Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. LOL@Express your views in taste... you can't expect people without taste to express their views tastefully yaa C&H... when people try to piss you off you give them the satisfaction by getting pissed off, either ignore them and they'll go elsewhere or rebut them without getting angry. There is a third option hence the thriving prisons. On a serious note, if someone follows you around or your wife, sister or mother describing them in graphic sexual terms accompanied by visual work, how many times can you ignore or rebut their claims before your hand or foot hits their face? Some people just need a good old beating or the threat of having bodyguards for the rest of their lives.
  2. The worst, that friend, she can't even say one word in Turkish language, ma aqaano waxa waalay, she never being to Turkey as well. I had(Notice the past tense)a couple of friends who were seriously messed up. One of them claimed she is half-Yamani. She looked half-Yamani. Her mother confirmed she IS half-Yamani. So far so good. She told all about Arab cultures AND she was born in Dubai. :cool: She told me her brothers and sisters are Arabs but they ALL have Somali mothers. OK? Then I met with her brothers and sisters and OH BOY! I was expecting to see Arabs or at least HALF-Arab looking people. But NO! They all look Somali, dress Somali, speak Somali, have Somali names. They're ALL from somewhere Laasacaanood. Then I found out that HER Arab dad is from Laasacaanood and was as Somali(big forhead, dark skin)as anyone gets. Then I met old neigbors of them who know ALL her AUNTS AND UNCLES from the dad's side and guess what? The NEIGHBORS HAD no idea that Ina Hebel and INA HEBLAAYO was Arab. :confused: Then there is another friend of mine was came from Yemen and claimed he was Arab. Until one day I met his uncle who is Somali. :confused: Then the last one took the cake. She NEVER claimed to be Arab until we entered Junior High and all of a sudden she is Egyptian. She is listening to Egyptian music, she is eating their food, she is dressing like them and she is in on the latest Egyptian scandal and politics. She has Egyptian name and she is telling ALL the cadaan people that she is from Egypt. Whats more confusing was she doesnt speak a word of Arabic.
  3. Hadaan hadalka sii wado waxaan ka baqayaa in la yiraahdo waan kula 'Flirt' gareeyay...shib iska dheh waxba ma ogide. beryahan waxaa idaba dhigtay kuwo gabartaan la hadlaba i dhaha waad la flirt gareesay. maalin dhoweyd gabar baa waxaan weydiiyay 'Waa Imisa Saac' markaasaa la yiri heblaayo ayaad la flirt gareesay...war meeshu wey waalatay beryahan...hada adigu saacad ma xirantahay horta? Walee? adiga hada ma ila flirt gareeynaysaa mise? :confused: Gabdhaha iskama sameeysanine waxay ku xirantahay sidaad u weeydiisay saacada hade. Aad miyaad u dhoolo cadeeynaysay(SP?) markaad weydiisay waqtiga, ma overdressed baad aheeyd, ma ku sii sugeeysay meesha?
  4. LOL@BOB. Xaal baa ku saaran ma is tiri. I'd say my Somali classes at the U of M has paid off.
  5. LOL! BOB, read the whole thing. He is suspecting his friend has devoloped "Female Characteristics" because he lives with his mother and sisters. Ma fahantay? Balse asagu naftiisa wuxuu ku leeyahay waa rag rag dhalay.
  6. Ahem.. yarku wuuba idiin sheegay in kale uu ku tuhmayo "female Characteristics" therefore I'd say he is rag rag dhalay. CUT HIM OFF! Unless you too suffer from that infamous trait of females known as Emotions, which includes excessive sadness over loss of friends.
  7. I'm currently reading " The Emperor of Ocean Park" by Stephen L. Carter. I'd recomend it for anyone who needs to understand Race and Class in America. It's not one of those long, boring books that read more like anthropology text. It is fun, witty, intelligent and the author focuses on the top 1% of the most educated,wealthiest,Ivy League grads of Black America. It is also a thriller.
  8. And here I thought I provided an invaluable service. Needy children grow up to be needy adults, dont you agree?
  9. ^^ I think taking a human life would get you into more trouble with God than mocking one of his messengers... so what do you think is the solution? I'm not saying they should be skinned alive however, if they dont heed the warning, they should atleast get slapped around silly. The ONLY soltution is to leave relgious beliefs and figures alone. Express your views in taste.
  10. Juxa, I'm not heartless I wouldnt say anything to the ROUND lady. Fat people are very sensitive or so I learned. Oo aniga hada sidaasan isku qabtay weliba. People who are desperate for attention and approval of others inaan abuse gareeyo ay iga qabataa. It is a learned helplessness. Lately I noticed that my little cousin started asking too many " what do you think? Did I do good? Do you love me?" I pulled her aside and told her if I ever catch her asking for other's(except her mother) approval of HER, I will bite her head off. I told her you're brilliant now say it 100 times in your head and move on. She's been mum ever since.
