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how to bring a wife from Africa and not lose her to the system...
wiilwaalRadio replied to Aaliyyah's topic in General
Friends and Countrymen, I awe you an apology if not an explanation as to why it took me so long to respond to your intelligent comments. In my last post I wrote(in Somali) geelaygaa cirka lagu maalayaa. In my case this could only mean one thing: that I find myself between the harassing calls of a certain collection agency and the cold country that is the canadian prairies. Ilaahay amarkii. @Rainb bro u can on this: I will always be comically true to myself. Som@li, it might be to much to ask(nin garaabo u fadhiya) to do STAND UP comedy but there is a work in progress so long as we can find fadhi carbeed. @Malika, my dear, Hadraawi and Tupac was probably my best effort. And yes i might be in London sooner or later---my friend Aar Maanta is helping organize an event there sometime in the spring. Ilaahay amarkii. @Kool_Kat anaaba og inaad COOL tahay thanks for promoting me on your facebook. @Cabdullahi_Kaafi, war libaax waad i kaafiday. Awoowe anaaba og inaad @libaax_sankataabataye Soomaalida youtubeku wayku raacday in waa sidaad hadalka u dhegtee "his funny video is the one about gabar wadaad ah. But if you ask me: my favorite piece is the one bidaar---where I earnestly celebrate my baldness. Ilaahay amarkii. @Ismaaciili, friend, waad iga qosliysay markii tabliiq ahaydeen rag mirqaansab waxaad ku dhigteen. Sidaad u qirataan wali ku qoslayaa. @Taleexi, raggeedii baad tahay. @SomaliCentric you are probably right to 'highly disagree the generalization of the intellectual women consuming alcohol like fish" but as @Ismalura admirably put it the "generalization" makes it funnier. @Kornayl anaaba og inaadan dable ahayne: you have a way noting what money don't observe. And last but not least, @Aaliyah, your last posting sums it up all. And in the words of shakespeare "nothing is what it seems." In other word, BEENEEY WAA RUN. ilaahay amarkii. -
how to bring a wife from Africa and not lose her to the system...
wiilwaalRadio replied to Aaliyyah's topic in General
Friends, Geelayga cirka lagu maalayaaye give me some time and I shall respond to your wonderful comments---all in good time. Ilaahay amarkii. g h wiilwaal -
how to bring a wife from Africa and not lose her to the system...
wiilwaalRadio replied to Aaliyyah's topic in General
hello friends, My name is G H Wiilwaal. I am the creator of the clips in question. Yes, I am a sol member and have ben posting my stuff irregularly on these pages. And no I do not "know" Aaliyah other than the obvious fact that she is a young woman with an excellent taste---Thanks Aaliyah---you too have made my day. I also want thank every member who commented here, especially Ismalura and others. I can one happy you will spread the word further and share these clips with your facebook friends and everyone in your emailing list. My youtube hits have so good so far thanks in part to you guys. Waxaanba ku sigtay in CELEBRITY noqdo o la i arki waayo WITHOUT my lawyer. Ilaahay amarkiis. g h wiilwaal -
(Office of the SomaliTranslator. Just came in a lone white male. He is visibly drunk.) Translator: Please, be seated. Lone-White Male: I don’t need your seats. Translator: And I don’t want no trouble here. Lone-White-Male: I am hiring you. Translator: Hiring me for what. Lone-White Male: Inter…Translation Translator: It’s getting late, I was about leaving Lone-White-Male: My neighbour is Somalian, frankly, I don’t care about your people. Translator: Make it quick, what do you want of me Lone-White-Male: He calls me names, well, we call each other names. Translator; So, you have your war of words, that’s all. Lone-White-Male: That’s not all. When I call him names he doesn’t seem to care and he speaks good English too—-he is not dump.. I called him nigger, bushman, refuge, dirty—- Translator: What a minute. Stop there. Lone-White-Male: Just give me few Somalian words that will the do the trick, I hate the *******.. Translator: (amused) You want to abuse your Somali neighbor and need the right terms. Lone-White Male: Yes, Just one or two that will get him mad. Translator: Words will not do in this case.. Find the name’s of your neighbor’s Somali tribe,---and insult the man's clan--- he should put a spirited defense on their behave (if he is Somalian that is). And be prepared for sound beating. Lone-White-Male getting up) I can take care of myself. TO READ MORE ABOUT THIS PLAY CLICK HERE The Embattled Women, A Somali Drama
Hello friends, long time no heard, just keeping you posted: about a week ago i posted on my blog an episode about the work place entitled: "how to be a good worker available all the time". Check out at: radiowiilwaal.com As always I welcome your feedback. wiilwaal
Thanks Kool_kat. And congratulations for winning the soul of Sol. You have such versatile mind I have often(secretly) wondered if I could recruit you for my little radio. I humbly invite you listen to the previous episodes and decide if the cause is worth championing. wiilwaal
Thanks Buuxo. Anaabo og inaan lagu joojin karayn. I will diffenately post my new stuff here.
thanks Miskiin_Macruuf. Libaax waan la socdaa keller iyo killer inayan isku macno ahay balse turjubaankaa isku qalday AND THAT IS THE JOKE. Waad igu og tahay inaan howsha halkaa ka sii wado. Nasir libaax mar kale mahadsanid. Waan filayay in Minneapolis la igu hadal hayo maxaa yeelay MY BIGGEST FANS nimankii la baxay THE FOUR BROTHERS ayaaba ku nool halkaa. Guulayso adna.
You are very welcome Ismahaan. Thanks Shieka. There is more to come from this Turjubaan guy.
