oba hiloowlow

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Everything posted by oba hiloowlow

  1. http://www.raxanreeb.com/2012/10/beelweynta-xawaadle-oo-sheegtay-in-ay-diyaar-u-tahay-ka-qeybgalka-maamul-u-sameynta-jubbaland/
  2. Nairobi (RBC) Nabadoonada iyo salaadiinta Beesha Cabdi Yuusuf oo ka tirsan Qabiilka *******, degtana gobolada koonfureed ee dalka Soomaaliya , ayaa waxa ay maanta isku raaceen inay wafdi u diraan Magaalada Kismaayo , si ay uga qeybgalaan kulanka looga hadlayo maamul u sameynta gobolada Jubbooyinka. Nabadoon Axmed Barre Nuur oo kulanka maanta ee Muqdisho ka dhacay ka hadlayay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Beesha Cabdi Yuusuf ay diyaar u tahay ka qeybgalkan kulankaasi , si ay uga qeyb noqoto maamulka loo sameyn doono deegaanadaasi , isagoo rajeeyay in maamul loo dhan yahay inuu ka soo bixi doono madasha lagu balansan yahay waa hadii ay goob-joog noqdaan , taladana ay wax ku yeeshaan dhammaan qabaa’ilka wada dega gobolada Jubbada hoose , Jubbada dhexe iyo Gedo . Nabadoon Xuseen Wardheere ayaa isna kulanka ka sheegay in kulanka Kismaayo ka furmi doono uu noqdo mid ay u madax banaan yihiin beelaha dega Jubbooyinka si ay aayahooda uga tashadaan , waxaase uu ka digay in awooda maamulka Siyaasada iyo midda ammaan ay isku koobto hal beel , taasoo uu xusay inay soo de-dejin doonto guul darro ku timaada shirka loo balansan yahay. Beesha Cabdi Yuusuf ayaa waxa ay ka qeyb noqoneysaa beelaha ********, ****** , ******** , ********* , *******, ****** ***** iyo kuwa kale oo isku diyaaranaya ka qeybgalka maamul u sameynta gobolada Jubbooyinka . Beesha ******** oo ka tirsan qabiilka ******** ayaa waxa ay wax ka degtaa degmooyin iyo deegaano ka kala tirsan gobolada Jubada hoose , Jubada dhexe iyo Gedo sida degmooyinka Jilib,Bu’aale, Saakow,Doolow iyo deegaanada Hoombooy, Buulo Xaaji,Aboorow,Habaaqa,Beer-xaano,ool-oole, Koorweyne, Canjeel ,Janaay Cabdalla, Buulo-Xaawo , Baardheere, Farjanaay. Busleey iyo Garas Shabo.
  3. DoctorKenney;881923 wrote: Well, technically 1990-2010 was a "worse" time for the Somali nation. However, what led to this mess was Siad Barre's policies. Even though Somalia was "stable" in the 1980's, there was still clan-persecution, extrajudicial killings, economic mismanagement and corruption as you've said. There are many older Somali men who personally suffered under Siad Barre's regime, and none would want to go back to that time in our history. +1
  4. Complicated which greater good sxb? bombing puntland, nort east Somalia and Galgaduud? Yeah thats what a patrotic government do
  5. lol thats what im meaning dee, my family has it better of now than the 80s where my father lost all his wealth in xamarweyne fire which siyaad barre refused to extinguish because it was a certain clan who had all their wealth in that suuq and he later got imprisoned by the kacaan and was jailed in 2 years and suffered torture, you understand.. Yeah they've gone trough hell im not opposing that but what im only saying is that the kacaan is the background for all shiidh somalis have seen.
  6. Complicated personally speaking i was better of 1990-2010.. Anyway what people dont realise or wont realise is that the kacaan was the background of all this chaos we can see today ma garatay i never supported USC but i know what made them rebelling.
  7. Somalia lol i never supported kacaanka ninyahow the vice president baaba ahaa unuka hussein Kulmiye..
  8. Macallinka as xaaji said the first 10 years was the best time in somalia but as xaaji said the ethio somali war lead to a disaster, qabyaalad,bankruptcy and balaayo kale.
  9. Che i was reffering to Macallinka sheekada fahan im sick of those who where living the good life milking the money that belong to the people pretending they were the heroes of somalia ma garatay.
  10. Che no 91 wasn't a good day for none of us. Tan kale 91 was the day the middle/high class in xamar felt the civil war and had to leave their homes while many somalis in puntland,galgaduud and waqooyi somalia had been facing xasuuq 10 years before. Macallinka why pretend your uncle came with the idea about kacaan Salaad Gebeyre Kediye were the mastermind behind the kacaan and you know what happened to him..
  11. :D who is the majority maa the booli qaran crew? Then i can understand why its maalin barakeysan for them
  12. damn what have I gotten myself into..Admin please delete this thread..
  13. oba hiloowlow


    i would pay 500 geel for her
  14. oba hiloowlow


    Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;789478 wrote: I had seen several times mid mataanteyda inay tahay moodeysid in the past month. Only that wey ka yarayd, she was in her early 20s and much shorter. I told her so, that inay Yaasmiin Warsame aad ugu egtahay. Dad badan saas yiri i tiri. you have a twin? thats cool
  15. Cambuulo iyo bun;881724 wrote: beenta jooji obi kenobi:mad: do this sound Familiar Im from Jowhar im Shiidle also called Bantu Somali Sheegato balaayo balaayo waligaa ha iska dhigin again aiight?
  16. Apo the doqon is just mad that i busted him once he's claiming he's Unuka when he is the gosha people so i think he's trying to do a revenge or something
  17. Somalicentric;881706 wrote: Please do, i am on the verge of puking from all the lalabo... lol lol that was harsh yo
  18. sorry breh i thought you said '' going to africa is alien to me'' i guess i read what i wanted to see loool