuggles them into CANADA and Mexico? Thats right ladies; SOMALI WOMEN! In general I'm more disgusted at most Somali women's worship to qabiil men. At least when I see bunch of grown men at the local starbucks hurling insults at each other's qabiil over a cup of coffee, I can label them as LOSERS and move on but it is another case when your favorite aunt or your best friend's mom is crying ala ba'nayeey reer hebel waa in lawada gubaa. Waa cadowgeena :eek:
  6. Anyone who thought White America have progressed from the days of Lynching mobs is clearly wrong. They're just closet racists, rotting on the inside with their diseases. Yuk! More and more ****** are up in arms about every issue from Health care reform to minute things like, Cheeros ads ever since a black man was elected. Never mind the f-ing fact that this country is getting more stable and the economy is moving into the right direction and that we're NOT in a recession anymore!
  7. OMG!! That was hilarious!! Jon is at the top of his game. Fox must be hunging themselves the way he picks them apart. LMFO!!
  8. LOL! Nah! If anything I have the opposite problem. I spend way too much money volumizing and thickning conditions. General, I never took you for someone who ridicules African Features. Oh well!
  9. Umm.. that would make you no better than the Red-Necks who freak out at the hit of African features and call African decendants monkies! You'd be re-inforcing the idea that silky hair and white features are the ideal.
  10. The only problem one finds with Black Women, is the hair. Its difficult to be happy, while one is nappy. I hope for you sake, you were being sarcastic. Otherwise, you just set the Black Movement about a century when they were convinced ironing their hair with coal in the kitchen would make little less black.
  11. um.. Geeljire didnt really take a stand. I'm for family planning. Where do you stand and why?
  12. flew by the topic at hand ya General.
  13. Horta if the Somali society are known to have a large number of children why the overall Somali population is too low ? Currently is estimated around 20 to 25 million. Does that mean the death rate is too high and hence it offsets the population growth? Must you ask? Yes, very much so. Everyday when you log on to this site, what does the headline say? How many people died that day?
  14. No, it is not an exaggeration(the practice I mean. I didnt watch the vedio)!! The whole point of the dance is to put on a show for these men and later they take the young boys home. DISGUSTING! It's similar to what show bussiness people do, you know where men throw parties where they invite barely 18teen year old girls for "entertainment" and after the night is over....
  15. High School or Secondary as you English people call it. What if it isnt permissible in Islam?
  16. I have been showing an awesome documentary by PBS called: World in the Balance in my classes this whole week. I'm having students write an essay about Earth&Overpopulation. If you watch the documentary, it raises a couple of points regarding child rearing practices. (1) coorelation between education and childrearing: Higher Education and financial opportunities decrease the desire to have many children. (2) Gender roles in each society. What is the status of women in that country? For instance, in Japan the birth rate has decreased tremendously in the past decades as women are more educated and afforded more opporunities and now they're facing a huge problem with their aging population who wont have younger people who can support them in the golden years. The opposite is found in Northern India, where little girls are burned alive for not bearing sons. And a woman is expected to bear as many children as she can, preferrably sons. Which brings me to my point: the avarage African women has 8 children(Kenya and other AIDS infested countries being the exception because people in their 20 and 30 are dying of AIDS at an alarming rate) and this number not only puts strain on the financial stability of the family but of the country and the planet. And with contraception being as taboo as it was in the beggining of the last century, the number of children in Somalia is increasing too. We all know families with no income to speak of who have 10 or more children back home. So at this point, is contraception permissible, desirable, enforcable? DISCUSS. Please note that I'm not arguing for either and or. I'm merely opening this question for an honest discussion.
  17. I can't stomach watching the vedio. I came across this "practice"*shivers* in the Kite Runner and did a research on it, and learned many, many shocking truths about Stans(Pakistan, Afganistan, Taji...)of the world. Utterly DISGUSTING! Ps.. Some of the Taliban condemned it in public and practiced it behind closed doors. Waniciyaadu billah! If I ruled the world, I would gather all Pedophiles and rapists in the world, line 'em up and shoot them Nazi style. F-ing Animals.
  18. It is not they CANT find a man, they CANT find a successful,equally educated,handsome, romantic, family-man.............Black man. In regards to the shows, THESE LADIES want to be on the spotlight. They ARE NOT looking for a man, but FAME.
  19. Hadda waan isla keennay ee dadka diinta laga saarayo yaan lagu deg degin, qolyihiina bal gaarsii intaas!! Maadeey waa messenger miyaad ileedahay? War ka daa yaysan Qolyahan asaga ku jano tagine
  20. He is interested in you C&H, Ungalijua means ''my heart belongs to you'', war the brother is in love, light the candles, pop the vimto, invite the families, this is Is that what it is? *gushes* :cool: Prince, I doubt that our significant others would appreciate such proposal. However, I can be persuaded to accept Zayid's heart while I keep mine to myself.
  21. Maadeey, All I'm saying is, THIS particular situation was handled wrong and the Sheikh seems to be insensitive. 'naxnu naxkum bidawaahir, wallaahu yaxkum al saraair' ma maqashay?, Yes. And the 'bidawaahirka' waxaan u qaatay as in, it HAS to be clear for all to see, meaning nothing was in question and nobody needed varification. For instance, if the dead person made it CLEAR to everyone that he doesnt bleive in Allah(SW)anymore. Or if the said person was a church goer. But judging a person or qof inaad ku xukmiso 'Bidawaahikiisa'doesnt entail opening investigation and snooping around. This is where I stand on this issue. The dead is beneath us and he will be judged by his creator. Enough said. Allahu Aclam.
  22. Ala! Ma hadana Malikaad igu qaladay. waxaad tiriba lagu yiri!
  23. LOL! I highlight my responses! Saves me time. You obviously never had Pure Honey with Chocolate, the word ectasy comes to mind.
  24. This is no different from road rage, where people have killed for no reason other than somone cut them off, was driving too slow or whateva. I was watching a court trial the other day, where a man followed another man home after the latter flipped him the finger on a freeway. The man then tortured and killed the other man, stuffed his body in his car and wrote " I was a dumbass anyway"with the man's blood, which was about the only evidence that got him cought.