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I feel deep down some how some what this is the only time somalia can regain it's Union. However, if it doesn't then i gues we can plaime anyone else but us... I just Wonder somlai being one nation, nation with one language. nation with one religion, to be so divided By Tribe BS.. I just think some times we are the worsed nation on the planet earth... Why Can't we be Country again, why Can't we see the big Picture, midnomada somali.. i gues i Will to many Questions that i have.. well we know now, that America HAs Changed, the Question is Somalida Brave enough to go beyond, Qabiil?
slaam. Dependence on what you mean, but if its like general impression that i got is that may be you got married and had couple kids, and you have more responsibiliteis and that changes your priorities. However, i beleive it's a normal thing to go throught, yet remeber as you age you become Wiser. Aint Nothing wrong with getting little old sis Comeone on my club and lets have you knwo what they say though you got to live once so don't let this age thing pull you down, i mean your busy i assume and you are busy and ur periorities have changed So What?
salaam to ya'all Glenn Beck is freak hater and only his point of view matterts on his show, however, i watch his show often sometimes just to for sake of haterism. if any of you see his show i don't think he is perticular on any group, rather i think he critical on any given group. although, his criticism is far too extrem when it comes to muslim issues, the dude hates muslims, period. Yet if you see someone telling him the truth about islam he cuts them off. As far as this perticular somali isuue I don't think it was haterism it was plain and simple that our beleoved people vailed the systme, and vailed our dignity, and i don't understan how one could watch such an act and not do anything about. i know some of you might disagree with me, and might say well they were drunk, that i think is beside the point.. there was Rape and it needed to be stopped, period. see ya'all
salaam,, Very Addictive, May god it took me a while to even figure it out,, at first i was like 0.422 seconds,, but now i got it,, up to 20.25, yeee haaw...
salaam, It's need good day to be a live, alhamdulilaah. I'm happy that i have I have a car after mine broke down the other day ,,, but my loveley cousin came through and gave me his.. It's a good day...
salaam, i drive and i hate the price of insurence, the gas and the Parking you have to pay, for school work, and perhabs every where you go, except if you wanna walk two blocks,, not me thanks. Who said Gass is cheeper i just bought a glon for $ 2.95,, Not cheep if you ask me.. i don't kow where in North america gas is cheeper, but i would defenetely consider moving thanks ya'all
Salaam I jsut wanted to share this with you guy's. And i just wonder what CABDIRASHIID ALI SHARMAARKE HAD TO DO WITH HER CASE.. ICAN ONLY THINK SHE BROUGHT SHAME TO THE CROUD...LET'S SEE WHAT U GUY'S THINK. I'M SURE SOME OF YOU WILL NOT BE HAPPY BUT LET'S DISSCUSS AND BE SOPHISTICATED PEOPLE THAT CAN DISSCUSS ISUUES. THANKS. p.S THE LINK WOULDN'T WORK FORME SO I HAD TO COPY AND PASTE... convicted in HMO billing scam (Minneapolis, December 15, 2007 Ceegaag Online) Jurors found that Omar, 44, of Eden Prairie, participated in a scheme that bilked more than $1.5 million in medical assistance payments between 2001 and 2004, ostensibly for interpreting services that were never provided. Indadeeq Omar, the niece of a former Somali president and a prominent member of the Twin Cities Somali community, was convicted Thursday of a wide-ranging health care fraud and money laundering conspiracy after a six-day federal court trial in Minneapolis. Jurors found that Omar, 44, of Eden Prairie, participated in a scheme that bilked more than $1.5 million in medical assistance payments between 2001 and 2004, ostensibly for interpreting services that were never provided. The indictment says that Omar, her husband, Mohamed Essa, and a former Medica employee named Tou Chaiker Vang conspired to submit phony bills for the services. Vang, 39, of Maplewood, pleaded guilty in the case and testified against Omar. Essa, 51, has fled and remains a fugitive. That left just Omar to stand trial. With her three young daughters looking on, Omar testified Tuesday that she knew nothing about the alleged crimes and merely did what her late brother, Ahmed Omar, had told her to do when she submitted claims for the phantom interpreting services. But assistant U.S. attorneys John Marti and William Otteson put on overwhelming evidence demonstrating that she was president and secretary of Global Interpreters Services Inc., and had overseen the filing of "tens of thousands" of bogus claims to Medica, which processed the Medicaid payments for the government. Marti told jurors in his closing arguments that Omar and her husband had spent the money they got from the scheme lavishly. They spent $18,000 to whiten Omar's teeth. They paid $205,985 in cash for a down-payment on their $600,000 house. They paid $43,000 for a custom Chrysler 300 C sedan. And they paid about $45,000 a year in tuition for their three daughters, ages 9, 15 and 17, to attend the International School, he said. Omar, who in 2002 received an award for her work with Somali refugees, now faces decades in prison. "These guilty verdicts today send a message about the seriousness of this type of financial fraud," the IRS said in a statement after the verdict. "Health Care Fraud is an emphasis area for our agency and our role in multi-agency task force investigations includes documenting the flow of the money to show how the perpetrators of these schemes financially benefit from their fraudulent activities." Omar is from a prominent family in Somalia. She testified that her father had been the nation's education minister, and her uncle, Ali Scermarke Abdirascid, served as prime minister of Somalia when it gained its independence in 1960. Her maternal uncle was elected to parliament in 1964 and became president in 1967 but was assassinated just over two years later. Source: Star Tribune webmaster@ceegaag.com
Salaam. I see that Many People in here Don't have better things to do rather to do meaningless staff, and to sit infront of a computer. whereas, some of us have Career and our lifes to worry about. however, i've nothing to hide perhabs i don't owe any body an explination. But i can tell you if you are and educated, independent person you would know realtionships Start And END, Unless you are clinch, dependent, Desbrate .. Beach !!! you can move on to your life!!! that is my two cent for you guy's..... Cry me a river....
