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Everything posted by opportunist

  1. So lets assume its Ur allah that have assumed U to take part for this discussion yeah and have had let U through, May one seemless ask the question of who the hell on earth paid the bill on your net surfing, or was it uer allah willing action or or was it will that let ir pass it through the wire with out detection oh how can I forget everything comes o a second in nature when it comes to religion in here...was that right! cheers.....whats a second grade class kindergarden class
  2. look here chick, If U realy want a private diary or what have U, may I suggest U buy ur self a fancy barbie diary and note what ever happen toYou one by one,in a quite cutie lil chicka way like miss lilly pinky got injured coz miss lil Zarqa was being a hip hazard......if it aint ineteresting Could U for Kangaroos sake open up for refugees sake another webpage some where else as we all have things to do from point A to Z, misx Zarqa or what ever, plz dont dedicate a whole thread to some idiotic shid just cause U felt like it.....please inantan naga qabta for the sake of goodness salaama
  3. Stop bullshiddin to ur selves, Its through the mercy of western nations that most of U are out here exercsing, democracy, free education and free held social wellfare system, If it were for ur so called religion/countries or what have U, You folks should have all been in deep holes by know truth be spoken. But what do U know, You always have ppl in minorities speaking out of forth's sake or of obvious reasons or whatever, WTF wohooo, should U know less, its in regards to the minorties. Oh yeah once again how blessed should we be just cuase we are ina western country and God forbid didnt force us to seek refugee in this Kaafir country or what have U.........Oh please give me a break....if it werent for this country we wouldnt be here voicing our 2 cents salaama
  4. Â 1. Drive through the drive-thru in reverse and let your passenger order. 2. Ask the price of almost everything on the menu and then order something that you didn't ask the price for. 3. Tell the employee that your window is broken. Order and then pay with your door open. When the food comes, roll down the window and snatch your order from their hands. 4. Go to McDonald's and demand a big breakfast at 11:30 at night. Put up a fight. 5. Pay for a large order in pennies and nickels. 6. Order in another language. Be careful what neighborhood you're in. 7. When asked if they can take your order, tell them you are just window-shopping and drive on. 8. Laugh sadistically when asked if you would like ketchup. 9. Ask the cashier how they fit into that little box. 10. If they make you wait, make them wait when they come back on. 11. Demand to speak to the manager. When they come on, complain that you did not like the way the employee said, "May I take your order?" 12. When asked if they can take your order say, "Why, can I take yours?" 13. If they ask you to wait, order anyway and keep doing it till they yell at you. 14. Pretend your car has broken down. Ask for assistance moving it. When they come out, drive away. 15. Tell them you have to use the bathroom. 16. Order a cup of water and two napkins. That's it. 17. Don't order when they come on. Just sit there. If a line forms behind you, get out of the car and cause a scene. 18. When they hand you your food, hand them a bag with all the trash from your car in it. 19. Just stare at them when you pay and get your food. Don't break your stare. 20. Honk your horn the whole way through the line. enjoy
  5. ^^ wrongly posted at the wrong site......sorry for YOUR INCONVIENENCE MISS.....
  6. If we forget the whole Qaadi or so called sheikh that happens to call opun on who's is married or happilly attched or what have U....its just a group of words that seem to fit perfectly right as we speak, nothing less nor should it be nothin more!!!!!! as per scheduled time as We were having dinner at the house of some friends, a nice couple, around our age, good parents to three girls. We kinda knew the wife was relatively young and sexually inexperienced when she married -- she had confided that in us the first time we'd been over to dinner, almost a year before. She had always felt as if she'd missed out, she told us. She never really had any sexual adventures; she had never done anything she regretted or looked back on and thought, "Wow! Was that me?" salaama
  7. ^^^ SO U smell like the typicall one man show smel like alike sort of abloke around the block.....man that isnt an in thing in....shall we offer U suggestions of fregrances thats is on as a flavour of the season so that U know, whats in and out! nicks such as xoog or xiin or what have U... seems like such nicks lack some internal specises, that cant be bought of the sharaac...U know so i was told waaa salaam
  8. It's a widely dicussed through diffrent subjects left and right, and yes I wont or will I ever discriminate between a chick that is hijibified or not, I reckon I am one of those sort of guys that feel turned on with chicks with a different outlook different than ur average hijaabified chicks>>>>> and yes I do feel that most of them are forced to wear such a vail,I say good on them, its their own personal choice.... Personally as a bloke I rather know a chick from the point Go without the whole hijaab or what have You on the menu, Just as she is, so far as she has a Bod to die for and a personality that goes with it......should work me from a distance......i shid U not!!!!! one love 4 all
