oba hiloowlow

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Everything posted by oba hiloowlow

  1. Eid mubaraak, kulu 3aam waa antum bi-kheir
  2. l istaqfurullah 1.57 wuuba ka daray, ''howlihii AY iyo kuwa nuur adde hadalkii Ali gheedi iyo shariifka iyo faroole iyo muxuu ahaa siilaanyo iyo ii sheeg ina ileygii shalay la doortay oo sheydanka murtadka ah, murtadka OG'' this guy is wack.. How does Qabilism and religion work together?
  3. Well Generale i must agree for the first time Gaas and his wife caadi maha, dadka lama xaqiro
  4. watching Arsenal without RPV interesting season i must say..
  5. Somalia;858024 wrote: Sure sure, but if Sheikh Shariif gives money and passports to pirates he's a saint. This news is fake though. Adeer sakiin is a bad bad man ka fogoow
  6. MoonLight1;858025 wrote: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Oba maxaa kugu dhacay, adigana ma is dhiibtay. Sheekha intuu diyaarad ka laalaaday baa xargihii la isku xirxiray, hadduu soo baraarugay. LOL@ Isdhiib, no but i mean Gaas hadii uu la heshiiyo sakiin reputionkiisa wuu ku cayaaray, the likes of sakiin waa in layska fogeeya wakhti xaadirkaan, embezzler abahiis waa
  7. if Gaas actually has a agreement with sakiin he is nothing but a crook
  8. yo thats disgusting
  9. somalee;857985 wrote: May Allah help them. These guys haven't changed for 2 decades. Aamiin, with the likes of Sakiin in the parliament the future doesn't look bright.
  10. Xaaji Xunjuf;857920 wrote: Why would they be against development someone is not telling the whole story Who are these people where did they came from LOL thats Easy i'll just let you figure it out.
  11. Sad story walahi hooyadu xaasidsanaa what the hell
  12. Inshallah Ilaahay haka dhigo, amiin amiin.
  13. wow Abwaan that was the best image i've seen for a long time, aan ka wada faa'deysano
  14. wax ka xun aa jiro maa dhahay sxbow
  15. cid cid maha sow anigii m dheere iyo yalaxoow sheegey wixii yihiin ina jelle iskaba daay, i know ali mahdi personally nin xun maha, lacag dadoow ma cunin, waxa kaliya lagu eedi karo waa burburka xamar asna waa uu ka shalaaye maanta
  16. lool generaal aa wadno xanuun nagu aheed awal hadana pm sxb heart attack inuu naga dhaco ma rabtaa waa wareey
  17. lool sxb i rather see a Puntland president, mogadishu speaker, Pm from Hargeysa than sakiin walahi bilahi, sakiin is the biggest spoiler