salaam. I want to thank each and everyone of you, that has taken to respond to my question and gave me the honesty oppinion once again thank ya'all. To respond the point that most of you pinted out, which i shoud have cleared the air at first. However, the situation is this, i have known this dude since early 2004,of course we have gone the same U. Never dated, never had a feeling up to this point, but we have always kept in touch and i did my thing to date whome ever, perhabs at some point he had consulted me with someone he was seing. Meanwhile, we have become close friends where i felt confortable to talk to him about my relationships in the past. He had never said a ward of how his true feelings were, and i never considered having a relationship with him not because he is Ugly or bad person, but because i admire freindship. However, about a week ago he had told me how he really truely felt about me and that he wanted more than just being his frind, and i have felt speachless and that is why i've posted this topic. Once aging i thank you for oppinoins. W/salaam.
Salaam. I Was just wondering If you had a very close friend she/he, and you would consider them as a best friend would you start relationship with them or not and Why?. However, the person is an ideal lifetime partner that you would consider, but then destroying friendship would be terrible too. so, Would you or would you not?..
what kind of somali food you like to eat in Quraac,da Qadada , cashada?
Adna replied to Yaabka-Yaabkiis's topic in General
salaam,. It seems that you don't manage your time properly and lazy to cook--joking( sorry if i am disturbing personnaly well, let me think apology accepted,, but i don't consider my self lazy to cook,,, but i gues canjeeero is just one of those that is good to cook if you have more than one person at home i would invite you to do one day of my life, and you tell me what you think where on the earth pple don't have time to have decent meals or waa is caatenoosa... if you have seen me you would say that, waa is caatenoysaa aaaa, bisinka i eat when and how i want to.. so there,,, it;'s just my day begins,, 0800---untill 2300... I could give a thought if you would want to be my cook, and i can think about hiring you :cool: -
what kind of somali food you like to eat in Quraac,da Qadada , cashada?
Adna replied to Yaabka-Yaabkiis's topic in General
salaam, I wanna know where ya'all find, " Beer" becaue what i see here is discusting frozen one, and i certainly wouldn't eat that. however, who has time to make cajeero daily.. i certainly don't, I gave plot, for those of you who has time or the dedication to make it. usually ma day goes like this... A cup of tea !!! have to have my tea, and Cereall,,, some times don't even got to have lunch and if do.. it's braiis or baasto... casho would be like a soup and yougurt.. if i made it a head of time. but otherwise i don't got to have decent meals through out the week may be the weekend. working class life sucss!! specially if you are in the heath care field.... thanks [ October 09, 2007, 11:37 PM: Message edited by: Adna ] -
Nepthys,,, oppology Accepted, somali waxay tiraahdaa " Hadal nin si'uyiri nina si'u qaaday" marka waalo No Damage is done.. LOZ... what ever you said.. I m not in deep shit,,, i was just looking out for the bro and give him my point of view... Shyma... i don't what is in your book... but i shall keep my lips shutt.... salaama ya'lll
salaam, skipper, Certainly not!! Not in one minute my 2yrs of marriage have i regret, and i'm gratefull that it worked out this way for us. However, you know us women we can't handle difficult situations, such as; markuu gaariga iga xumaado, or the long difficult winter days in MN those are my bad days, but at the end of the day, part of me feels i will be able to tell my childrem our love life. I was just looking out for you, and you are right if you don't take any risk then you won't know what is store for you... Just keep in mind it's a very long, and difficult jurney... i will keep you in my prayers. good luck.
salaam, hec no!!! 3yrs was the wait get my drift now!! anyways th pacakge was not damaged perhabs it was in a very much a perfect shape, but i never hinted it has arrived... one can only guess that,, perhabs i might still be waiting... i shall let you dicide!! you never want to interpret some one els's words perhabs twist them....see ya