  9. How to Answer It is Saturday, a crisp spring afternoon, and you're exactly where you should be: stretched out on the couch in front of a televised sporting event. Opening beer number two, relaxed in the knowledge that the pizza you ordered is even now on its way. Nothing could improve this moment, except maybe a bigger television. Suddenly your girlfriend enters the room and says, 'DO I LOOK FAT?' There is no answer to this question that won't be interpreted 'yes'. 'No' means yes. 'Yes' means yes. 'I don't know' means yes. 'It doesn't matter' means yes. The briefest hint of a pause before speaking means yes, yes, yes. Most of us would rather take our degrees again than field this one, yet it may well come up several times a week. Your only real choice is to say no, clearly and immediately, leaving no possibility for any subtext, and making it sound like a widely acknowledged fact and not simply your opinion. This doesn't work, but all the other options are worse. There are several other questions for which 'No' is the only answer, and several more that call for an emphatic and unqualified yes. In all of these cases, elaboration, justification or any attempt to be funny is unlikely to pay off. Consult this handy chart: JUST SAY NO: Is there someone else? Do you still fantasize about her? Are you tired of me? JUST SAY YES: Do you still love me? Do you ever fantasize about me? Do you like my hair this way? Unfortunately, many female inquiries require more than a simple yes or no response. Some of them are more like riddles. Such as this one: 'WHICH SHOES LOOK BETTER?' This raises the question of why she's asking you at all. She knows you don't know which shoes look better, and she knows you don't care, so why is she trying to elicit your opinion? This is part of an ongoing campaign to domesticate you. Suggest that she try on the other shoes, then tell her the first ones look better. This lets you more or less off the hook, as long as you don't raise a fuss when she decides that the second pair are better after all. On no account suggest another dress. You might as well say 'You're fat.' 'WHERE DO YOU SEE THIS RELATIONSHIP IS GOING?' This could be described as an essay question, since you're obviously not going to get away with snappy little answers such as 'forward' or 'upstairs' or 'I dunno'. She wants a heartfelt expression of your feelings and an honest assessment of your future together, and you want an easier question. There is certainly no point in answering a toe-curling query like this one without at least a rough idea of precisely what it is she wants to hear. Questions such as this one are a category unto themselves, i.e. questions that should be answered with another question. See how easily some of the more difficult leading inquiries can be parried through the simple deployment of reflexive interrogation. HER: Where do you see this relationship going? YOU: Where do you see this relationship going? HER: Do you think she's attractive? YOU: Who? HER: Will you marry me? YOU: Where am I? HER: What if I were pregnant? YOU: Are you pregnant? HER: Why? Do I look fat? We're in a bit of trouble here. You should have seen that coming. Try a more surreal approach: HER: What if I were pregnant? YOU: What if I were pregnant? At the very least it gives you time to think up a better answer. Some all-purpose question-answers include: How much is a lot? Why do you ask? Should I be? What are you saying? Does it matter? What's love got ta do with it? Are you talking to me? (NOTE: Are you having your period? is not advisable.) Let's try a math question. 'HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE YOU SLEPT WITH?' Hmmmmm....Now, you can tell her the truth, unless the truth is more than 12, or you can have a guess at the number she's more or less expecting. Here's a safe rule: If the result is greater than 12, then say 12. Let's move on. 'ARE YOU SAYING YOU WANT TO END IT?' Women, like lawyers, rarely ask a direct question, unless they already know what the answer will be. As for women lawyers, I don't know what they do, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to know. The point is, when a woman asks you this question, she knows you're going to say no. Even if you want to say yes, you'll say no. You can't turn the question back on her, because you have no idea what her answer is going to be. If you are trying to break up with her, you'll have to say no and start the whole painful process again. If you aren't trying to break up with her, then it's best to change the subject. Let's try something easier. 