  11. So now we are passed prostitutes and we are at Porn? :confused: All because pervy minds cannot differentiate between a model, a prostitute, and a porn actress? Really?? This where a discussion about a model(who is Muslim by the way)talking about her life and what she went through WENT? Cajiib! NG, You're right. I'm fighting a lost battle.
  12. Juxa, Yacni sidaan u bully gareenayo miyaa?LOL! How am I mean? Somebody has to tell the truth. Growing up in small white town of a 1000(ok am exaggerating a bit but go with it)people, I used to get shocked about the forwardness of Somalida whenever we came to the city. I used to hate that about them. No sugar coating. But now that I'm older. I appreciate it. We can't all message people's egos and cheer them on their stup!dity right? Deleted, Ilaahay baan kugu dhaarshee, ma waxaasad ku raaci laheyd gabadha?Could you ever go, "ohhhh thats so sweet. He is lowering his standards so that means he loves you??"
  13. Simple point -> if Muslims didn't make such a big fuss every time these gooks insulted Muhammad then they wouldn't have anything to play with now would they? If they knew it would stir such emotions every time they poke fun at the Prophet then it's an incentive to keep going. I think Muslims should develop a thick skin and ignore it and stay in control, as opposed to losing control and appearing like a maniac. No it is not SIMPLE. No, they wouldnt stop. If that doesnt get reaction, they'll do something else to get a reaction out of Muslims. Next will be his wives. I guarantee. These people dont want to express themselves through art, they are NOT interested in Free Speech but what they're interested is bullying others and proving the "primitiveness" of Muslims. It has become a trend to insult Islam. They want to go the way Christianity went. Every lame comedian cracking up dirty jokes, in shitty bars, about Mariam("Only if the woman I took home last night could go 'I'm pregnant by God and I was a virgin' wink, wink *insert laughs*) or about Jesus drinking. :eek: :mad:
  14. LAZYG, You raised a valid point about not making these ****** famous. But surely there has to be another solution other than turning the other cheek which what the "freedom of speech" in religion is about. Lastly I find it embarrassing that as Muslims we have been reduce to the level of throwing shoes and head-butting people who insult Islam, Allah or Mohammed. Even worse we become proud of that person for throw a damn shoe or jester and then stand back and say “yeah, we showed them”! Really? More like in a few years kabaha aya inaga damanaya. We have to find more sophisticated and creative way of taking out (I don’t necessarily mean literally) but removing people who upset our interest from public or at least achieving stardom. This small antics which makes more people want to use us as the stepping stone. Ibti, I too understand where you're coming from. I dont usually concern myself with what Non-Muslims say about Islam. But there needs to be a line. It's one thing for a comedian to crack a couple of jokes about the 72 virgins in heaven but it is despicable to depict Nabiga(CSW) in the ways they want to. They already call him whatever(A warlord, the other ugly word that has something to do with kids)but now they want pictures to go along with it. They know that this picture thing is a no-go area. Yet they keep pushing. Just the other day South Park made this cartoon where they had a bear(a freaking Animal) that was thougt to be the Prophet(CSW)and how does telling them to stop(granted I didnt like the death threats part that was used) infringe upon their rights of free speech? Why is it so important to them? We have to understand we live in a world where we ARE cornered. Like Nabiga(CSW)predicted, we are being feasted upon. It is naive to expect these people to stop this open attack on Islam. Yes, we need to find another outlet. But we also have to show anger when we're being violated.
  15. Morning folks. I too have a headache. I cant wait for school to end. Ibti, taas waaba cadaane, there are so many Somalis like that(well not about the weight) but everything else. I would like to stab them with sharp pencils. The other day someone told me that her guy told her that PHYSICALLY she is NOT his type. He normally goes for the opposite as he is attracted to them. But since she has a nice personality, he doesnt mind settling for HER. She related the story with certain strange pride. So I asked her, so basically he is saying YOU are not good enough for him?? She then looked confused and I had to walk away before I made her even smaller. Shit!
