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Everything posted by rebel

  1. Khayr thanx for bringing to attention this issue that seems to plague a lot of somalian guyz ...serously there are those whom you have never met and yet have the audacity to aproach u and tell you ur shirt is tight or cover ur head...why do somalis put the hijab on a pedestal....its like the 7th pillar...the first and last thing i hear from every "islamic" brotha is the importance of hijab :confused: nobody is denying that its wajib but ease up will you? there are also other important practices the Quran mentions...why not talk about those? backbiting is SOOO common and accepted as normal these dayz when its condemmed many times over by our Lord azza wa jal.... i think the guyz use it as a weapon of psychological dominance...them telling us to do hijab gives them some sort of a power trip. makes them feel "hahaha i got one up on you" let me tell ya of an incident i witnessed a few years ago in highschool...a lecturer came in to give us a speech about girl stood to protest something that he said when he lashed out at her like "go and put on a scarf before you talk to me..dont stand infront of me while you're naked"!!! this was said in somali which made it sound ten times worse :mad: its these so called "islamic brothers" like this guy that just disgusts me! the hipocrocy! :mad: :mad: p.s. if that's naked i wonder wat term he would have used if she was actually literally naked
  2. hello everybody well ive taken upon myself the very ardous task of studying medicine..its very loooong and and at times seems endless...but...i'm lovin it and cant imagine doing anything else
  3. 50 cent and his gangmemebers where not in canadada the last time i checked they were in new york...i have gone on numerous trips to many parts of america...and everytime i have noticed a sort of hostility and an awareness of subtle seggregations among the people. in canada pple are allowed to just be themselves.... your buddy is not a reflection of all the Somalis in cananda...sure some have gotten lost in a society where independence and self reliance is celebrated...but many others embraced this idea and are becoming educated and prosperous.... canada is in the top 5 best countries to live in...and at one point vacouver was the 2nd best city...according to a survey the UN did... i've spent 15 years of my life in cananda so im speaking of experience
  4. I have to agree with the times it seems like all the guys have gone loco...i was recently at an somalian attended event in London and practically every girl i met was complaining about the difficulty of finding a compatible brotha...i myself was walking down a a street in london with a few friends...when out of nowhere we were ambushed by a couple of somali "homeboys" who wanted to know who i was and where i was going...seriously wat other people do that... :rolleyes: but then again i find that u meet sweet intelligent and decent brothers when u least expect it...theyre out there...dont despair girlfriend
  5. hello everyone...oldies and also a new member....a resident of canada...somalian by birth....a friend told me about this site and i loved it instantly... since this seems to be the place to introduce my self...a warm hello to all the nomads of SOL...
  6. it seems like a lot of somali girls especially where i live are marrying non somalis...expecially newly converted brothers that come from a variety of cultural backrounds...the most elegible somalian bachelor list is just too short i guess.. anywayz interracial marriages have their pros and cons...remember that we have certain expectations of our spouses that our parents have passed on to us that maybe cultural born...for example the close tribal, family tie is unique to our people... i know a few friends who have married non somalis and most seem happy enough.