'NOTICE ANYTHING DIFFERENT ABOUT ME?' Well, slightly easier. Apart from being a question that is easier to answer wrong than right, it is best treated in an ironic post-modern context. Try an attempt at humor: HER: Notice anything different about me? YOU: New apron? HER: Have you forgotten what today is? YOU: Of course not. It's Thursday. HER: Have you been listening to a word I've said? YOU: That's nice dear... Funny, huh? Well, it's not your fault if she doesn't get it. If she wants a better answer, she's going to have to start asking better questions. Questions such as: 'HAVE YOU TAKEN A LOOK AT YOURSELF LATELY?' This question and its cousin, the almost always uncalled for 'Who do you think you are?', are ways of gently reminding you how much of a factor charity was in her original decision to go out with you, and how that decision could be rescinded if you behave in any way that cannot be described as abject. You probably brought this rebuke on yourself by mentioning that you reckon Brad Pitt is getting a little chubby or by speculating that Jack Nicholson doesn't have to wait until his birthday for oral sex. You're not really supposed to answer either of these questions. You're just supposed to apologize for your wanton self-esteem. Instead of apologizing, just smile. Your manifold inadequacies as a boyfriend - nay, as a man - are a kind of revenge all by themselves. Next. 'DO YOU BELIEVE IN FIDELITY?' Like most philosophical questions that seem to pop up out of the blue, this question doesn't pop up out of the blue. This general query about fidelity is in fact a coded inquiry about the extent of your fidelity on a specific occasion or occasions. Your response will also have to be coded. Consult this translation chart before giving your answer: YOU SAY - Yes YOU MEAN - How much does she know? SHE THINKS - He's hiding something YOU SAY - It depends YOU MEAN - How much does she know? SHE THINKS - I knew it! YOU SAY - Why do you ask YOU MEAN - How much does she know? SHE THINKS - ******* ! YOU SAY - I dunno. Do you? YOU MEAN - How much does she know? SHE THINKS - How much does he know? By the time she asks you this question, you're already in deep trouble. It doesn't really matter what you say, as long as you don't blush when you answer. Let's look at an example that calls for more straight-forward lying. 'WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?' She means, 'You were looking at that girl, weren't you?' And you thought you'd perfected the trick of keeping your neck still and just letting your eyes swivel. Obviously, the truth is not the best answer here. We all know that the truth can set you free, sometimes before you've found somewhere else to stay. It may seem easy enough to answer this question with a cunning lie, but when men are caught off-guard, their ability to deceive is impaired. Here are a few of the more common mistakes men make when asked 'What are you looking at?': TOO SPECIFIC: 'The rust around the bolts on the handle on the flap of that mailbox on the northwest corner'. NOT SPECIFIC ENOUGH: 'That thing.' TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE: 'A diamond necklace in that window back there that would be perfect on you'. TOO TRUE TO BE GOOD: 'A see-through nightie in that window back there that would be perfect on you.' TOO OBVIOUS: 'Nothing.' WAY TOO OBVIOUS: 'That blonde babe over there with the big...I mean nothing.' Here's one that requires a little interpretation. 'SHOULD I GET MY HAIR CUT?' If you say anything, then when she does get it cut (and let's face it, she's already made up her mind) and she hates it (and she will hate it), it will be your fault. Even if you say absolutely nothing, the best you can hope for is that she will come home with all her hair cut off, stare you straight in the eye and say: 'DOES IT MAKE ME LOOK FAT?' You're on your own
  10. Qoute Young Somali girls feel as though they are doing the right thing. Partying is part of maintaining a social structure. The society they live in allows them to do so. Freedom has entered their brains causing them to hallucinate. ^^ are You born being negative, or does it make You feel better for putting or generalising some of your own gender down, and You call Yourself a somali women!
  11. ^^I have a obsession with Dirac? I do have a collection, though I don't think its a form of obsession. Heck, let them whether it anywhere. >> so You collect them to do what with them? thats if its not ur standards of islamic dress according to U? However its not a proper Islamic clothing so therefore its not God given. It's impossible for me to speak to Somali's worldwide in relation to their Dirac's. >>> So now wearing dirac is forbidden? and me thought it was somali womens pride to showcase their heritage of aquistic taste for fine unique garments!.........Dirac on a fine A$$ Xalima is top notch me thinks anyway
  12. ^^^ oi there manly Man who let You out of ur manly Cave! as we if we didnt have enough your kind in this existing era! if that is what You tell yourself to feel much about yourself then let me not distract You there old school manly man!
  13. ^^ if the sharia was so perfect, i guess none of us would be in the land of the none believers! about arab women and voting,excuse me where you get your statistics from? even though people vote all the time in western countries but that does not change anything. Oh really! So U are boldly saying that eventhough citizens in the western countries vote, there is no much of difference or democracy that You see! Oh please, Can we have abit of reality check here!
