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it was unbelievable all these to become part of history! there was something wrong! anyways, INTII AY DAACADDA KA AHAYD OO KU DHIMATAY ILAAHAY HA U NAXARIISTO, kuwa ASMARA joogase farbaa ku godan.
Xiin Thanks for this thread. it is important to discover what went wrong in order to not repeat the same mistake. but i don't think Somali ppl will benefit from this mismanagement let alone the past mistakes. What went wrong? mmmmmmmmmmmmm let me think ....... combination of several things, let me put in order. 1. Ninkii Odayga ahaa 2. Quruur (they have been decieved by their quick victories ove warlords) 3. Dhaabuurul Khaamis (kula jire kaa jira) I think these are the main points accelerated the defeat of ICU.
Horn baa DFKG la jirsaday, adduunyada wax kasta ka filo
Horn Sxb, cidda ma saanaa u dambaysay, Meeshaan meeshii Cimaamadaha GUDUUDKA lagu gubay soow maahan? Aaway dagaalaan soo wadnaa iyo waxa dhaca waa la yaabi doonaa, ma CIMAAMADIHII guduudnaayaa dib logu soo noqday mise sheekada waa IF YOU CANN'T BEAT THEM JOIN THEM
Muraad- I guarantee you Barre will be back. back to where? to Mogadishu? to Buulo Xaawo? to Cabud waaq? to Buur dhuubo? to Ohio? Oh I forgot to ask HA, is it true that one of the land-crusiers that the rain baised aginst them near Bu'ale was found full of money around $250,000 they said. is it true?
Muraad- I guarantee you Barre will be back. back to where? to Mogadishu? to Buulo Xaawo? to Cabud waaq? to Buur dhuubo? to Ohio? Oh I forgot to ask HA, is it true that one of the land-crusiers that the rain baised aginst them near Bu'ale was found full of money around $250,000 they said. is it true?
Muraad- I guarantee you Barre will be back. back to where? to Mogadishu? to Buulo Xaawo? to Cabud waaq? to Buur dhuubo? to Ohio? Oh I forgot to ask HA, is it true that one of the land-crusiers that the rain baised aginst them near Bu'ale was found full of money around $250,000 they said. is it true?
Bardhere (and the rest of somalia) needs primary schools and high schools- not universities. Don't you think? Caaqiloow afkaygaad kala baxday, weliba marka magaaladu ay tahay magaalo iska yar oo aysan caasimadda koowaad, labaad ama saddexaad toona ahayn waxay u baahan tahay xisbitaallo iyo dugsiyo hoose/dhexe iyo sare iyo xitaa machadyo haddii baahida iyo awooddu gaaraan. jaamacdaha hadda la rabo in Baardheer, Buuhoodle iwm laga dhiso waxay la mid yihiin soomaalida hadda Dr iyo Eng. isku wada magacaowday ama lagu magacaabay aan dhehee . waan la yaabay waxa soomaalida waalay, bal dad aan dugsi hoose iyo dhexe haysan baa jaamacad ku riyoonaya may dugsi dare, machad iwm iska yiraahdaan :confused: . Calaa kulli xaal, reer Baardheer hadda ka hor taldayda waa diideen ee hadday hadda talo iga maqlayaan (talo walaal diide turaanturro ma huro)lacgtay ururinayaan dugsiyada hoose/dhexe iyo kuwa sare ha ku dhiseen oo tayadooda kor ha ugu qaadeen oo riyada beenta ah, oo la mid ah tii u sheegtay Kismaayo xoog ku haysta, ha iska daayeen. Wasalaam.
Qanyare weli ushii waa wataa, tolow caydii C/laahi Yuusuf ma iska daayay? Adduunyooy xaalkaa BA' ma maantuu kornaylka magangalyo u doontay muxuu intuu kornaylka caayay loo qoslay, kuwii u qosli jiray qaarkood Xamar bay joogaan Xaaraan ku naaxna dharbaaxadii isbaarad Wardhiigley looga dhuftay baa weli ka muuqata indhihii baa god galay :rolleyes: Baydhabo qaad weynaa, kii ILAAHAY iyo ummadiisu nacdaaba boos buu ka helaa. Saaxiibkay laakiin yaa ii sheega meel uu cag dhigay Al-xaaji Muuse .... War ninkaas meel iigu sheega? marba meel baa la iigu sheegaa ... mar in doontii yarayd ay Atlantic Ocean kala dhacday ...mar isagoo Zaire madaxfurasho loogu haysto ....
Abdi-Noor Haji Mohamed Writer and film-Maker Mogadishu, Somalia by Abdi-Noor Haji Mohamed There are floods, there are wars In blood Somalia is swimming In poverty Somalia is drowning And in water Somalia is sinking Its territory is reduced to lands It's people are in total disintegration It is a tattered nation in great shock And its leaders are at loggerheads They are just like boxing gloves Worn by various interest groups They lost ownership of their nation One faction sides with IGAD The other with the Arab League One faction says we are Africans The other says we are Arabs What the hell are they talking about? Don’t they feel the pain of the Somali child? The orphan who is loitering in the streets With no food and proper shelter With no education and health care With no hope and future to look forward Does identity matter at this stage of crisis? Would it treat a sick baby taking his last breath? Suppose you are an Arab what would you gain? Suppose you are an African what would you lose? Why bring war to your country when you can get peace? Why fight somebody’s war inside your country? What is wrong with you, Somali leaders? I think your hearts are galvanized with hatred So the only thing you understand is revenge Or you have your mind inside your throat So the only thing you understand is money Or your reputation has made serious cracks on its walls So the only thing you know is how to make speeches Abdi-Noor Mohamed Mogadishu, Somalia nuuru2003@hotmail.com vert true indeed
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Federaalka kmg ee Soomaaliya Md. Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed, Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumada fkmg ee Somalia Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi iyo Xubno ka tirsan Golaha Wasiirada ayaa lagu hordhaariyey Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Dowlada Federaalka kmg ee Soomaaliya Md. Barre Aadan Shire "Barre Hiiraale". Wasiirka ayaa dhaartiisa ka dib waxaa la dardaarmay Madaxweynaha oo u sheegay inuu hawlahiisa uguto sidii loogu talo galay oo uu ku dhaartay Kitaabka Alle isla markaana uu boorka ka jafo Ciidamada dhawaanahaan Tababarka ugu socdo xerooyinka ku dhow dhow magaalada Baydhabo iyagoo qaarna dhamaystay halka Qaarna wali tababar u socdo. For more info: http://www.somaliweyn.com/pages/news/Nov_06/18nov40.html