oba hiloowlow

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Everything posted by oba hiloowlow

  1. Alpha Blondy;920686 wrote: actually, the engineer has conducted himself rather well, considering the circumstances of the situation, as it currently stands. through out the dood, he's stated facts. he's advocating for a realistic plan based on ALL working together. however, it is this jubbaland supporter, Caabi, who is rude, aggressive and quite frankly rewriting historical facts for the purposes of establishing a clan based project. delusional. waar if i was the baydhabo dude and its the true they are majority i wouldn't calacaal on tv honestly who controlls shabellada hoose today? waar d&m hurdada haka kacaan kheyrkooda wax hala qeybsadaan ya yiraahda yesterday gedo baa laga sarey maantana shabellada hoose tomorrow Baydhabo baa laga saari
  2. xabad;920685 wrote: I have always said Arabs are psychopathic,degenerate, cruel and dastardly race as a rule ( it's not few apples as they say ). People always give me stick for this, saying i hate them because I'm islamophobic. Excuse me!.. . these kinds of videos just reaffirm what i know, having observed these inhuman people for so long. ´+1
  3. Al engineerka is a fool maskiin nimo aint getting you nowhere ma is tidhi?
  4. we destroyed our own country and now our people are suffering everywhere from SA to wadamada carbeed. This is our own focking fault anaga sharafteena ku ciyaarnay and now we are the lowest of the lowest. SMDFH nacalaa fockin talaatik
  5. LOOL Nadaara is rageedi free entertainment
  6. Apophis;920634 wrote: The D&M dude is completely deluded. He says he is the majority in ALL the six regions. :D Come on, he's clearly being encouraged by the Mogadishu cabal. And the P/L dude is like " I live in Garissa, Puntland, Jubba, Ethiopia; illahey ba isiiyay" :D LMFAO, horta if the Baydhabo dude is majority in the 6 regions why in hell didn't his folk participate in liberating those areas he is saying he's majority in, doesn't make sense innit?
  7. Funniest dood ever, the pro jubbaland dude '' if god gave me all that land don't hate nigga'' :D The Baydhabo dude '' 60 % of the raskambooni soldiers are my folks'' walahi shactaro
  8. xabad;920564 wrote: i love being amused by simple people like alpha and oba. thanks for the free entertainment guys. . Your welcome first time someone is actuallay acknowledging my service for this forum. rageedi
  9. Haatu my nigga listen to this start from 0:50 :eek: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Asalamu aleykum warahmatulahi wabarakatu kulan feylan akhyaarta na fiirsadaaso na dheegesano aragasahaa ka dhowaada somali mai tv network
  10. I prefer Coffee and cigarettes. Your turn Khat hariiri or Jack Daniels whisky?
  11. Carafaat;920559 wrote: Oba, koopkii trashnimada adaa qaatay. levelkii SOL hoos ayaa u dhigtay. Ina adeerow your my macallin QQ;)
  12. 1:What is your stance on the latest trend, harlem shake? 2:Wali maad ciyaartay Dhaanto? 3:What is your strengths and weaknesses? 4:How many countries have you been to in your whole life? 5:How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States? 6:If you were written about in the newspaper, on the front page, what would the headline say? ha xishonin sxb!
  13. Haatu xishood i speak maaymaay,waqooyi,mudug,banaadir,shabellada dhexe accent the only accent i can't learn is the reer abdille one.
  14. Haatu;920506 wrote: Apo, I don't know what you're suggesting with all this desyssify business or whatever it is. You're such a Moody Margaret. Oba, I speak Af Soomaali and that wasn't it. Stop this nonsense. LOOOOOL your the guy who are saying ma la fahaiin or something like that
  15. xiinfaniin;920483 wrote: ^^Carafaat masaasaa kuu danbaysay Oba, adeer meel dheer wax kama aragtidi wax kalaad naf la tahay Hadhoow uun qax iyo belo haka sheekeyn nin kuu digay kuma dilin sxb.
  16. Reeyo i know you can see this stop stalking us and join us instead :eek:
  17. chubacka;920456 wrote: Thanks Oba, it really isn't that great. Alpha, ideally they would give them away to anyone who wants them, I know they might also sell them to small businesses back home who then sell them on to customers. Tbh, I don't really mind that, I still think their a better option than the local charity shop. Do you have info on them, I'd be interested. it is you are getting ajir for it i usually throw my clothes.
  18. sxb meel dheer baan wax ka arkaa marbaad ii dhihi doonta oba was right the whole time. Aaamiin to your duco
  19. Apophis;920464 wrote: What questions?? Fight you, my unuka friend? I don't think so :D thought so
  20. Haatu;920454 wrote: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL :D PS: Speak Af Soomaali waryaa. I don't know what this gibberish you spew nowadays is. somali waaye widaay horta kooy fadheew may subiyote? http://waajid.wordpress.com/2008/11/12/af-maay-learn-it-now-a-must-know-language-for-any-dm-person/
  21. guys what up with those effing harlem shake naclad haku dhacdo the person who started this maddafakin trend.so annoying
  22. Apo sxb waa kibirtay lets take it like two men mano a mano banaanka is keen, no weapons no items allowed.