  14. Contraceptions and birth control belong to the conversation and have their own merit. I didn't forget about them. However, while they are acceptable, question is, who uses it?>>>>>> anyone with thier thinking cap would seemingly use them if they would like to oviod similar situations of a current discussed mishaps of what You described scenoria....talking about contraception shouldnt be an alternative but a an option that is widely used at all times and made of an habit like brushing your teeth is before going to bed. and when? >> out of simpilicity One would assume, when one decides to have such relationships or thoughts in ones head.as each individual is only responsible for thier own consequences In islamic countries, people will surely give priority to abstention where unmarried people are concerned,>>>> which islamic nation would U have in mind, just a food for thought, since I dont see no islamic nation practising this, none at all, its human nature for ppl to do or exercise for things that have been forbidden as an accident by human curiousity or to do so knowling they are in the wrong simply Noh! Should kids have unfettered acces to birth control? >> indeed they should, as this should help them in thier near future on how to tackle such situation that some of us lacked in our childhood on how Should we approach such so and so issue,sitaution at hand should it come knocking out of the blue. kids be encouraged to abstain? Nope coz kids wil always will be kidds and no matter on what You tell is bad for them, they shall encounter on a mission to seek for themselves, therefore the best protections is education of what lies ahead of them, be it sexual 101 lesson or whatever U deemed to be a must info to pass on as parent. What about sex education in schools?>>>>>its very very Vital to educate young inoccent kids of what lies out there, and sex educations should be a mandatory subject. The list of concerns is endless and can not be discussed in one single post. >>>>>>true that, one hopes that the best they could do is pass their wisedom and learnt mishaps to their children when times comes along to pass on self learnt knowlwedge.Instead of being a total hypocrites and pretending that back in thier times all was holy and everything was followed as the book ordered
  15. The Negro Muslims have the Christian countries and humanitarian organizations to protect them. Muslims Arabs have oil and cartoons to worry about. ^ yeah right buddy, bloody middle eastern countries sittng on a pot of Gold are less worried about the whole muslim people as a whole, but are good for nothing puppets who are screaming for the sake of muslim plight, while they sit around on thier fat ballies ....no wonder why the so called non believers in the western countries are offering us lost case refugees aslyums left and right when we needed the most, eventhough we dont believe in thier believes....I guess Humanity plays a big role>>>>> unlike those so called muslim countries that could more than afford without streching thier pocket.....damn who the hell on earth said life was fair
  16. does this Lady appear on that jazeera channel or that Doha debate the screens in BBC, if not its maybe about time those arabs invited her, just for the sake of it. ....Over all she has some valid points that need addressing
  17. ^ Mr Hamed should pay all fines due, For crying out load, the Champ should have made loads of dough, that would have equated to an arm and leg from all his paki a$$ should have made from the endorsments deals he has come accross the recent years, what a damn sissy, and who told him to drive a car that is worth 300,000 Quids if he is going to cry about its worths or any ill fits he might come accross it due to unforseen effects, when push comes to shove......
  18. ^ Odey Xiin yar jilci sugaanta or is it gabayga, its quite nerve recking to read it all, let alone understand it word for word>>>> in other case dont mind me i am just trolling around
  19. Since this topic is called Baafin, I am looking for an old friend, a close mate of mine, Jamal Hashi...A.K.A Kayd Hashi,a formal resident of Holland and may be a current resident in the UK/USA...Mate If You or anyone that might know You is trolling around this site, please let me know
  20. ^^ what a rotten culture, could do with a make over, Its about time we called the reality TV producers to make a reality nail bitting Episode of somalis In Maqaaxi and what the topic of discussion would be:D
  21. ^^ You dude have some issues, You know councelling is free now adays, No need to hate on jamacians/nigerains man what did they do to you! or is it they arent classified as humans by your dictionary,Unless offcourse Your kind was the choosen One to breed from! Learn to accept and love all ppl of different nations >>>> "Wacel" generations after you..and rest assured that you will be a "Grandpa/Grandma of lots of kids from all ethnic tribes of the world. Some Jamaicans and Nigerians also.. :eek:
  22. perhaps drawing your family tree would shed light on the ethnicity of your ancestors. :confused: So you saying he/she can trace their so called clan tree to somewhere in yemen or was it Urdan or was it somewhere on top of a tree! Geez the stories You hear from Olders narrating of how somalis came about never seems to amaze me! Simplisity is the Key>>>> Here is how it works If You are not of asian oriental lookin or of indian or of caucasian or indigenous red indian lookin or neither are you of south pasific islander lookin then chances are You are african Just a wild Guess....
  23. ^^ Discusting stuff! brushing your teeth twice a day + complete floss should Give U the perfect teeth! + 2 visits to your local dentist should do the trick
  24. Isreals this and palestines that is getting a bit tad retarded, The Israelis and the Palestinians are both two traumatized people who have both suffered from and committed acts of terrorism and violence against one another. eventhough Israeli government is in a position of power and is oppressor to the Palestinians. Lets face it retaliation by the palestinians isnt solving any problems. One must also acknowledge that at least half of Israeli citizens are againist such oppression to fellow palestinians and favour peaceful coexistence.It might look easy or seem more compassionate to grieve for the Palestinian suffering and the injustices they experience. But one must also consider that, It is not so easy as well to see the suffering of Israelis, and to consider them brutal and unapproachable for innocent Isreal civilians to suffer suicide bombings. Then again shidh happens and life goes one, lets give this Isreal/palestine issue a bit of rest, lets hope the world leaders come to some solution, as we have our own daily misfits to worry about
  25. 1. Let them go to jail here, who wants to see a criminal escape punishment? ^^that sounds to be right thing to do, we as somalis should stop this whole musaafiris back home style once these young/old men commit crimes, its absolutely insane to musaafiris the worst scums back home....as if they dont have enough of thier own thugs/criminals/rapist and so forth...... anyone who commits any crime towards anyhuman should pay the price