  16. WOW! Who knew Many MEN hold prostitutes in high steem :eek: :eek: Sheekadu whores are better may maraysaa? Well, I have no experience with whores to speak of, so there. Calling a glorified stripper a stripper is an insult? She takes her clothes off for a living, dear. Insults and criticisms are bound to follow. I would realy rather you dont play these silly games. You can certaily call a stripper a stripper. A model a model, a midwife a midwife, an actress an actress, see where I'm going with this? Nice. Now go and promote this important film
  17. Please, please DONOT be surprised if you end up divorced before the World Cup is over.
  18. C&H Lets put GJs arguements aside. Weris has no influece over Somalis and these issues need to be addressed at the grassroots, Fatima didn't even have her facts about FGM straight - how could she be a spokes person for it? And you're being harsh on the men - I know many that are outspoken against it and they are not all young men raised in the west, Somalis were debating for decades.. Most of the pressure and promotion came and still come from women.. Abaayo, all I'm saying is Werris(influential or not)can write about her experiences, no? Growing up in that time and gudniin in the extreme way doesnt need creativity. It happened period! So now, maybe she wont reach the "grassroots" as you put because she is a model and went against dhaqan iyo diin. Fahmay. My point is even if she reads those who are in the West, it increases awareness, NO? My other point is people often think that this practice is commonly back home and that those of us in the West, it's a thing of bygone era. WRONG! Parents are still taking their girls home and committing this horrible act. So the more people who speak against it, the better I think. Which brings me to the most important point: Who can speak against it? Anyone, specially those who experienced it. So Fatima, Warris, Yasmin, Iman and Ayan might not be ROLE MODELS in our community BUT you and I can't certainly discourage them from speaking out agaisnt something they went through. Ok. Fatima was a grown lady. She came here young, yes. But she is certainly at the age where she had part of her childhood back home where girls go through this sort of thing. Wether she is knowledgeable or not is irrelavant. As long as she went through it, or her sister, cousin, mother,friend, niece went through it she has a right to speak about it. I NEVER said MEN are NOT allowed to speak against it. In fact(as I stated above)the support of Somali men is very significant. However, most of them tend to agree that it is not healthy and leave it at that. Further discussions or focus on the issue makes them often nervous and thats when accusations fly. Ex. gaalo raac maa tahay, dhaqanki baa la nacay, why must you embarrass your people, etc. I would like them to NOT only speak but take action.
  19. You mean to say SHE could've been free for the last 20years???
  20. Haatu, I can’t hung Ayeeyo ciro leh! But I would like Ayeeyo to sit and watch a documentary of a “mutilated” pregnant woman from conception on: I would tell them to pay extra attention to the deadly infections, debilitating backaches, the scarring, the repeated cutting on the flesh to give way to the baby. Oh I’m a hypocrite! In college I wouldn’t allow my professor in women’s studies use this term. I wrote countless papers, engaged in countless heated debates, shamed my classmates arguing that this term was invented by white feminists to diminish the work African women are already doing to abolish this practice. Lets just say it hurt my pride to sit through those gruesome documentaries of little girls ages of seven and younger wailing, begging and begging not to be cut through a mouthful of blood while old women and their own mothers hold them down with all their force. Nuune, Education. The solutions is to inform, educate, speak against as loudly as possible. Also, we need our men to take a stance. It is not enough to say “Oh I don’t support it” and watch on the sideline. It’s about getting rid of ancient beliefs about “purity.” It’s about drawing a line as a father and saying No this practice in your household.
  21. Islam is the only religion remaining in the world with special privileges" Yes thats correct! I dont have a problem with Islam being the ONLY religion that you can't insult the Prophet and Allah. Freedom my behind. He should've received a heavier beating than being butted :mad:
  22. Bless, Yes, people in the public eye are judged. But judged how? It one thing to say "subxanallah maxay saa isugu qaawisay? Ilaahay ha soo hanuuniyo" but it is another matter all together to literally compare her to a whore who sleeps with men for money. Worse yet, to say atleast a whore sleeps with one man at a time, making the second option sound a tad better :rolleyes: Also, to say she is disconnected from the masses who practice FGM is naive. She is here in the West therefore, she is relevant specially when we have parents here who take their little daughters back home to mutilate them to keep up with tradition. Also, we need funding and bringing more awareness and stronger push generate funding. Geeljire, Yes I read BOTH your posts. First, you had a little outburst but tried to back out of it by pulling the old "Oh I'm not for FGM but I dislike how it's being depicted or who" card. Then you went and listed counterarguments for judging first(which I have no problem if it is done tastfully but sheekadu marka ay mareyso whore iyo wax daran, it is NOT a judgement but rather a personal attack), having problem with the messenger and men's ability to understand it is bad if we explain it enough. I asked earlier why Somali men have such issues when THEIR women speak out about this practice(oh, WE dont support it but lets not speak about it). I asked because ANYtime a famous Somali woman speaks about it(Ayan, Waris, Fatima, Iman), they're slapped with labels(whore, gaalo raac, attention seekers) to diminish their influences. :rolleyes: AND NO Ayoub didnt imply the opposite. But you two can keep insisting :cool:
  23. Umm.. probably because she is not bloodthirsty and blowing people into bits. Yeah, I think thats it.
  24. Even if she wears none, sub-zero, is she not allowed to write about her life? That makes her open for personal insults?