Thanks Cadde123 iy Canjeex. Belief me when I say this: of late I have been toiling in obscurity so it is heartening to hear my Turjubaan peice have became popular---not only here but elsewhere in the web. Jammaal11 waad ku mahadsan tahay sidaad ii soo dhawayso. Waan dhawahay libaax.Runtii waxaad u eg tahay nin raggayga ah si haddii loo eeggana adaaba iga funnysan marna ha ka baqin inaan su'aashaada fududaysto. Waxaan ku kaftamaa raadiyayga afar qof baa dhagaysta, afartana daacad ama loyal baan u ahay. Marka aan iraahdo waa shaqadayda inaan sheekadaa noo xiran episode 9 ku soo qaato inkastoonan ayaamahan diyaar u ahayn inaan wax duubo. Ilaahay amarkii.
Originally posted by NASSIR: Loool. That's so funny. Keep it coming saxib. ..The Somali Cat Affair play is another hillarious stuff. Is it your work as well? War libaax Nasir thanks---I shall keep them coming and I think you should keep in tauch. Yes, THE Somali Cat Affair is mine and am particularly proud of it. Thanks Jacaylbaro, Thanks Malika, and in the spirit of the TURJUBAANKA, let me say least but last thanks Jafe101
Waxaa stage-ga soo wada galay turjubaankii, islaantii iyo ninkii ajnabiga ahaa ee gabadheeda doonayay. AudioVersionHalkanKa Dhagayso AJNABIGII: What’s up. TURJUBAANKII: Wuxuu ku leeyahay maxaa kor ah. ISLAANTII: War ilaahay baa kor ahe waxaan ku weydiinay maxaad gabadhayda ku aragtay. TURJUBAANKA: She says God’s up. She says also what you see with our daughter. AJNABIGII: I first saw your daughter at a mall. TURJUBAANKII: Wuxuu lee yahay gabadhaada suuq baan ku arkay. Haa—suuq iyadoo wareegaysaan arkay. ISLAANTII: Waa kow. TURJUBAANKII: It is one. AJNABIGII: What’s one. TURJUBAANKII: Maxaa kow ah buu yidhi ISLAANTII: War ka saco dheh. TURJUBAANKII: She says walk away from it. AJNABIGII: Anyway, your baby is very hot. TURJUBAANKII: Wuxuu yidhi: ubadkani way kulu shahay. Aad bay u kulu shahay. ISLAANTII: Kulaylku xaguu joogaa wadankaa qabow baaba naftii nooga gooyay. TURJUBAANKII: Where is the hot thing. The cold is cutting our lives in this country. AJNABIGII: Anyway, your daughter and I fall in love. TURJUBAANKII: Wuu ku leeyahay aniga iyo gabadhaadu jacayl baan iskula dhacnay. ISLAANTII: Jacayl baad iskula dhacdeen aa. Qujuc qujuc. TURJUBAANKII: Ina adeer qujucqujucda ka reeb lama turjimi karee. Qujucqujucdu waa kalmad inkaaran. Hadda ka hor baa qolo iila timado howl baa iga qabsatay. Balaayaa iga raacday. ISLAANTII: Alla yaa agooda bisinkana lama barine. War bismilaahi dheh. TURJUBAANKII: Do you know Bismilaah. AJNABIGII: No, I am sorry I don’t know a lot of Somalis. TURJUBAANKII: ..Wuxuu leeyahay Soomaali badan ma aqaan. ISLAANTII: Soomaali yaa u dirsaday doqonka. Waydii inuu alle yaqaan. TURJUBAANKII: Do you know God AJNABIGII: Yes, I believe in God. TURJUBAANKII: Wuxuu yidhi waan rumaysanahay Ilaahay. ISLAANTII: Haddaba waydii inuu shaqeeyo iyo in kale. TURJUBAANKII: She wants to know if you work or else. AJNABIGII: Or else what? ISLAANTII: War weydii ninka inuu shaqaysto iyo in kale. TURJUBAANKII: Do you work she wants to know or else. AJNABIGII: Or else what? TURJUBAANKII: Or else she wants to know do you work? AJNABIGII: I was working but I was fired last week. TURJUBAANKII: Wuxuu ku leeyahay waan shaqaynayay balse wiigii hore ayaa la isoo gubay. ISLAANTII: Gubbo dheh. Horta qofku magac ma leeyahay. TURJUBAANKII: Does the person have a name.. AJNABIGII: My name is Baker Keller. TURJUBAANKII: Waxaa la yidhaahdaa buu lee yeehay Rootiile Dille. ISLAANTII: Rootiile Dille aa? Turjubaankii: Did you say Baker Killer. AJNABIGII: Yes, my name is Baker Keller. TURJUBAANKII: Ninku wuxuu k adkaysanayaa in magaciisa la yiraahdaa Rootiile Dile. TURJUBAANKII: She says if you have killed all the bakers my daugher will not be save with you. So good by. AJNABIGII: I didn’t kill no baker. What are you talking about.? ISLAANTII: nabadeey, nabadeey…. RadioWiilwaal
Halkan ka dhagayso sheeko ila qosol ah oo halku dhageedu yahay: Raggii hore iyo Runta maanta radiowiilwaal
why somali men go to india to marry poor illiterate girls?!!!
wiilwaalRadio replied to kyz's topic in General
war libaax, I have not heard of this trend but if it so, it is probably the same reason why white men are increesingly attracted to philipino women: these women are supposedly more docile, and less contentious. Personally I love the fiery spirit of our women. I had comic take on this topic. It was entitled: AFFARTANO JIRRO AFARTAN KUNI ACCOUNTIGA U TAALO. please visit my site and open the first episode of radio. Radiowwiilwaal.wordp ress.com wiilwaal